Antonio Caggiano

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Antonio Caggiano
Cardinal's coat of arms on his residence

Antonio Cardinal Caggiano (born January 30, 1889 in Coronda, Argentina , † October 23, 1979 in Buenos Aires ) was Archbishop of Buenos Aires .


Antonio Caggiano received his philosophical and theological training in the seminary of Santa Fe. He received on 23 March 1912, the sacrament of Holy Orders , and then worked for several months as a church pastor. From 1913 to 1931 he worked as a lecturer in the training of priests in the diocese of Santa Fe and as a pastor for Catholic Action .

In 1933 and 1934 Antonio Caggiano was Vicar General at the Military Ordinary .

On September 13, 1934, Pope Pius XI appointed him . to the Bishop of Rosario . He received the episcopal ordination on March 17, 1935 by Archbishop Filippo Cortesi , the apostolic nuncio in Argentina.

On February 18, 1946, Pope Pius XII took him . as a cardinal priest with the titular church of San Lorenzo in Panisperna in the college of cardinals . 1955 participated in the first general conference of Latin American bishops in Rio de Janeiro . After the death of Pius XII. Cardinal Caggiano took part in the 1958 conclave .

Pope John XXIII appointed Antonio Cardinal Caggiano on August 15, 1959 Archbishop of Buenos Aires. At the same time he was appointed military bishop of Argentina and bishop for the Byzantine believers in Argentina . The inauguration in Buenos Aires took place on October 25 of the same year.

Antonio Cardinal Caggiano took part in the Second Vatican Council and in the conclave of 1963 from 1962 to 1965 . He represented the Pope at several celebrations as the papal legate .

On April 21, 1975, Pope Paul VI. resigned as Archbishop of Buenos Aires and full professor for the Byzantine faithful. On July 7th of the same year, his resignation as military bishop was accepted.

Since the Motu proprio Romano Pontifici Eligendo Paul VI. all cardinals over 80 years of age lost the right to vote in a conclave , he also did not take part in the two conclaves of 1978. On December 17, 1978 he became the longest serving cardinal priest Cardinal Protopriester . Antonio Cardinal Caggiano died on October 23, 1979 in Buenos Aires and was buried in the local cathedral .


On December 23, 1960, Antonio Caggiano wrote in the Argentine newspaper La Razón about the events of the trial of Adolf Eichmann , who lived undisturbed under a false identity in Argentina for several years before his arrest in May 1960: “He came to our fatherland to Seeking forgiveness and forgetting. It doesn't matter what his name is, Ricardo Klement [Eichmann's cover name] or Adolf Eichmann, our Christian duty is to forgive him for what he has done. "( Antonio Caggiano )



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Datos históricos, 23. In: Buenos Aires (Arquidiócesis). Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, accessed February 8, 2016 (Spanish).
  2. Uki Goñi: La auténtica Odessa - la fuga nazi a la Argentina de Perón . Paidós, 2002, ISBN 978-84-493-1329-5 , p. 132, 216, 298 u.ö .
  3. ^ In: La Razón (Argentine daily newspaper), December 23, 1960
  4. ^ Jill Hedges: Argentina. A Modern History . IBTauris, 2011, ISBN 978-1-84885-654-7 , pp. 138 .
predecessor Office successor
Fermín Emilio Lafitte Archbishop of Buenos Aires
Juan Carlos Cardinal Aramburu
--- President of the Bishops' Conference of Argentina
Adolfo Tortolo
Joseph Cardinal Frings Cardinal Protopriest
Carlos Carmelo Cardinal de Vasconcelos Motta