Garter belt

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Garter belt
Whorlick (Coracias naevia) in Etosha National Park, Namibia

Whorlick ( Coracias naevia ) in Etosha National Park , Namibia

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Rockers (Coraciiformes)
Family : Racken (Coraciidae)
Genre : Coracias
Type : Garter belt
Scientific name
Coracias naevia
Daudin , 1800

The purple roller ( Coracias naevia ) is a bird art from the order of Coraciiformes (Coraciiformes) that in sub-Saharan Africa to Namibia and Transvaal is located.

Compared to other rackets , the colors of their plumage are muted and their reputation is quite harsh. Their preferred habitat is dry thorn bush savannah , where she spends long time on the tips of thorn bushes or masts to sit and look out for prey; this includes insects, spiders, scorpions, and small lizards on the ground. During the courtship flight it swings back and forth around its longitudinal axis, continuously uttering a hoarse cry.

The barracks seem to be an opportunistic breeder (their breeding behavior may be linked to rainfall) because their breeding seasons vary from place to place. It nests in natural hollows in trees or moves into old woodpecker holes, in which 3 white eggs are usually laid. The young birds are fed by both parents.


  • Roberts' Birds of Southern Africa - 6th edition (John Voelcker Fund, 1993) ISBN 0-620-17583-4

Web links

Commons : Curb ( Coracias naevius )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files