Tania Pariona Tarqui

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Tania Pariona Tarqui

Tania Edith Pariona Tarqui (* 1984 in Cayara , Province of Víctor Fajardo , Ayacucho region ) is a Peruvian social worker , Quechua -Aktivistin, human and women's rights activist and politician . She is currently a member of the Congress of the Republic of Peru for the 2016-2021 parliamentary term , elected in Ayacucho for Frente Amplio por Justicia, Vida y Libertad .


Tania Pariona grew up in the city ​​of Huamanga / Ayacucho during the armed conflict in Peru , but she often went to Cayara in her childhood to help her grandparents. When she was four years old, soldiers of the Peruvian Army murdered 39 people in her home village after Sendero Luminoso shot four soldiers.

At the age of ten, Tania Pariona got to know the Ñuqanchik youth organization in Huamanga, which is affiliated with the indigenous Chirapaq association . She also worked with the National Movement of Organized Working Children and Young People of Peru (Movimiento Nacional de Niños y Adolescentes Trabajadores Organizados del Perú, MNNATSOP) and represented them in Rome in October 2002 before the Youth Commission of the Italian Parliament.

In the organization Chirapaq she worked in various indigenous youth and women projects at national and international level. She also attended an international meeting of experts on indigenous issues at the United Nations headquarters in New York .

Tania Pariona studied social work at the Universidad Nacional San Cristóbal de Huamanga until 2009 and then human development at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru in Lima .

In 2016, Tania Pariona was elected as a candidate for Frente Amplio por Justicia, Vida y Libertad in the Ayacucho region in the Congress of the Republic of Peru . With the acquisition of the parliamentary mandate she vowed on July 22, 2016. Spanish and Ayacucho Quechua "for Cayara, Ayacucho and our peoples of the Quechua, Aymara and Amazon, for their dignity and their pursuit of the good life ( allin kawsayta maskaspa) , on that we will never have terrorism of any kind again, neither subversive nor state terrorism. ”She mostly wears Ayacucho costume to show her Quechua identity. Her statements and her demand for legal processing and compensation for victims of the armed conflict provoked fierce reactions from some political opponents at the beginning of the legislative period. For example, Tania Pariona was yelled down by members of the political right at an event by victims of terrorism in September 2016, 24 years after the capture of Sendero leader Abimael Guzmán .

In her parliamentary work, she is particularly concerned with the rights of indigenous peoples on their land in relation to the state-sponsored claims of mining companies, the right to prior hearing in relevant cases, the human right to water and compensation for victims of the armed conflict, as well as impunity of those responsible for crimes of the time, including forced sterilizations under the Alberto Fujimori government . On the subject of sexual violence in armed conflict, Tania Pariona campaigns, among other things, to ensure that not only victims of rape, but also women who have been sexually abused in other ways, receive compensation.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Informe Final de la Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación : 2.15. Las ejecuciones extrajudiciales y encubrimiento en Cayara (1988) . Lima 2003.
  2. ^ Rocío Franco: Jóvenes indígenas frente a la pérdida de su identidad . Radio ONU, January 30, 2013.
  3. Entrevista a Tania Pariona y Pedro Loperena . El Tiempo de los Derechos, 2010.
  4. Cristiano Morsolin: Tania Pariona: “Mi vestimenta tiene un sentido político”. La fuerza ética de la Izquierda no permite el indulto de Alberto Fujimori . August 9, 2016.
  5. ^ Matheus Calderón: Tania Pariona, abucheada hasta las lágrimas tras recordar "terrorismo de Estado". Altavoz, September 13, 2016.
  6. ^ Nilda Escalante: Tania Pariona: Tenemos que reforzar la Ley de Consulta Previa. Congresista ayacuchana presidirá comisión de Pueblos Andinos, Amazónicos y Afroperuanos . Diario Correo Perú, August 12, 2016.
  7. ^ Tania Pariona: Caso de esterilizaciones forzadas debe llegar a la Corte IDH. La legisladora calificó el archivamiento por parte del Ministerio Público como un escenario de impunidad vergonzoso . Ideele Radio, 5th August 2016.
  8. Shena Cavallo: Perú: no cumple con las mujeres indígenas . Kaos en la red, September 18, 2016.
  9. ^ Comisión de Constitución dictaminó a favor de derogar DL 1333 . Servindi, March 14, 2017.
  10. Congresista Pariona presenta proyecto para incluir nuevos casos en registro de víctimas. La legisladora sostuvo que hay un conjunto de víctimas de violencia sexual, que no pueden ser reparadas. Ideele Radio, February 2, 2017.