Teófilo Tabanera

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Teófilo Tabanera

Teófilo Melchor Tabanera (* 1909 in Mendoza , † 1981 ibid) was an Argentine aerospace functionary.


In 1930 Tabanera published an article in a magazine in Mendoza entitled La Luna nos esta esperando (The moon awaits us). He then published science fiction in technical journals.

The first known Argentine group that dealt with space travel were chemistry students from the University of Buenos Aires around Ennio Matarazzo. They had letter Contact for Spaceflight Club of John Winkler .

Tabanera received his diploma from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata in 1936 and traveled to the USA and Europe. In 1945 he was the first Argentine member of the British Interplanetary Society and the American Astronautical Society .

Tabanera was a director at Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales (YPF) and the state gas company. In this role he took part in specialist congresses abroad, such as the 1947 World Energy Congress in The Hague.

1947 392 foreign experts were in, which was founded in 1927 aircraft company Fábrica Militar de Aviones deals in Cordoba, including Émile Dewoitine , founder of the Société industrielle pour l'aéronautique , it traveled in May 1946 on Spain aboard the Cabo de Buena Esperanza with Antonio Caggiano after Argentina. In 1947 Kurt Tank emigrated as Prof. Dr. Pedro Matthies from Denmark and Sweden to Córdoba. In 1948 Erich Bachem's move to Argentina failed .

In 1949, a group of international scientists headed by Tabanera founded the Sociedad Argentina Interplanetaria (SAI). In 1949, during the reign of Juan Perón , Tabanera was Minister for Economy, Public Works and Irrigation in Mendoza. In 1950 Tabanera attended the first international space congress at the Sorbonne , during which the International Astronautical Federation (FAI) was founded, of which Tabanera was vice-president for the next thirty years. Tabanera's best-known work is the paperback book ¿Qué es la Astronáutica? (What is space travel?) Tabanera was a founding member of the International Academy of Astronautics . In 1952 Tabanera attended the congress of the International Astronautical Federation in Stuttgart and met Irene Sänger-Bredt , Hermann Oberth , Eugen Sänger , William Durand and Arthur C. Clarke .

The Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE), whose first president was Tabanera, developed the first Argentine launch vehicles together with the military Instituto de Investigaciones Aeronáuticas y Espaciales in Córdoba. The first successful rocket launches took place in the late 1960s, a preliminary high point was the Castor rocket in 1975 with an altitude of 500 km.

In 1979 Tabanera wrote his last book Argentina ante el reto del tercer milenio (Argentina before the challenge of the third millennium).


The Argentine space center Falda del Cañete is named after Teófilo Tabanera "Centro Espacial Teófilo Tabanera", about 15 kilometers southwest of Córdoba .

Individual evidence

  1. http://tcnologic.wordpress.com/2008/06/03/argentina-y-la-conquista-del-espacio/ ( Memento from June 7, 2008 in the Internet Archive )
  2. http://www.cielosur.com/congreso-encuentro2007-2.php
  3. http://www.gdescalzo.com.ar/tabanera.htm