Crime scene: eyewitness

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title Eyewitness
Country of production Germany
original language German
length 87 minutes
classification Episode 59 ( List )
First broadcast January 18, 1976 on ARD
Director Theo Mezger
script Urs Aebersold
production Thomas Kirn
music Jonas C. Haefeli
camera Justus Pankau
cut Hans Trollst

Eyewitness is the 59th episode of the Tatort television series . The episode produced by Süddeutscher Rundfunk was broadcast for the first time on January 18, 1976 in the first program of ARD . For chief detective Eugen Lutz ( Werner Schumacher ) it is his sixth case. It's about a fatal gas station robbery and a planned crime that is being prepared based on that robbery.


After meeting his lover Helga Mainusch in the forest, the wine merchant Jürgen Santner happened to witness a fatal robbery on the local gas station. One of the perpetrators recognizes Santner as he escapes, he spontaneously puts a mask left behind by the robbers and then calls the police. Santner only gives a vague description of the perpetrators to Chief Criminal Investigator Lutz, allegedly he cannot remember any details, and Santner also pretends to recognize no-one in response to the suspect records. Santner's statement seems rather strange to Lutz. The next day, Santner manages to track down the perpetrator, whom he recognized, through his business connections. Lutz examines the crime scene and determines that Santner must have seen more than he had admitted because of the evidence found there. Santner looks for one of the perpetrators, the shopkeeper Edgar Petersen, and indicates that he knows something. In the meantime, Lutz and Wagner visit Ms. Santner and ask her whether her husband has made an observation after all. Ms. Santner indicates that the marriage is broken and that her husband does not talk to her much. Santner sends his lover to Lutz, who confesses to Lutz and Wagner that she is his lover and pretends that their affair is the reason for Santner's reluctance to contact the police.

Santner goes into Petersen's shop and tries, holding up his stealth mask, to squeeze an expensive color television set from him. Petersen's accomplice Bruno Markwald then knocks down Santner and takes the mask. When Santner comes to, he proposes a big coup to the gangsters and is then released by the two. Meanwhile, Lutz and his colleagues find the getaway car and learn from their Baden-Baden colleague Gerber that the murder weapon had already been used in a break-in. Santner promises his girlfriend Helga that he will soon leave his family and go away with her. The incarcerated gangster Pauli involuntarily admits to Lutz that he had sold his murder weapon to Toni after the break-in. Meanwhile, Petersen forges a plan how he can trick Santner after the coup. Toni identifies Lutz and Wagner to Edgar Petersen as one of the buyers of the weapon. Meanwhile, Petersen and Markwald are preparing the attack together with Santner. Lutz interrogates Petersen's former boss and notices that he is a business friend of Santner. Lutz and Wagner go to see Mrs. Santner, who says that Santner has left her and the children for good this morning. Helga Mainusch later told the officials that Santner wanted to leave with her soon, she didn't know anything about the details of his plans. Lutz and Wagner publish the manhunt for Petersen and Santner, while the two gangsters wait with Markwald for the money transporter of Santner's friend Helga's boss.

Markwald drives a stolen truck in front of the money transporter and loses the load at a convenient place for the gangsters, so that the money transporter has to stop. Santner and Markwald ambush the transporter, but one of the two messengers pulls out his gun and shoots Markwald before he is hit himself. Santner kidnaps the other messenger with the car and then meets with Petersen. After he has knocked down the messenger, Santner disarms Petersen and forces him to reload the money from the truck into the shared getaway vehicle, then Santner flees alone with the loot. Lutz is informed about the robbery and immediately remembers that Helga Mainusch works for the robbed company, meanwhile Santner seeks out Helga in Heidelberg to drive away with her. When he tells her about the robbery, she makes it clear to him that she cannot come with him because she cannot live with the stolen money. Santner then flees alone with the money. In front of Helga's apartment in Heidelberg, however, he is shot by Petersen, who takes the money, but is immediately overwhelmed and arrested by the arriving police.


The film was shot in Heidelberg and the surrounding area.

Audience rating

When it was first broadcast, this episode attracted viewers with a 67% market share.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Crime scene: eyewitness data on the 59th crime scene at