Tammo (Astfala)

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Tammo (also Thankmar ; * around 960; † 1037 ) was count in the Saxon Hessengau from 994 and also count in Astfala and in Flutwidde from 1013 .

His parents were Count Dietrich von Sachsen and Fritheruna, daughter of Count Palatine Adalbero, and his brother Bishop Bernward von Hildesheim .

He was the governor of the Hildesheim church. Since 1001 he was Truchsess Emperor Otto III. in Italy. There he succeeded in keeping the rebellious Romans in check from Paterno Castle and thereby strengthening the imperial reputation in those areas. On March 18, 1001 he received a good of five hooves in Palazzuolo in the village of Leibi ( Liubicha , Großlöbichau ) in the Kirchberg area ( in territoruio Kirihbergensi ) in the county of Eckhards ( in comitatu Ekkiharti ) as a gift. On May 12 of the same year he received from Otto III. in Ravenna , on the use of the Margrave Hugo von Tuszien , given a hoof (estate) in the Franconian Ober-Ingelheim , which a certain Bernhard had previously owned.

In 1013 Heinrich II gave him the Gau Astfala as a fief , in which Bernwards monastery foundation was also located. His grave authority extended here over the places mainly in the today's districts Peine , Wolfenbüttel and Hildesheim . The year of death is 1037. "The terminus ante quem is the year 1037, the year of death of Count Tangmar (Tammo)", write Michael Brandt and Arne Eggebrecht in 1993.

Tammos County in the Gau Flutwidde fell to the Brunonen after his death .


  • Hermann Adolf Lüntzel : The holy Bernward, Bishop of Hildesheim . From HA Lüntzel as a manuscript of the posthumous history of the diocese and city of Hildesheim. Hildesheim 1856, p. 9
  • Journal of the Historical Association for Lower Saxony , year 1856, Hanover 1857, p. 9

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Individual evidence

  1. Year of birth according to information in:
    Heinz Wamper: Arnold von Wied, Chancellor Konrads III. and Archbishop of Cologne , publications of the Cologne History Association, 1973.
  2. Fritheruna appears in a tradition at Corvey from around 971 as the wife of Immedingergrafen Dietrich. Cf.
    Klemens Honselmann (Ed.): The old monk lists and the traditions of Corvey , publications of the Historical Commission for Westphalia, Vol. 10, Bonifatius, Paderborn 1982, ISBN 3-87088-326-X , p. 136, no. 338 ;
    Reinhard Wenskus: Saxon tribal nobility and Franconian imperial nobility , Göttingen 1976, p. 144.
  3. Description of the Großlöbichau Church ( memento of the original from October 8, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.kirchkreis-jena.de
  4. ↑ In detail: Matthias Blazek: "Tammos Grafschaft extended over numerous villages in the Flotwedel - Schepelse and Wiedenrode were mentioned in documents as early as the 11th century", Sachsenspiegel 8, Cellesche Zeitung of February 25, 2006.
  5. Michael Brandt, Arne Eggebrecht (Ed.): Bernward von Hildesheim and the age of the Ottonians , exhib.-cat. Dom- und Diözesanmuseum Hildesheim, Hildesheim 1993, p. 477.
    The historian Lüntzel, on the other hand, only mentions 1037 as the presumed year of death with reference to Dangmarus com. ob. Annal. Hild. ad ann. 1037.