Thomas Jarzombek

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Thomas Jarzombek (2013)

Thomas Jarzombek (born April 28, 1973 in Düsseldorf ) is a German politician ( CDU ) and IT consultant. He has been a member of the German Bundestag since 2009 and chairman of the CDU Düsseldorf since 2014. On April 11, 2018, Thomas Jarzombek was appointed by the Federal Cabinet as the Federal Government's new coordinator for German aerospace. Since July 31, 2019, he has also been the Federal Ministry of Economics' representative for the digital economy and start-ups.


Origin and education

During his business administration studies at the University of Düsseldorf , Jarzombek started his own business in 1996 and was a partner in the IT service company releon GmbH & Co. KG Düsseldorf until 2017 . Jarzombek dropped out of business administration in 1996 after completing his intermediate diploma without a degree.

CDU politician

Between 1995 and 2001 Jarzombek was district chairman of the Junge Union in Düsseldorf. From 2000 to 2006 he was deputy state chairman of the Junge Union in North Rhine-Westphalia. In 1999 he organized Joachim Erwin's mayor election campaign and was himself elected to the Düsseldorf City Council in the Düsseldorf-Lierenfeld constituency; in 2004 he was re-elected. Due to the exclusion from double mandates of the CDU Düsseldorf, he resigned the council mandate in summer 2005 after successfully running for the state parliament. In spring 2005 he was elected directly to the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia in constituency 42 (Düsseldorf left Rhine and the city district 3 / Bilk). Initially, he was the CDU parliamentary representative for new media, and in early 2006 he followed Hendrik Wüst as spokesman for the young group. Since December 2007, he has also been the media policy spokesman for the CDU parliamentary group. Before his election to the Bundestag, he was a member of the state parliament in North Rhine-Westphalia , media policy spokesman for the CDU state parliamentary group and spokesman for the Young Group, as well as a member of the CDU state executive in North Rhine-Westphalia . In 2007 Thomas Jarzombek was elected to the state executive for the first time at the state party conference of the CDU North Rhine-Westphalia in Siegburg.

On January 31, 2014, Jarzombek was elected chairman of the CDU district association in Düsseldorf . His opponent was Peter Preuss , member of the Düsseldorf state parliament . Thomas Jarzombek won with 65 percent of the vote. He thus succeeded Klaus-Heiner Lehne , who had been chairman of the CDU Düsseldorf since 2003. Jarzombek was re-elected as chairman of the CDU Düsseldorf in April 2017, he prevailed against a competitor with 82.5 percent of the vote. In April 2019, he received 83.76% of the votes when he was re-elected as district chairman.

Thomas Jarzombek is also a member of the board of the CDU Bergisches Land . In November 2015 he was elected deputy chairman at a district party conference.

Member of the Bundestag

In September 2008, Thomas Jarzombek was able to prevail within the party against Olaf Lehne for a candidacy for the German Bundestag in the Bundestag constituency of Düsseldorf I , which was finally confirmed by a delegate meeting on November 14, 2008 with 94%. Thomas Jarzombek is the successor to Hildegard Müller as a candidate in this federal constituency. On September 27, 2009, he won the Bundestag mandate in this constituency. In his first legislative period, Thomas Jarzombek was a member of the Bundestag Committee for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth and the Committee for Transport, Building and Urban Development and, from March 2010, a member of the “Internet and Digital Society” commission of inquiry. In March 2012, together with Peter Tauber, he became the founding chairman of Cnetz - Association for Network Policy with the aim of "a civil and responsible network policy that creates a fair balance between the different interests in a pluralistic society on the Internet" .

In the election to the 18th German Bundestag, he won the direct mandate in constituency 106 again directly with 47.87% of the vote. From 2014 to 2018 he was chairman of the "Digital Agenda" working group of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group and was thus a member of the parliamentary group's executive committee.

On September 24, 2017, he won the Bundestag constituency Düsseldorf I for the third time in a row with 40.4 percent. He is a member of the 19th German Bundestag.

After being appointed coordinator of the federal government for aerospace, he gave up the role of digital policy spokesman and chairman of the Digital Agenda working group of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group. Tankred Schipanski was elected as the new chairman of the working group on April 24, 2018 .

Thomas Jarzombek is a full member of the Committee for Transport and Digital Infrastructure in the 19th German Bundestag .

Federal Government Coordinator for Aerospace

On April 11, 2018, the Federal Cabinet appointed him the new Federal Government Coordinator for Aerospace at its closed meeting in Schloss Meseberg. The office of the coordinator for aerospace is located in the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy under Federal Minister Peter Altmaier and coordinates and bundles the work of the federal government to strengthen the international competitiveness of the German aerospace in the areas of research and development.

Commissioner of the Federal Ministry of Economics for the digital economy and start-ups

The focus of his new task is the dialogue with the actors of the digital economy, the exchange with start-ups as well as questions of the digital society.

"Mr. Jarzombek would like to further open up the digital market for start-ups and medium-sized companies. In order to also become significantly stronger internationally, he relies on improving the framework conditions for financing, regulation and the role of the state as a technology buyer. "()


As part of the Science Year 2014 initiative Die Digitale Gesellschaft of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Society for Informatics, he was honored with the award of Germany's Digital Minds . The award goes to those who drive digital development in Germany with their ideas and projects .


In 2011 his first marriage ended in divorce. In 2018 he married the lawyer and PR consultant Marja von Oppenkowski, with whom he has a son.

Political positions

3. Contergan Foundation Amendment Act

The Contergan Foundation Act with regard to the Contergan Foundation for disabled people was changed on April 25, 2013 by a joint draft of the parliamentary groups of CDU / CSU, SPD and FDP with the consent of Alliance 90 / The Greens. At its core is an increase in the pensions of thalidomide victims by 90 million euros annually. This means that the pensions of the injured party will increase by a factor of six, at most to 6,912 euros instead of the previous 1,152 euros. In addition, there are 30 million euros annually for special needs such as dental treatment. Jarzombek was the rapporteur for the CDU / CSU parliamentary group and in his plenary speech apologized to those affected for past mistakes and at the same time demanded the participation of the pharmaceutical manufacturer Grünenthal , which caused the damage with its drug.

Transport policy

In the current hour of the Bundestag on May 15, 2013, Jarzombek spoke out against a general speed limit of 120 km / h on motorways. When it comes to road safety, it is rather the rural roads, which accounted for 60.9% of all road users killed last year. In addition, Jarzombek is in favor of more pedestrian protection , since 68.7% of all accidents happen in urban areas. a. for the increased use of active hoods.

Youth protection policy

In terms of content, Jarzombek made a name for himself in 2005 when, unlike the coalition agreement at the federal level, he opposed an unconditional ban on so-called " killer games ", which later became the position of the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Jarzombek also caused a stir in the protection of minors in the media by being the first politician to deal with the youth protection problem of cell phones, and finally, by calling for a legal solution, he brought the cell phone network operators to introduce the first cell phone with youth protection functions.

Jarzombek expressly supports Ursula von der Leyen's attempt to block websites to combat child pornography (cf. law to combat child pornography in communication networks ). In October 2010, he described a corresponding procedure as the “ideal bridging technology on the way to international agreements”.

Digital policy

Jarzombek chaired the media competence project group in the Internet and Digital Society study commission in the German Bundestag and calls for the introduction of laptops and / or tablet PCs for every student in Germany. In this way, the pupils should be given the learning opportunities of the Internet and the ability to use the Internet “self-determined, competently and confidently”. In Düsseldorf, he supports "Code your life" projects that promote programming skills in primary schools.

Jarzombek wants to take a final position on ACTA after the assessment by the ECJ. However, he tends to be critical of the agreement, which has come under international criticism. Jarzombek shares the concern that ACTA could lead to the privatization of law enforcement and restrict people's freedom of expression on the Internet. Jarzombek also calls for a reform of copyright law, as this cannot be correctly applied in its current form for digital media such as the Internet. Jarzombek supports the “Fair Copyright” initiative, which calls for a simplification and adaptation of copyright law to new media.

Jarzombek sees “an extremely high power potential” of the search engine in the high market share of Google and therefore calls for more transparency in the evaluation and classification of websites in the Google search.

Jarzombek spoke out against a universal service obligation in the context of the deliberations on the Telecommunications Act in 2011 and instead relies on competitive models, since a universal service could deter private investors.

Debate about Christmas tree in front of Düsseldorf City Hall

In November 2016, after a debate in the Düsseldorf city council, Jarzombek spread the message on his Facebook page that representatives of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen had called for the annual Christmas tree to be abolished. However, instead of a new fir tree to be set up every year, they had proposed the planting (and thus the permanent residence) of a fir tree. Thereupon received u. a. the parliamentary group leader Norbert Czerwinski anonymous threats. Jarzombek justified his statement with the words "Of course, things are sharpened in politics" and "And especially as an opposition one can be aggressive."

Individual evidence

  2. Markus Wehner : Top German politicians disguise their dropouts . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung , May 26, 2013, accessed on May 26, 2013.
  3. Jarzombek elected CDU chief with 65 percent , January 31, 2014
  4. Rheinische Post of April 4, 2017 Thomas Jarzombek re-elected CDU chief
  5. ^ CDU Düsseldorf: Thomas Jarzombek was re-elected. Retrieved September 12, 2019 .
  6. CDU Düsseldorf from November 14, 2015: Thomas Jarzombek as deputy. District chairman elected
  7. of April 2, 2012: A “CNetz” for bourgeois network politics
  8. cf. Constituency result for the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia constituency 106 - Düsseldorf I September 22, 2013 ( Memento from November 2, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  9. Press release of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group on the regular election of the new working group chairmen
  10. The State Returning Officer in North Rhine-Westphalia: Elected applicants in the constituencies (accessed on September 25, 2017) ( Memento from September 25, 2017 in the Internet Archive )
  11. ^ Press release of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group on the election of board members
  12. Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy: new commissioner for medium-sized companies, tourism, aerospace and maritime industry appointed (accessed on April 19, 2018)
  13. Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy: BMWi representative for the digital economy and start-ups. Retrieved September 12, 2019 .
  14. Archive link ( Memento from October 10, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  17. ^ Speech of April 25, 2013 in the media library of the German Bundestag . Retrieved May 15, 2013.
  18. Bundestag: 239th session on May 15, 2013
  19. cf. Irritant topic of network blocking in the Schengen area on the Internet ,, October 29, 2010.
  20. ^ Rheinische Post, Coding in the third grade: Primary school pupils from Niederkassel program the European anthem , January 15, 2019
  21. ^ Website of the "Fair Copyright" initiative ( Memento from April 23, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  22., politicians demand more transparency from Google , February 27, 2012
  23. ^ Speech by Thomas Jarzombek on the Telecommunications Act in the German Bundestag
  24. Arne Lieb and Christian Schwerdtfeger: Düsseldorf: Greens boss Czerwinski takes action against threats. In: RP ONLINE. Retrieved December 17, 2016 .

Web links

Commons : Thomas Jarzombek  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files