Sylvester Kundmann

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Freedom Altwölfnitz 3

Sylvester Kundmann , also: Kundtmann (born May 26, 1597 in Falkenau; † September 10, 1676 in Wölfnitz ) was the personal physician of Elector Johann Georg I.

His grandfather, Ulrich Kundmann, was a councilor and construction director in Kostnitz ( Konstanz ) on Lake Constance. He had dealt with architecture and mechanics from a young age and invented a method to save firewood ("Holtz-Sparkunst"). Together with his companions Friedrich Fröhner and Conrad Zwicke, he handed the emperor a supplication (petition) at the Reichstag in Regensburg in 1557 and received a privilege (in this case: a kind of patent) on his method, as well as a family coat of arms.

The father Tobia was still studying in Wittenberg during Martin Luther's time . Later he became pastor of Neudek in the Elbogen district in Bohemia.

Sylvester Kundmann, heir to Wenzelsdorf (now Wüstung) near Brüx , also studied in Wittenberg. In 1621 he received his doctorate in medicine. Then he practiced as a doctor in Brüx. In 1622 he married the widow Maria Winckelmann, b. Weidlich, daughter of the mayor of Brüx. In 1626 he had to leave Bohemia because of his faith and moved to Chemnitz , where in 1629 he published an educational work and dedicated it to the Saxon elector. This earned him the position of personal physician in 1636. Johann Georg II. Set him as the teacher of his son, who later became Johann Georg III. , as well as the page Freiherr von Gersdorff. In 1647 he acquired the Altwölfnitz 3 estate near Dresden , which was exempted from all taxes in 1666. Since August 24, 1648, his neighbor was the Electress Magdalena Sibylla, who in addition to the Gorbitz manor, also bought the burned fief of Christopher Werner in addition to Kundmann's property. She also bought 1.5 bushels from Kundmanns Gut. Unfortunately, he could not live in peace on his property because the Wölfnitzer glazier carpenter started a legal dispute over the measurement of the property line.

In 1667 his wife died and in 1668 he married Esther geb. Grumcowsky.

After his death, an epitaph was erected for him in the Dresden Frauenkirche .


  • Scholam Pricipum Juniorum , Schleusingen 1626
  • Mourning writings on the death of Magdalenen Sibyllen, reigning Electress of Saxony , Dresden 1659
  • A lesson on how a person should behave in a Christian way towards God, towards his neighbor and towards himself , Dresden 1658
  • Kurtzer Verification of the infallible undivided divine help , Dresden 1662
  • Prayer does not help, but it certainly helps , Dresden 1667


  • Johann Christian Kundmann: Silesii in nummis, or famous Schlesier in Müntzen (etc.) , p. 435 ff
  • J. Grätzer: Pictures of the lives of outstanding Silesian doctors from the last four centuries , Breslau 1889

Individual evidence

  1. ^ SLUB view of works: Leßke, Friedrich August: Contributions to the history and description of the villages of Obergorbitz and Niedergorbitz, Wölfnitz ..., p. 81
  2. ibid. P. 84