The Mick / Episode List

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This episode list contains all episodes of the US sitcom The Mick , sorted according to when they were first broadcast in the US . The television series currently has two seasons with 37 broadcast episodes.


Season Number of episodes First broadcast in the USA German-language first broadcast
Season premiere Season finale Season premiere Season finale
1 17th January 1, 2017 2nd May 2017 June 24, 2017 October 28, 2017
2 20th 26th September 2017 3rd April 2018 April 28, 2018 July 14, 2018

season 1

The first broadcast of the first season was from January 1 to May 2, 2017 on the US television channel Fox . The German-language first broadcast took place from June 24th to October 28th 2017 on the Austrian television channel ORF eins .

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first broadcast (ORF eins) Director script
1 1 The poodle pilot Jan. 1, 2017 June 24, 2017 Randall unicorn Dave Chernin & John Chernin
Mackenzie "Mickey" Molng visits her wealthy sister Pamela "Poodle" Pemberton when Poodle and her husband Christopher are arrested by the FBI for fraud and tax evasion. Poodle asks Mickey to take care of her children until the precarious situation calms down. Mickey is immediately in conflict with the daughter Sabrina and the neighbor Liz. Mickey gives bad advice to the eldest son Chip and causes an allergic reaction in the youngest son, Ben. Just as Mickey decides that she is not suitable for the care and upbringing of the children, Mickey gets a call from her sister, who tells her that she and her husband are fleeing the country.
2 2 The grandparents The grandparents Jan. 3, 2017 July 1, 2017 Randall unicorn Dave Chernin & John Chernin
Mickey explains to the children that their parents have been on the run for an extended period of time and will not return. Since the children and Mickey hate each other, Mickey grabs a car from her sister and Poodle's credit card because she wants to return to Rhode Island and enjoy her life - she is accompanied by the housekeeper Alba. Mickey had previously called Christopher's parents - and thus the grandparents of the children - who are supposed to take care of the children. The strict and serious grandmother in particular does not make the children's lives easy. Mickey returns to the kids when her boyfriend Jimmy struggles with a loan shark.
3 3 The buffer The buffer Jan. 10, 2017 July 8, 2017 Todd Biermann Laura Chinn
Mickey learns that Sabrina is in a relationship with Kai but is not using contraception. After several unsuccessful attempts to change Sabrina's mind, Mickey and Alba work to make Sabrina believe she is pregnant. Meanwhile, Ben steals several birth control pills, believing that they are "magic pills" and thus gets mood swings. Meanwhile, Chip wants a girlfriend at school by all means, but he gets bad advice from Jimmy, so that Chip's attempts are unsuccessful.
4th 4th The balloon The balloon Jan 15, 2017 15th July 2017 Randall unicorn Scott Marten
Mickey goes to his doctor with Ben because he has recently had behavioral problems and swallowed several objects. A little later it turns out that everyone has forgotten Ben's birthday. To make up for this mistake, his siblings as well as Mickey and Jimmy throw him a birthday party. Jimmy hires an aging and exhausted birthday clown who exhibits questionable behavior problems. Sabrina and Chip rent a pony for Ben, but the pony goes out with Chip. The clown becomes more and more strange and lies down in the bathtub to sleep off his intoxication. The episode climaxes when Ben at the party swallows a clown's balloon with an unknown substance, which leads Jimmy, Mickey and Sabrina to believe that Ben has swallowed heroin. Mickey points out that an emergency call means that Ben could be placed with a foster family. So they try by all means that Ben has to choke the balloon and its contents out again. At some point Ben vomits out of sheer excitement and it turns out that the clown is not a drug addict. He turns out to be a diabetic who cannot control his sugar addiction and eats way too much birthday cake. The syringe was full of insulin , the balloon was full of sugar pills, and the spoon that was next to him was for the birthday cake.
5 5 The fire The Fire Jan. 17, 2017 July 22, 2017 Kat Coiro Brian Keith Etheridge , Dave Chernin & John Chernin
Ben apparently has an imaginary friend named "Omicron" who makes him do weird things. Mickey and Sabrina are in favor of sending him to a psychiatrist. However, Chip tries to solve the problem himself by spending more time with his little brother, which ends in a bicycle accident. Chip wants to cover the wounds with plasters from Alba's first aid kit. But Chip did not know that no plastering but nicotine patches are. Alba, who started smoking at the age of four and now wants to wean her nicotine addiction with a nicotine patch , has hidden it in the first aid kit. Ben starts acting stranger and stranger through the nicotine patch. Mickey and the kids eventually go into the woods to see what Ben's imaginary friend "Omicron" is all about and find out that it's a real person: Chester Omicron from Jupiter , Florida . Previously, Mickey's and Sabrina's smoking habits caused a fire, which burned down Liz's guest house. They are considering blaming Ben so they don't have to pay for the damage. Alba suggests that it was Omicron who started the fire. He does too, and does Ben a favor because the little boy taught him to love the world again; Omicron was also diagnosed with lung cancer.
6th 6th The master bedroom The Master Jan. 24, 2017 29th July 2017 Iain MacDonald Harper Dill
After a date with Jimmy turns into a disaster, Mickey meets Teddy Grant, a wealthy heir and businessman, whom she falls deeply in love with. She makes a fool of herself on her first date because she gets drunk with wine on his yacht and gets drunk as a result. After Mickey discovers the large bedroom in the family mansion, she plans it for her second date with Teddy Grant. Chip and Sabrina argue about the room, however, with Chip wanting the room until his parents return home, while Sabrina wants the room for herself and Chip tells Chip that the parents won't be back. Meanwhile, Alba deals with Ben, who is supposed to watch kid-friendly programs on his tablet on Netflix , who accidentally watches several dystopian and creepy films in a row, such as A Clockwork Orange or The Exorcist . When Mickey and Teddy Grant enter the master bedroom, they witness a great fight between Chip and Sabrina. In the end, Teddy Grant becomes the victim when Sabrina accidentally throws one of her high heels on him and the heel sticks in his eye.
7th 7th The country club The Country Club Jan. 31, 2017 5th Aug 2017 Randall unicorn Christine Nangle
The Pembertons' financial advisor visits the children and says he cannot find out how the parents managed the assets; he cannot understand the parents' financial transactions. He only found out about it through a column in a New York newspaper. So they learn that gossip columnist Oliver Fishburn published a story about tax evasion and the escape of the Pembertons. Mickey and the children decide to go to the country club where Fishburn often stays to convince him to retract the story. At the same time they try to restore the family's reputation in the country club. This becomes more difficult than expected, however, when Chip realizes that he has to play at a golf tournament, while Sabrina has to relive an embarrassing incident from her early childhood. Meanwhile, Alba and Ben can relax in the Country Club.
8th 8th The sneak The snitch 7th Feb 2017 12 Aug 2017 Randall unicorn Scott MacArthur
The captain of Chips Lacrosse team rewards players for an important win by sending them all a photo of a naked woman, the face hidden. Chip is caught by the director Gibbons and has to decide whether he should take all the blame and not reveal the sender of the photo or tell his team captain. Mickey suggests that he shouldn't tell the truth because sneaking is something bad. Ironically, his sister Sabrina, who is a member of the school's honorary committee, puts Chip under questioning in front of the entire school. When Chip realizes that the naked woman in the photo he's lusting for is actually his sister, he and his sister vomit backstage. The lacrosse players involved are being teased.
9 9 The chaos The Mess Feb. 14, 2017 19 Aug 2017 Geeta V. Patel Lindsay Golder
The children are disrespectful to Mickey and do not recognize their authority. Mickey wants to punish the children by preventing the children from going to school, but the children are happy about it. Next up, Mickey is preventing the kids from going to a party. While Mickey and Alba go to the party and get drunk, the kids have to clean the house. When Mickey and Alba come back, they discover that all things have been deposited in Mickey's room; they are imprisoned shortly afterwards. The children go to a white trash party with Jimmy . A little later, Mickey tries to assert himself in every possible way and receives the children's respect back through a speech.
10 10 The ballast The baggage Feb 21, 2017 26 Aug 2017 Matt son Scott Marten
Mickey doesn't want Dante, whom she recently met, to find out about the children. But it turns out he is fine with the Pemberton kids. Meanwhile, the other men interested in Mickey (Jimmy, Jerry from the Country Club, and FBI agent Fred the Fed) try to sabotage their romance with Dante. Ben's rabbit also died. When Ben's pet dies, Alba quietly replaces it with another pet, because she doesn't think Ben is ready to learn about death.
11 11 The new The New Girl 28 Feb 2017 9th Sept 2017 Randall unicorn Brian Keith Etheridge
After the headmaster points out that Ben peed on the bus and wore high heels to school and that his academic performance is below average, Mickey angrily pulls him out of school. Only two schools can accept new students during this period: a public school about 40 miles away and a private girls' school across the street. Ben can be dressed up like a girl and Mickey tries to present him to the girls' school as a transgender named "Beth", which they succeed. However, after a short time he wants to go back to the old school. Mickey manages to convince the director and makes sure that he can wear what he wants there. In the meantime, after Mickey mentions that Sabrina and Chip are privileged and don't know of diversity in their lives, they both spend their time with Alba trying to learn more about her and her culture. Chip complains about how difficult it is to be a white man, while Sabrina believes she can understand people's plight because she is a woman. Although the two have known Alba for a long time, they don't even know Alba's family name.
12 12 The wolf The wolf March 21, 2017 16th Sept 2017 Randall unicorn Mehar Sethi
Chip meets a woman from Eastern Europe named Yulia on the Internet. He's sending her money so she can enter the United States. Mickey believes that Yulia is taking advantage of him. Mickey believes he's too gullible and desperately needs a lesson. Mickey explains that some people are sheep and some people are wolves. Chip is a sheep because he is easily exploited, while she is a wolf herself because she plays with the sheep. And of course she wants to show Chip how he can become a wolf. But a few days later, Yulia arrives and Chip appears to be who he was before. But when he realizes that he is being exploited, he throws Yulia out of the house. Meanwhile, Sabrina's friend Kai broke off his further education and training at a European furniture school because the courses were not in English and is now hanging out with Jimmy, eating pizza and sitting in the sauna. Sabrina is upset about this, also because he is more and more similar to Jimmy. One day Kai spends his time in the sauna too long. It turns out that Kai - due to the sauna door that has jammed for ages - this time cannot open the broken door from the inside and dies in agony in the sauna.
13 13 The rowdy The Bully March 28, 2017 Sept. 30, 2017 Kat Coiro Nancy M. Pimental
After Mickey learns that Sabrina is being bullied over the Internet by a classmate , Mickey tries to help her by harassing the perpetrator herself over the Internet. But it only makes matters worse. The perpetrator publishes Sabrina's private diary on the Internet. As a result, Sabrina no longer goes to school and lies in bed all day. Mickey confronts the perpetrator: she is physically disabled and has to rely on a wheelchair, which completely surprises Mickey. Now she wants to fight the feud in the real world and hatches a plan with Alba: Sabrina is to imitate Britney Spears ' publicly displayed crashes ("pulling a Britney"). While Sabrina believes that she should shave her head, Mickey thinks and acts very differently: she calls the police for Sabrina's forced admission to a psychiatric hospital. Sabrina ends up in the closed psychiatry and is released days later. In the meantime, Jimmy can't afford to have a dentist treat a painful tooth because he doesn't have insurance or doesn't want to pay for the treatment. So with the help of Ben and Chip he tries to pull the tooth himself. But all attempts fail. He visits Ben's dentist, but the dentist attacks him with a pepper spray.
14th 14th The run The Heater Apr 4, 2017 Oct 7, 2017 Randall unicorn Scott Marten
When Mickey notices that Ben used several tokens to represent planets for a school project and he reveals that there are more tokens in his father's room, Mickey becomes addicted to gambling . Alba tries to save Mickey from the casino, but falls himself into the trap. While Mickey loses everything, Alba wins several times at the gaming tables and even an overnight stay in the hotel of the casino. With Mickey and Alba out of the house for a long time, Sabrina, Chip and Jimmy argue about who should run the house. In the meantime, Ben, who found more tokens in his father's room, travels alone in a bus to the casino. Once there, he meets Alba and Mickey.
15th 15th The slumber party The sleepover Apr 11, 2017 Oct 14, 2017 Silver tree Dominic Dierkes & Christian Lander
Chip is thrilled when Dylan, a popular student at his school, appears to like him. Chip invites him to stay the night, hoping that it will make him more popular in school. While Dylan comes to stay overnight, a young drunk girl appears in the course of the evening. It turns out that Dylan wants to take advantage of the Pembertons' home as a convenient retreat to hang out with his girlfriend, given Mickey's reputation for being a lax guardian. When her father shows up because he could understand the GPS data of her smartphone, chaos ensues. Jimmy wants to distract him, he grabs the smartphone and sends the father on a wild chase until he could catch up with Jimmy in a bar. There the father beats Jimmy several times, believing that he had done something to his daughter. Jimmy can calm him down. The father is going home again. In the meantime, Mickey, Chip and Dylan have carried the girl back to her bed. You have to watch, however, that Dylan's mother is having an affair with his girlfriend's father. Meanwhile, Ben's recurring nightmare becomes all too real when Jimmy Alba plays a prank. Ben uses Dylan's adrenaline spike to wake her up. At the sight of Alba he was shocked because Jimmy painted a very elaborate skull mask on Alba's face with a felt pen. Alba looks like a monster to Ben because of her condition. Mickey knocks her down with a frying pan and Ben can calm down again.
16 16 The implant The Implant 25 Apr 2017 Oct 21, 2017 Richie Keen Dave Chernin & John Chernin
Sabrina wants to see a plastic surgeon, her mother promised her breast implants for her 18th birthday and would now like to redeem the gift. Mickey isn't enthusiastic about this and suggests that she try implants under her bra first so she can prove to Sabrina how much her life would change. But a mishap happens when the two women go to a restaurant: an expensive implant breaks. Meanwhile, Mickey orders Jimmy to do some "man's things" with Ben and Chip after the boys are afraid of a spider. Jimmy takes her to a baseball game, and Jimmy gets into a fight with two opposing fans.
17th 17th The intruder The intruder 2nd May 2017 Oct 28, 2017 Matt son Mehar Sethi
After months of fleeing, the parents break into their own house. This is a conflict for everyone involved. Mickey's sister demands that Mickey leave the house because she has a bad influence on the children. Poodle even offers her money for it. Poodle forces Alba to be the housekeeper again, but Alba is not thrilled and comes up with a plan. Meanwhile, Jimmy is shot with a rifle during the argument. He ends up in the hospital and is there under police custody because there are several arrest warrants against him. He decides to take advantage of the situation by trading Christopher and Poodle's freedom for his own and takes it to the extreme. Jimmy is tortured with a defibrillator after police learn the whereabouts of Alba’s parents. Christopher and Poodle are eventually arrested; During the arrest, Poodle announces that Christopher is not Chip's biological father. As a result, Mickey and the family prepare to tell Ben the news, but he set his room on fire and the whole Pemberton house quickly goes up in flames.

season 2

The first broadcast of the second season was between September 26, 2017 and April 3, 2018 on the US TV channel Fox . The German-language first broadcast began on April 28, 2018 and ended on July 14, 2018 on the pay TV channel ProSieben Fun .

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first broadcast (ProSieben Fun) Director script
18th 1 The hotel The Hotel Sept. 26, 2017 April 28, 2018 Richie Keen Dave Chernin & John Chernin
19th 2 The girlfriend The Friend Oct 3, 2017 April 28, 2018 Matt son Heather Flanders
20th 3 The visit The Visit Oct 10, 2017 5th May 2018 Kat Coiro Scott Marten
21st 4th The haunted house The Haunted House 17th Oct 2017 5th May 2018 Matt son Scott MacArthur
22nd 5 The invention The Invention Nov 7, 2017 May 12, 2018 Rebecca Asher Matthew Libman & Daniel Libman
23 6th The matriarch The matriarch Nov 14, 2017 May 26, 2018 Kat Coiro Eric Falconer
24 7th the return home The homecoming Nov 21, 2017 May 26, 2018 Richie Keen Rob Rosell
25th 8th The teacher The Teacher Nov 28, 2017 2nd June 2018 Eva Longoria Lindsay Golder
26th 9 The divorce The Divorce 5th Dec 2017 2nd June 2018 Matt son Dominic Dierkes
27 10 The climb The Climb Jan. 2, 2018 June 9, 2018 Amy York Ruby Harper Dill
28 11 The trip The trip Jan. 9, 2019 June 9, 2018 Kat Coiro John Howell Harris
29 12 The town The City Jan. 16, 2018 June 16, 2018 Eric Dean Seaton Heather Flanders
30th 13 The dump The dump Jan. 23, 2018 June 16, 2018 Matt son Laura Chinn
31 14th The church The Church Feb 6, 2018 June 23, 2018 Matt son Dominic Dierkes
32 15th The juice The juice Feb. 27, 2018 June 23, 2018 Matt son Eric Falconer
33 16 The accident The Accident March 6, 2018 June 30, 2018 Eric Dean Seaton Daniel Libman & Matthew Libman
34 17th The evening off The Night Off March 13th. 2018 July 14, 2018 Eva Longoria Franklin Hardy
35 18th The car The Car 20th March 2018 June 30, 2018 Michael McDonald Scott Marten
36 19th The ball The dance March 27, 2018 July 14, 2018 Dave Chernin Laura Chinn, Dave Chernin & John Chernin
37 20th The graduate The Graduate 3rd April 2018 July 14, 2018 Matt son Caroline Fox

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b The Mick. In: Retrieved March 3, 2018 .
  2. a b The Mick on TV. In: Retrieved March 3, 2018 .