Turkish cultural community in Austria

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Logo of the Turkish cultural community Austria

The Turkish Cultural Community in Austria ( TKG ) has been a registered association since 2004 ( ZVR number : 493207207), which sees itself as a platform for Turks and Austrians to exchange information and actively participate in shaping Austrian society.

Values ​​and principles

For many who come from and live in Turkey , Austria is the “new home”, the home of their children and future generations who were born, grew up and will be in Austria. In Austria you have equal rights with all parts of the population of this country to live in dignity , security , peace , friendship and solidarity .

According to the principle of equality and equal treatment, the association wants to contribute to the realization of rights as a cultural minority in all legal, social, political, economic and cultural areas. The constitutional state of Austria with its laws and constitutions is respected, viewed loyally and supported by all means.

The association is committed to pluralistic, liberal, democratic and constitutional principles. A plurality of opinions, equal rights for all members and democratic rules at work are the top priority.

Racist or fundamentalist persons or organizations and those persons or organizations who affirm violence as a political means are not allowed to become members . The association is committed to the relevant international agreements for the protection of human rights . The association was founded by and for people who want to actively promote the coexistence of different cultures in Austria with various projects.


The organs of the association are:

The board consists of five members:

The executive committee is elected by the general assembly for two years. In any case, the term of office lasts until a new board member is elected. Two auditors are elected by the General Assembly for a period of two years.

The general secretary is an employee of the association. He is responsible for the ongoing business of the association in accordance with the instructions of the board.

An arbitration tribunal decides on all disputes arising from the association.


In order to achieve goals such as advocating equal rights for all parts of the population in Austria, for better understanding between the Austrian population and Turkish migrants by promoting cultural exchange and much more, the association arranges and organizes, for example, consultations, courses and seminars on culture, history, Religion, language and legal system in Austria to facilitate the integration of newcomers.

Further events and seminars are intended to bring the different cultures closer together, improve relations between Austria and Turkey and reduce prejudices. There are also projects for the education and professional qualification of young people, or for the exchange of youth groups from Austria and Turkey. Among other things, this should also achieve conflict-free leisure time.

In June 2020 Birol Kilic positioned himself in his function as chairman of the Turkish cultural community in Austria with a guest comment in the Kurier-Zeitung for the preservation of Hagia Sophia as a museum.

The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Birol Kilic: Objection for the Hagia Sophia. June 29, 2020, accessed July 24, 2020 .