Talinopsis frutescens

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Talinopsis frutescens
Nuclear eudicotyledons
Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Anacampserotaceae
Genre : Talinopsis
Type : Talinopsis frutescens
Scientific name of the  genus
Scientific name of the  species
Talinopsis frutescens

Talinopsis frutescens is the only plant species of the monotypic genus Talinopsis from the Anacampserotaceae family.


Talinopsis frutescens grows as a slightly branched subshrub and reaches heights of up to 60 centimeters. The woody shoots arise from fleshy, pearl necklace-like roots . The leaves are arranged opposite or whorled. Their petiolate, pointed, soft and fleshy leaf blades are up to 30 millimeters long and 2 millimeters wide. The leaf axils are only slightly hairy.

The slightly branched, terminal, zymous inflorescence has up to five flowers . Their egg-shaped to elliptical sepals are membrane-like. They are 8 millimeters long and 5 millimeters wide. The approximately 10 millimeters long and 4 to 5 millimeters wide, carmine-red to pale pink petals are ovate to obovate. There are 20 to 25 stamens present.

The capsule fruits reach a length of 10 to 15 millimeters. They have six exocarp valves and a three-lobed endocarp that breaks open in the upper half. The pale brownish, comma-like and hooked, granular to warty seeds contained in them are not winged. They are 1.5 millimeters wide.

Systematics and distribution

Talinopsis frutescens is distributed in the southern United States in the states of New Mexico and Texas . In the neighboring north of Mexico, the distribution area extends to San Luis Potosí .

It was first described in 1852 by Asa Gray . A synonym is Grahamia frutescens (A.Gray) GDRowley (1994).



Individual evidence

  1. ^ A. Gray: Plantae Wrightianae texano-neo-mexicanae: An account of a collection of plants made by Charles Wright . In: Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge . Volume 3, 1852, pp. 14-15 (online) .

Web links

  • Entry in the Flora of North America