Temirchan Dosmukhambetov

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Temirchan Myngaidaruly Dosmuchambetow ( Kazakh Темірхан Мыңайдарұлы Досмұхамбетов , Russian Темирхан Мынайдарович Досмухамбетов * 8. March 1949 in Menislawka, Kazakh SSR ) is a Kazakh politician.


Temirchan Dosmukhambetov was born in 1949 in the village of Menislavka in what is now the Qostanai region. He graduated from the Kazakh Institute of Physical Culture in 1972. In 1993 he graduated from the Kazakh State University in Almaty .

From 1972 to 1973 he served in the Soviet Army . He then worked as a lecturer at the Kazakh State University in the Department of Physical Education. Between 1985 and 1991 Dosmuchambetow was deputy chairman and then chairman of the association BDSO Trudowye reserwy. In November 1991 he became President of the Foreign Tourism Association "Intourist Kazakhstan" and from May 1994 he was President of the Kazakh Tourism Association Yassaui. In January 1996 he was appointed Minister for Youth, Sports and Tourism in the Kazakh government. From March 1997 he headed the Department for Tourism and Sport in the Ministry of Education and Culture and from November 1997 the Committee for Tourism and Sport. From September 1998 to June 2003 he was employed in the administration of the President. In June 2003 he was appointed mayor of the Kazakh capital Astana . On March 27, 2006 he was appointed minister in the newly created Ministry of Tourism and Sports. He held this post until April 2011. After the general election in 2012 Dosmuchambetow was from January as MP for Nur Otan in the MAZHILIS . There he was a member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Security.

From 2006 to 2015 Dosmukhambetov was President of the National Olympic Committee of Kazakhstan.


Temirchan Dosmuchambetow is married and has two children with his wife.

Individual evidence

  1. Досмухамбетов Темирхан Мынайдарулы , accessed on May 22, 2017 (Russian).
  2. bnews.kz: Досмухамбетов Темирхан Мынайдарулы , accessed on May 22, 2017 (Russian).