Müddersheim synagogue

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The synagogue Müddersheim stood in Vettweißer district Müddersheim in Düren.

In 1732 the Jews in Müddersheim were mentioned for the first time in a letter from Baron von Geyr for Levi Arendt. On June 14, 1798, the Jew Abraham Voss received permission to hold church services in his home. The synagogue was built between 1842 and 1847 on the site of the Jew Leib Katz. The exact location is still unclear today. In 1871 the synagogue was demolished due to its disrepair.

The Jews from the city were on time to Müddersheim and today Gladbach belonging Jewish cemetery buried.


  • Iris Gedig: How the Synagogue Disappeared from Müddersheim , Yearbook 2016 District Düren, ISBN 978-3-942513-33-3 , pp. 89-102