Thomas Joseph Murphy

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Thomas Joseph Murphy (born October 3, 1932 in Chicago , USA ; † June 26, 1997 ) was Archbishop of Seattle .


Thomas Joseph Murphy received on 12 April 1958 by the Pro-Prefect of the Congregation de Propaganda Fide , Samuel Cardinal Stritch , the sacrament of Holy Orders .

On July 5, 1978, Pope Paul VI appointed him . to the Bishop of Great Falls . The Archbishop of Portland, Oregon , Cornelius Michael Power , donated him episcopal ordination on August 21 of the same year ; Co- consecrators were the bishop emeritus of Great Falls, Eldon Bernard Schuster , and the auxiliary bishop in Chicago , Alfred Leo Abramowicz .

May 26, 1987 Pope ordered him John Paul II. To Koadjutorerzbischof Seattle. Thomas Joseph Murphy became Archbishop of Seattle on August 21, 1991, succeeding Raymond Gerhardt Hunthausen , who resigned for reasons of age.

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predecessor Office successor
Raymond Gerhardt Hunthausen Archbishop of Seattle
Alexander Joseph Brunett
Eldon Bernard Schuster Bishop of Great Falls
Anthony Michael Milone