Pseudalcantarea grandis

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Pseudalcantarea grandis
Pseudalcantarea grandis Tillandsia grandis BotGardBln 12052008E.jpg

Pseudalcantarea grandis

Order : Sweet grass (Poales)
Family : Bromeliads (Bromeliaceae)
Subfamily : Tillandsioideae
Genre : Pseudalcantarea
Type : Pseudalcantarea grandis
Scientific name
Pseudalcantarea grandis
( Schltdl. ) Pinzón & Barefoot ,

Pseudalcantarea grandis ( Syn . : Tillandsia grandis Schltdl. , Tillandsia viridiflora sensu LBSmith non Baker) is a species of the genus Pseudalcantarea withinthe bromeliad family (Bromeliaceae). It was part of the subgenus Pseudalcantarea until 2016,making it a species of the genus Tillandsia . The specific epithet grandis means that the species is large. It has areas from southern Mexico to Nicaragua at altitudes of 850 to 1500 meters.

Description and ecology

Vegetative characteristics

Pseudalcantarea grandis usually grows lithophytically on steep rock faces, rarely epiphytically . It is a perennial herbaceous plant . The leaf rosette of this funnel bromeliad has a diameter of over 1.5 meters. The simple, parallel- veined leaves are bluish pruned and 30 to 100 centimeters long.

Generative characteristics

The inflorescence, which is up to 3.80 meters high, is simple or composed of a few annual partial inflorescences . When Pseudalcantarea grandis begins to bloom after many years, the inflorescence stem first grows vertically, later it tilts slightly to the side and then grows upright again; this creates a slightly curved shape for the shaft. The many bracts look similar to the leaves. The flower stalks are about 1 inch long.

This species is pollinated by bats ( chiropterophilia ), so the flowers begin to open in the late afternoon, stay open overnight and close again the next morning.

The relatively large, hermaphrodite flowers are threefold with a double flower envelope . The three free sepals are 3 to 4.5 inches long and spreading, soft and drooping early. The three free petals are yellowish green or greenish white and 8 to 12 inches long. The six stamens protrude far beyond the petals and hang at the end of the night. The stylus also protrudes from the flower.

There are fruit capsules formed in which the flying hair of the seeds are not folded.


Web links

Commons : Pseudalcantarea grandis  - collection of images, videos and audio files