Swimming pool on the Golan

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Original title Swimming pool on the Golan
Swimming pool at Golan.jpg
Country of production Germany
original language German , Hebrew , English
Publishing year 2018
length 88 minutes
Director Esther Zimmering
script Esther Zimmering,
Ruth Olshan ,
Friederike Anders
production Susanne Mann ,
Paul Zischler ,
Nora C. Ehrmann
music Matija Strniša
camera Börres Weiffenbach
cut Friederike Anders

Swimmingpool am Golan is a German documentary from 2018 by actress Esther Zimmering , in which she traces the history of her ancestors in Israel and the GDR . The film premiered at the Saarbrücken Max Ophüls Prize 2018.


When 12-year-old Esther Zimmering realizes that she still has more relatives than those who were known from her native GDR , her homeland is already over: the wall is falling. For Esther, the turning point did not bring anything pleasant at first - suddenly there were neo-Nazis in her school who insulted her as Jewish and communist. Since then, Israel has become a place of longing for them, and their cousins ​​there become their role models.

The film accompanies Esther's journey to herself and to her roots like a diary. This path leads her back to the past of her grandmother during the Nazi era in Berlin, then to the founding of two states in which members of her family were involved (Israel and the GDR), and finally to her own future, in which her adolescent ravings about Israel were thorough be revised.

Criticism & Awards

“Zimmering is definitely personal. […] It is such questioning films and fresh perspectives that make the program of the Max-Ophüls-Preis festival in Saarbrücken so attractive - the transgression of sheer facts in the direction of a state of limbo between reality and fantasy. ”- Rüdiger Suchsland

“What a family material deeply influenced by history!” - Christoph Schreiner

“Zimmering succeeds surprisingly precisely in linking the collective history in the form of the construction utopias of Israel and the GDR very closely with their own development and tracing the complex family history from 1933 to the present . “- Wolfgang Hamdorf

“In this documentary, Esther Zimmering searches for the utopia of a better and freer life and also uncovered politically explosive gaps in the legends of the family. But she always remains a compassionate, very personal observer of what is happening, including today's Israel. [...] A film that, despite the seriousness of the life stories, in which he lets us participate emotionally, does not dispense with cheerful moments. ”- Dr. Josef Schnell

The film was shown in competition at several film festivals, including Achtung Berlin and the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Film Festival . He was also nominated for the audience award at the Festival of German Films 2018 in Ludwigshafen.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. SWIMMING POOL AT GOLAN | Film Festival Max Ophüls Prize. Retrieved May 3, 2018 .
  2. SWIMMING POOL AT GOLAN |. Attention Berlin, accessed on May 3, 2018 (German).
  3. Rüdiger Suchsland: Max-Ophüls-Preis: Fresh perspectives show the potential of German cinema . In: Berliner Zeitung . ( berliner-zeitung.de [accessed on May 3, 2018]).
  4. Christoph Schreiner: Big world in a small way - and from the perspective of the "small ones". Retrieved July 26, 2018 .
  5. 1000 ways to film loneliness ... ( filmdienst.de [accessed on July 26, 2018]).
  6. a b Swimmingpool at the Golan - Festival of German Films . In: Festival of German Films . ( festival-des-deutschen-films.de [accessed on July 26, 2018]).
  7. Attention Berlin Film Festival: Swimming pool on the Golan. In: Attention Berlin. Accessed April 14, 2018 (German).
  8. Qbus advertising agency GmbH: Documentary film competition. Retrieved July 26, 2018 .