Valley Segev

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Tal Segev (2003)

Tal Segev Hebrew טל שגב(Born July 18, 1973 in Cholon ) is an Israeli singer-songwriter , singer , composer and music producer . Tal Segev was honored at the “Israeli annual Hebrew song chart” on the radio channels Reshet Gimmel and Galgalatz in 2001. In the Israeli version of Deutschland sucht den Superstar , Segev received the award “Taglit HaSchana”, “Discovery of the Year” at the age of 28. Segev's song Yom acharon יום אחרון, “The last day” became known when the song by Ran Danker was sung in 2004 in the hit musical HaShir Shelanu “Our Song” for the Israeli actress Ania Bukstein and formed the title of this episode.


Album E-Sheket

In August 2001, Tal Segev released his first album E-Sheket (German: I-Schäkät)אי שקט, “Restless” out. On it are the songs Anashim אנשים, “People”, Yamim Beynoniyim ימים בינוניים, “Days in medium” / “Mediocre days” and Shir Holoni שיר חולוני, "Sick song".


Album Tzima'on

In 2002 the album became Tzima'on צימאון, “Thirst” - the Shlomo Artzi שלמה ארצי-הֶרְצִיגhad written - composed and edited by Tal Segev. The songs on the album Lehatzil otach להציל אותך“I Would Have Come to Save You” and Kol Echad vehaSipur Shelo כל אחד והסיפור שלו, “Everybody has a story” was written by Tal Segev.

Album Al Ha Birkaim

At the end of 2002 Segev released his second album Al Ha Birkaim על הברכיים, “On knees” out. The single of the same name was released together with Eran Weitz ערן ויץpublished and was one of the best-selling singles. Another single was Dvarim Ktanim דברים קטנים “Little things”.


Album ha Rega ha Nahon

In 2003 he worked on the album haRega haNacon הרגע הנכון“The Right Moment” by Kobi Recht .

Album lihiot zalul

He also worked on the album lihiot zalul להיות צלול“To be clear” released by the band Triangle .


Album Anahnu

In 2004 Segev released his third album Anahnu אנחנו out.


Metziut Acheret album

In 2005 Segev wrote the song Tirkedi תרקדי“Dance” to the album Metziut Acheret מציאות אחרת“Another reality” published by Eyal Golan .

Single Gavo'a

Tal Segev wrote the song Gavo'a גבוה “Distance”, that of Sharona Nastovich שרונה נסטוביץ ' was sung.


In 2006 singles came out on which Tal Segev had written and sung the songs: The first single was "Nizkarti bach" נזכרתי בך“I remember you”. Then came the singles Eten Lach et hakol אתן לך את הכל“I will give you all”, Yom acharon יום אחרון“The last day”, Hachi Yafa הכי יפה“The Most Beautiful”, Rak od daka רק עוד דקה“Only minute” with Arik Sinai אריק סיניand Ma nischar left מה נשאר לי“What left for me” with Mosh Ben Ari מוש בן ארי out.

In 2006 Segev joined the musician Ya'akov Laame'i יעקב למאיon. They came together as Do sul דו-סול on.

Album "Ze Sheshomer Alay"

Her first work was recording the album by Sarit Chadad Ze Sheshomer Alay זה ששומר עליי“Whom Who Guards Me / The One Who Protects Me”. Various singles on the album were released by the group Do sul דו-סול, consisting of Tal Segev and Ya'akov Laame'i יעקב למאי, written and edited. The single Noset Tfila נושאת תפילה “She is delivering a prayer” was written by Sarid Chadad and Tal Segev together.

Song Ahavat khayay

Likewise, the Do sul group wrote דו-סול for Eyal Golan אייל גולןand his album Bishvilekh Notzarti בשבילך נוצרתי“I was created for you” the single Ahavat khayay אהבת חיי“Love of My Life”, which was later sung by Boaz Mauda at Kochav Nolad 5 (2007).


Album Jom aharaon

In 2007 Segev released his third album Jom aharaon יום אחרון“The last day” appear. followed by the single Jakav יעקב “Jakav”.


In 2009 came the album by Sarit Chadad Merotz ha-Hayyim מרוץ החיים"The Race of the Life" out, while Tal Segev wrote several songs on this album. In the same year Sagav brought the singles kemo meshuga'im כמו משוגעים“Like Mad” and America b'Toch Tel Aviv אמריקה בתוך תל אביב “America in Tel Aviv” out.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ran Danker + Ania Bukstein on HaShir Shelanu with Tal Segev's song Yom acharon
  2. Overview of all singles on Shlomo Artzi's album "Tzima'on" (Thirst)
  3. Article about the band "Triangle"המשולש on
  4. picture of the band "Triangle"המשולש on
  5. Overview of all singles on Sarit Hadad's album "Ze She'shomer Alay" (The One Who Watches Over Me)
  6. Overview of all singles on Tal Segev's album: “Jom Aharon” (The Last Day)  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as broken. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /