Theognis of Megara

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Theognis of Megara ( Greek  Θέογνις ὁ Μεγαρεύς , after dating the Suda 2nd half of the 6th century BC) is a Greek writer , under whose name a collection of poems in elegiac meter has come down to us. The "Corpus Theognideum" comprises 1431 verses in the oldest manuscript, which are divided into two books. The majority of science assumes that the corpus actually contains works by various poets.


The ancient chronography dated the heyday of Theognis in the middle of the 6th century. Dating based on the poems is problematic because of the unclear authenticity: v. 757–768 probably refer to the Xerxes procession 480/479 BC. Chr .; v. 894, on the other hand, speaks of the Cypselid dynasty in Corinth and must therefore be between approx. 627 and 585 BC. BC.

Theognis describes himself as a citizen of Megara (v. 19-26), although it was already disputed in ancient times whether the city on the isthmus of Corinth was meant or the colony Megara Hyblaia in Sicily . While Plato held the latter opinion, the majority of today's research assumes that the Theognis came from mainland Greece.

In terms of content, the verses , which are sometimes formulated like sayings , address the issue

  • Toasts for symposia
  • noble rules of life for a young friend named Kyrnos
  • The poet's complaints about the social changes - the emergence of a monetary aristocracy, tyranny - in the polis world of the 6th / 5th centuries. Century BC From a conservative noble point of view
  • general considerations about friendship, happiness and the nature of people.

In the second book, which has only survived in a manuscript, mainly verses with pederastic content are compiled.

It becomes clear that aristocratic (political) communities ( hetaires ) formed the background to life, origin and reception of the poems .

Because of their sentence-like nature , the sayings were probably copied early, passed on, used for teaching and thus changed again and again.


Friedrich Nietzsche wrote his valediction work on leaving Schulpforta on September 7, 1864 about Theognis: De Theognide Megarensi .


  • Jean Carrière: Théognis. Poèmes élégiaques . Paris 1948.
  • Antonio Garzya : Teognide, Elegie, Libri I – II, testo critico, introduzione e note, cun una scelta di testimonianze antiche e un lessico . Florence 1958.
  • Douglas CC Young: Theognis, Pseudo-Pythagoras, Pseudo-Phocylides, Chares, Anonymi Aulodia, Fragmentum teliambicum . 1961, 2nd edition Leipzig 1971, reprint Stuttgart 1998
  • Bernhard A. van Groningen: Le premier livre, édité avec un commentaire . Amsterdam 1966.
  • Martin L. West : Iambi et elegi Graeci ante Alexandrum cantati . Vol. I, Oxford 1971.
  • Dirk U. Hansen: Theognis. Early Greek elegies . Darmstadt 2005.


Overview representations



  • Martin L. West : Studies in Greek Elegy and Iambus . Berlin / New York 1974.
  • Thomas J. Figueira: Theognis of Megara, poetry and the polis . Baltimore / London 1985.
  • Ewen L. Bowie : The Theognidea: A Step Towards a Collection of Fragments? In: Glenn W. Most (Ed.): Collecting fragments - collecting fragments (= Aporemata. Volume 1). Göttingen 1997, pp. 53-66.
  • Hendrik Selle: Theognis and the Theognidea (= investigations into ancient literature and history. Volume 95). Berlin / New York 2008.

Web links

Commons : Theognis of Megara  - album with pictures, videos and audio files


  1. Suda , keyword Theognis ( Θέογνις ), Adler number: theta 136 , Suda-Online
  2. Hendrik Selle: Theognis and the Theognidea (= investigations into ancient literature and history. Volume 95). Berlin / New York 2008, pp. 235-239
  3. Plato, Laws 629a-630c.
  4. ^ Friedrich Nietzsche: De Theognide Megarensi . In: Critical Complete Edition (KGW), ed. by Giorgio Colli and Mazzino Montinari . Vol. I 3, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 2006, pp. 420–462.