Tierbach (Ette)

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Water code DE : 2388342
location Hohenloher and Haller level

Kocher-Jagst Plains


River system Rhine
Drain over Ette  → Jagst  → Neckar  → Rhine  → North Sea
source southeast of the Blaufelden hamlet of Lentersweiler
49 ° 18 ′ 36 ″  N , 9 ° 56 ′ 0 ″  E
Source height approx.  486  m above sea level NHN
confluence with the right Eselsbach to Ette about 0.9 km south-east of Schrozberg -Ettenhausen coordinates: 49 ° 20 '47 "  N , 9 ° 53' 6"  O 49 ° 20 '47 "  N , 9 ° 53' 6"  O
Mouth height 385.4  m above sea level NHN
Height difference approx. 100.6 m
Bottom slope approx. 15 ‰
length 6.9 km
Catchment area 10.161 km²

The Tierbach is a not quite 7 km long brook in northern Baden-Württemberg , which joins the right Eselsbach to the right Jagst tributary Ette near Schrozberg- Ettenhausen in the district of Schwäbisch Hall from the left and south-southeast .



The Tierbach arises at about 486  m above sea level. NHN a good one kilometer east-southeast of the Blaufelden hamlet of Lentersweiler between the wooded areas of Seeholz in the east and Buchholz in the west on the edge of a field path and follows this initially westwards, soon as the northern border of the smaller Buchholz. It also runs through a small pond, then the Aubesgraben, which is a little shorter here, flows from a corridor to the south of the island-like Buchholz from the left.

Then it crosses under the K 2533, which connects the Blaufelden village of Billingsbach via Lentersweiler with the B 290 ("Kaiserstraße"), and slowly turns to the right in a corridor landscape. The K 2530, which leads to Herrentierbach, comes to the left bank, from the right the Brühlgraben , which is emerging near Lentersweiler, joins, then about a kilometer before the brook itself crosses the village, its longest and last significant tributary, the Osterbach , flows from the right . At this point, its valley is only deepened about 30 m compared to the hill peaks that accompany it on the left and right at a distance of about one kilometer.

In a further north-west course it crosses the small village of Herrentierbach, which is mostly built on the left slope . Here the road accompanying the stream climbs the left hill, the valley is now narrower, steeper and more northerly, it forms small meanders . At first sporadically and then coherently, hillside forest occurs, which in sections even touches the stream.

Then the brook leaves the Blaufeldener district for a remaining run of about 500 meters on unpopulated area of ​​the community Schrozberg , after which it is about 0.9 km southeast of the small Schrozberger valley village Ettenhausen at 385.4  m above sea level. NHN and thus about 80 meters below the highest edge height combined with the Eselsbach to the Ette , which is a third shorter but a little richer catchment area , which then flows on in its own direction.

Catchment area

The Tierbach has a catchment area of ​​10.2 km². It extends about 5.8 km from its highest point, which is in the sea ​​wood about 300 meters southeast of its origin at 491.5  m above sea level. NHN lies up to its mouth at 385.4  m above sea level. NHN in the northwest of it; across it it measures about 2.6 km at its widest point. Almost two thirds of this area is to the right of the stream.

In the north and northeast the catchment area of ​​the other Ette-Quellast Eselsbach borders, in the east that of the Blaubach zur Brettach , in the south and southwest that of the Rötelbach . From around the height of Herrentierbach, the Roggelshäuser Bach runs a little further on the other side of the left watershed to the Jagst . All of the named competitors also drain directly or indirectly to the Jagst.


Hierarchical list of tributaries and RiverIcon-SmallLake.svglakes from source to mouth. Length of water, lake area, catchment area and altitude according to the corresponding layers on the LUBW online map. Other sources for the information are noted.

Origin of the Tierbach at about 487  m above sea level. NHN about 1.1 km east-southeast of the Blaufeldener hamlet Lentersweiler in the east of the forest island Buchholz in front of the Seeholz at a bend in the field.

  • RiverIcon-SmallLake.svgFlows through at about 468  m above sea level. NHN a pond on the northern edge of the Buchholz to the Buchäckern , 0.2 ha.
  • Aubesgraben , from the left and southeast to about 461.9  m above sea level. NHN 0.4 km south-southwest of Lentersweiler, 0.9 km and approx. 0.7 km². Arises at around 476  m above sea level. NHN in front of the southeast end of the Buchholz . Digging away.
  • Brühlgraben , from the right and east to about 448  m above sea level. NHN about 1.2 km west-north-west of Lentersweiler near the southern tip of the forest island Loh on a dirt road crossing, 1.6 km and about 0.8 km². Arises at about 478  m above sea level. NHN about 0.4 km east-northeast of Lentersweiler at a fork in the field in the Brunnenfeld . At the beginning and at the end, digging away, in between.
  • Osterbach , from the right and east-southeast to about 442  m above sea level. NHN about 1.0 km southeast of the Blaufeldener village Herrentierbach , 3.0 km and about 2.7 km². Arises at about 478  m above sea level. NHN about 0.6 km southeast of the Blaufeldener hamlet Erpfersweiler in the Brunnenfeld in front of the oak wood . Side ditches of roads and paths along the whole course.
    • RiverIcon-SmallLake.svgFlows through at about 470  m above sea level. NHN a pond at the entrance to the settlement area of ​​Lentersweiler, a little under 0.1 ha.

The confluence of the animal Bach with his right Eselsbach for Ette at 385.4  m above sea level. NHN about 0.9 km southeast of the small Schrozberger valley village Ettenhausen. The stream is 6.9 km long and has a catchment area of ​​10.2 km², not even 5% less than the 10.6 km² of the Eselsbach on the right , but the length of 4.7 km² the Tierbach exceeds by almost half. The resulting Ette initially flows in the direction of Tierbach.


Only Herrentierbach lies on the run , in the catchment area there are still the hamlets of Lentersweiler, Erpfersweiler and partly Eichholz. Except for the last one, which is Schrozbergisch , all places belong to the municipality of Blaufelden . On the spur above the confluence with the Eselsbach is the castle stables of the lost Eichholz Castle .

Natural space and geology

The Tierbach is a body of water that, from a natural perspective, runs on the upper reaches of the eastern Hohenloher and Haller levels through the lower Blaufelden-Gerabronner level , while its catchment area on the middle and lower reaches is part of the lower Bartenstein-Langenburger Platten of the adjacent Kocher-Jagst- Levels is. With the same geological subsoil, this part is characterized by deeply cut valleys, such as the Tierbach below Herrentierbach and then Ette and Jagst.

On the slightly hilly plain in its catchment area, the Lettenkeuper ( Erfurt Formation ) is almost everywhere above the shell limestone, which is characteristic of the landscape and marks the plateau boundary due to its erosion resistance in the upper area . The watersheds to the right and left do not cut through any of the islands of Quaternary loess sediment that are often found elsewhere on the hilltops of the Hohenlohe Plain . A little before the Brühlgraben inlet , the Tierbach enters the Upper Muschelkalk , where it remains until the end. There are only a few and briefly proven tectonic faults which, like this one in the wider area, predominantly move from north-northeast to south-southwest or perpendicular to it.

On the small plateau between Tierbach and Eselsbach is located southwest of the hamlet Eichholz and less than a hundred yards from the northern edge of the forest island use the middle of a field behind grove hides a sinkhole.

Nature and protected areas

The Tierbach is already a bit before the inlet of the Brühlbach and then with interruptions (especially in Herrentierbach) to the mouth, often quite natural, from there it moves at a little speed in its one to four meter wide board, mostly accompanied by gallery trees from black alder and ash, even more rarely maple trees and gray alder with small changes of direction to the valley. Especially up to the sewage treatment plant below Herrentierbach, it only carries water periodically. On its course it shows widened and narrowed beds, trees oppose the partly shallow, partly deep brook, partly root plexuses are exposed or the banks are hollowed out, and sometimes limestone rocks stand by the course.

In the catchment area mainly arable farming is practiced; the fields in the upper, flat valley area extend right up to the stream. A maximum of 10% of the area is covered by forest, which is scattered on not very large forest islands, locally generically called Hölzle . The even smaller proportion of meadow and pasture areas is mainly in the floodplain of the middle reaches. The settlement is low.

The valley below the sewage treatment plant to Herrensteinbach belongs to the landscape protection area Mittleres Jagsttal with side valleys and adjacent areas .

Individual evidence


Official online waterway map with a suitable section and the layers used here: Course and catchment area of ​​the Tierbach
General introduction without default settings and layers: State Institute for the Environment Baden-Württemberg (LUBW) ( notes )

  1. a b Height according to the contour line image on the topographic map background layer .
  2. a b c Height after black lettering on the background layer topographic map .
  3. a b Length according to the waterway network layer ( AWGN ) .
  4. a b Catchment area according to the basic catchment area layer (AWGN) .
  5. Lake area after the layer standing waters .
  6. ↑ Catchment area measured on the background layer topographic map .
  7. ↑ Catchment area summed up from the sub-catchment areas according to the basic catchment area layer (AWGN) .
  8. Protected areas according to the relevant layers, nature partly according to the biotope layer .

Other evidence

  1. Wolf-Dieter Sick : Geographical land survey: The natural space units on sheet 162 Rothenburg o. D. Deaf. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1962. →  Online map (PDF; 4.7 MB)
  2. Geology according to the layers for Geological Map 1: 50,000 on: Map server of the State Office for Geology, Raw Materials and Mining (LGRB) ( notes )


  • Topographic map 1: 25,000 Baden-Württemberg, as single sheet No. 6625 Schrozberg West

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