Thomas Simon (pedagogue)

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Thomas Simon (born November 1, 1794 in Trier ; died December 24, 1869 there ) was a German high school teacher and social politician. He was the father of Ludwig Gerhard Gustav Simon .


Thomas Simon attended secondary school after 1806 and studied at the Episcopal Seminary in Trier from 1811 to 1814 . From 1814 to 1816 he taught at the high school in Prüm . In the same year he married Susanna Auguste Walther . This marriage was unusual in that his wife was older than him and a Protestant. In addition, the first child, the daughter Friederike (1815–1838), was born before wedlock. From 1816 Thomas Simon became a teacher at the Progymnasium in Saarlouis . His sons Carl August (1817–1887) and Ludwig (1819–1872) were born there. In 1820 Simon became the headmaster of the Progymnasium. Because of constant conflicts with the citizens and the local pastor, he finally gave up this position.

From 1822 to 1860 he was employed as a full teacher at the Trier grammar school . In 1824 he founded a private preschool and boarding school in, initially housed in the rooms of the grammar school and later in his private house in St. Paulin . There he also worked in 1831 as secretary of a community aid association for poor relief. In the school year 1830/31 he taught Karl Marx French in the tertia . Thomas Simon belonged to the group of German Catholics and was friends with one of their protagonists in the Trier area, Peter Alois Licht .

In 1849 he was elected to the second chamber of the Prussian House of Representatives in the constituency of Trier , where he belonged to the left. The political police wrote about him: "a reserved man, but no less democratic in the sense of overthrow".

After his son Ludwig Simon was sentenced to death in 1850, Thomas Simon was forced to sell his house to pay his son's fine and legal costs. Thomas Simon also supported his son financially in exile. In 1851 Simon's apartment in Trier was searched and letters from Peter Wilhelm Seelhof were confiscated. Simon retired in 1860. He had donated an oil painting "Christ Image" by Karl Ruben to the grammar school that was shot through in the teachers' room in 1936.


  • Brief message about the pension and educational institution set up by the grammar school teacher Th. Simon in Trier in the de Baring's house near St. Paulin for prospective pupils of local and foreign parents attending the grammar school, along with a few waves about the efforts and work the institution . Hetzrodt, Trier 1824.
  • Aphoristic notes from the life and work of the senior high school teacher, Professor Steininger in Trier , who retired on April 1, 1857 . Lintz, Trier 1857. (From the Trier'sche Zeitung, No. 54 of March 5, 1857).


  • Royal Friedrich Wilhelms-Gymnasium in Trier 1563–1913. Festschrift to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the institution on October 6-8, 1913 . Trier 1913, Appendix p. 4. Internet Archive
  • Heinz-Günther Böse: Ludwig Simon von Trier. (1819-1872). Life and beliefs of a Rhenish forty-eight . 1951, (Mainz, University, dissertation, 1951, typewritten).
  • Heinz Monz: Karl Marx and Trier . Verlag Neu, Trier 1964, pp. 99, 100, 173, 177. (= series of publications on Trier regional history and folklore . Volume 12)
  • Heinz Monz: Karl Marx. Basics of the development of life and work. At the same time, the 2nd edition of the book "Karl Marx and Trier" has been significantly expanded . NCO-Verlag Neu & Co., Trier 1973, pp. 144 f., 156, 169, 171 f., 178, 367, 373.
  • Jürgen Herres: Cholera, poverty and a “compulsory tax” 1831/32. In Kurtrierisches Jahrbuch. 30. Jg. 1990. Trier 1990, pp. 161-203, here p. 175 f.
  • Heinz-Günther Böse: Simon, Thomas . In: Trier Biographical Lexicon . Overall processing: Heinz Monz. Verlag der Landesarchivverwaltung Rheinland-Pfalz, Koblenz 2000, p. 437, ISBN 3-931014-49-5 .
  • Jens Fachbach: Ludwig Simon von Trier (1819–1872). 48er, exile, European. A picture of life, Bonn 2018.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Fachbach, Ludwig Simon, pp. 26-27.
  2. ^ Later (1896) renamed Friedrich-Wilhelm-Gymnasium .
  3. As a "head of the poor [I] had enough opportunity to get to know the evils of social life in their true form and often heart-oppressive reality." ( Short message about the one from the grammar school teacher Th. Simon in Trier . Quoted from Heinz Monz: Karl Marx und Trier , P. 99.)
  4. “The first three books of Fénélons's Aventures de Télémaque […] some from Caes . comment de ballo Gall. […] Exercises in written and oral expression on objects of personal life […]. ”(Heinz Monz: Karl Marx. Basics of the development of life and work , p. 156).
  5. ^ Hansjürgen Schierbaum : The political elections in the Eifel and Moselle districts of the Trier administrative district 1849–1867 . Droste, Düsseldorf 1960. pp. 51, 52, 60. (= contributions to the history of parliamentarism and political parties . Volume 19)
  6. Entry on Peter Wilhelm Seelhof in the Rhineland-Palatinate personal database , accessed on November 30, 2016 .
  7. Entry on Karl Ruben in the Rhineland-Palatinate personal database , accessed on November 30, 2016 .