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cnetz , also called Cnetz , is an association closely related to the Union parties (CDU / CSU) with its headquarters in Berlin , which advocates "[for] a responsible digital policy that creates a fair balance between the different interests". The association was founded in April 2012.


The association founded in April 2012 with the full name "cnetz - Verein für Netzpolitik e. V. ”sees itself as a“ think tank ”that advocates a“ responsible digital policy that creates a fair balance between the different interests ”. Values, norms and the “indispensable will to innovatively and proactively open up new opportunities” are decisive. According to its own statement, the association is committed to “an internet of freedom”. According to the statutes, the purpose of the association is to “strengthen awareness of the social change taking place through the Internet”, “promote political education and democratic discourse in the context of digitization” and “convey the economic significance of digitization in our world”.

In the self-imposed principles, the three points “modernity and future viability”, “togetherness and community” and “support and concretization” are emphasized, which should shape the work of the association.


The association is particularly active in the field of network policy and related policy fields. Cnetz took a critical position on resolutions and laws on copyright , for example ACTA , but also against ancillary copyright for press publishers , for net neutrality and against statutory data retention .

Away from the traditional power politics, the association in 2016 called for a liberalization of the Passenger Transport Act as a consequence of the debate on the seller about .


The association Cnetz is strongly identified and perceived with the politically close CDU / CSU , comparable to similarly organized associations of the German party landscape, such as D64 . As with D64 , the media interpreted the founding of the association as a (late) reaction to the temporary rise of the pirate party and the non-occupation of net-political issues by existing parties. In social media in particular, the network politics of the Union parties, perceived as particularly conservative, was taken as an opportunity to criticize and mock the founding of Cnetz.

In particular, due to personal overlaps between the voluntary board and the German network policy, the association is perceived even more strongly than, for example, D64 or the digital society as "[...] that of a party closest to [...]", "not to say almost a party's own foundation ”. The association sees itself as independent of parties, but declares itself "[...] to bring people together who are both network-savvy and are close to the CDU people's party." In more recent publications, the association now speaks of itself as the "Digital political arm of the Union" and "as part of the Union family". Nonetheless, the association's positions are primarily taken into account when they contradict those of the parent CDU / CSU parties or the ministries led by these parties.

The active members known in the association - for example Thomas Jarzombek , Peter Tauber and Dorothee Bär - are more likely to belong to the more liberal wing of the CDU / CSU.

Association status

The registered association is based in Berlin and was non-profit until 2019.In May 2019, the responsible Berlin tax office recognized the non-profit status. The association objected to this.


According to its own information, the association had over 350 members at the beginning of April 2016. After the board elections on April 9, 2016, the university professor Jörg Müller-Lietzkow and the Bundestag member Thomas Jarzombek will lead the association as spokespersons. Christina Schwarzer and René Pickard completed the honorary board. After the board elections on May 5, 2018, the board also consisted of Britta Rottbeck (successor to Christina Schwarzer), Isabelle Fischer , Thomas Schauf and Carsten Ovens . Among the 12 other assessors is u. a. Tankred Schipansky . A voluntary advisory board (17 people; 2019: including Peter Tauber , Helge Braun , Dorothee Bär , Nadine Schön , Axel Wallrabenstein , Simone Probst ) supports the board.

Well-known members of the association include Peter Altmaier , Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer , Julia Klöckner and Armin Laschet .

The aim of the association is also to position itself more strongly regionally and to found regional associations. According to the company, there are regional associations in Hamburg, Berlin, Central Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Christian Tretbar: CDU founds internet association. In: April 12, 2012, accessed May 3, 2016 .
  2. a b c The association | cnetz. In: Retrieved May 3, 2016 .
  3. a b Articles of Association | cnetz. In: Retrieved May 3, 2016 .
  4. cnetz rejects draft law on ancillary copyright | cnetz. February 27, 2013, accessed May 3, 2016 .
  5. cnetz calls for net neutrality as a fundamental right | cnetz. January 11, 2016, accessed May 3, 2016 .
  6. Data retention proves to be an unsuitable concept after the ECJ ruling | cnetz. April 8, 2014, accessed May 3, 2016 .
  7. Britta Beeger: No more fixed taxi fares? In: April 18, 2016, accessed May 3, 2016 .
  8. "CNetz" Internet Association shall make conservatives web-enabled. In: SPIEGEL ONLINE. Retrieved May 3, 2016 .
  9. Markus Beckedahl: CNETZ - New CDU-CSU Association for Network Policy. In: April 12, 2012, accessed May 3, 2016 .
  10. ^ A b Meike Laaff: Commentary Cnetz: The return of the Internet printer . In: the daily newspaper . March 4, 2012 ( [accessed on May 3, 2016]).
  11. Kai Biermann: Union politicians found Internet lobby CNetz. In: Zeit Online. April 2, 2012, accessed May 3, 2016 .
  12. The cnetz draws a first balance | cnetz. May 8, 2012, accessed May 3, 2016 .
  13. a b c d e Thomas Jarzombek and Jörg Müller-Lietzkow re-elected as spokespersons for cnetz eV | cnetz. April 11, 2016, accessed May 3, 2016 .
  14. ^ Tax office withdraws non-profit status from CDU-affiliated association. Retrieved June 4, 2019 .
  15. The cnetz appoints advisory board | cnetz. December 4, 2014, accessed May 3, 2016 .
  16. ^ Tax office withdraws non-profit status from CDU-affiliated association. Retrieved June 4, 2019 .
  17. Board of Directors - cnetz - Verein für Netzpolitik e. V. Accessed June 4, 2019 (German).