Turkish federal state of Cyprus

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Kıbrıs Türk Federe Devleti
Turkish federal state of Cyprus
Flag of turkey
Official language Turkish
Capital North Nicosia (Lefkoşa)
Form of government Federal Republic
Head of state Up Denktaş
Head of government Nejat Konuk (UBP, 1976–1978)
Osman Örek (1978)
Mustafa Çağatay (UBP, 1978–1983)
surface 3355 km²
currency Turkish lira
founding February 13, 1975
resolution October 15, 1983
Time zone UTC +02: 00
Telephone code +90 392
Libyen Ägypten Israel Jordanien Libanon Republik Zypern Türkische Republik Nordzypern Italien Syrien Griechenland Nordmazedonien Albanien Bulgarien Armenien Georgien Aserbaidschan Kuwait Türkei Iran Irak Saudi-ArabienNorthern Cyprus in its region (less biased) .svg
About this picture
Northern Cyprus in Cyprus (semi-secession) .svg

The Turkish Federal State of Cyprus was a state established by the Cypriot Turks in 1975 after the Turkish military offensive after the Turkish Autonomous Administration was dissolved in Cyprus . It did not see itself as a sovereign and independent state, but saw itself as a part of a continuing Cypriot state. Although the question of recognition did not arise under international law, it was only recognized by Turkey . On November 15, 1983 he declared himself independent under the name Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus .

The main town was North Nicosia , the northern part of the divided former capital Nicosia .


  • Stefan Talmon : Collective non-recognition of illegal states. Basics and legal consequences of an internationally coordinated sanction, illustrated using the example of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (= Jus publicum. Volume 154). Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2006, pp. 45-48.

Web links

Wikimedia Atlas: Turkish Federal State of Cyprus  - geographical and historical maps