Symphony of a cosmopolitan city

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Original title Symphony of a cosmopolitan city
Berlin - How it was
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1941
length 87 minutes
Director Leo de Laforgue
script Friedrich Luft
production Leo de Laforgue
film production
music Prof. Rudolf Kattnig based
on original music by
Paul Lincke ,
Walter Kollo ,
Otto Teich ,
Leo Leux
camera Leo de Laforgue
cut Hans Dieter Schiller

Symphony of a cosmopolitan city , or Berlin - How it was is a documentation of life in Berlin from 1941.


The film is like a nostalgic city tour through Berlin before the city was destroyed by World War II. This topic was already very popular at the end of the 1920s, as is demonstrated by similar productions, such as the silent film Berlin - The Symphony of the Big City from 1927. Berlin - as it was , however, is a film with sound, in the sense that a speaker comments on the moving images while the corresponding music accompanies the text. The performance was banned by the National Socialists , however, because shortly after the film was finished, the depicted image of the city had changed, sometimes painfully, due to bomb damage. It was not until 1950 that it was premiered under the title “Berlin as it was”.

The film begins with aerial shots of Berlin. It starts the day over Berlin and shows several scenes of workers above and below ground. Pictures out the window in a back yard and street life. Milk and other goods are sold on the street. Nature awakens by a river. Fishermen bring the nets ashore. Riders start in a park. This is followed by pictures with facades in the city. A small band plays on the edge of a weekly market where fish and other food are sold. A carriage passes the largest and most modern buildings between the Tiergarten and the Landwehr Canal . Ships are being loaded, scenes from the port. This is followed by scenes from the old Gendarmenmarkt , from the Berlin subway , from Kurfürstendamm , the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church , and Alexanderplatz .

The film has been running continuously at least once a week in the Adria Filmtheater in Berlin since July 13, 1989 (as of March 2015)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Endurance runner in the cinema. March 19, 2015, accessed March 19, 2015 .