Tommaso Aloisio Juvara

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Tommaso Aloisio Juvara (1874)

Tommaso Aloisio Juvara (born January 13, 1809 in Messina , † May 30, 1875 in Rome ) was an Italian draftsman and engraver .


After initial training with Letterio Subba in Messina, he came to the Accademia di San Luca in Rome in 1825 on a scholarship from his hometown , where he studied under Vincenzo Camuccini and there received a medal for his drawings in 1827. He then went to Parma at the Accademia Belle Arti “ Paolo Toschi ” to train as a copper engraver.

In 1836 he followed a call to the Art Academy in Messina. In 1842 he went to London and Paris to acquire other graphic techniques. In 1846 he became head of the class and four years later professor of copperplate engraving at the Istituto di Belle Arti in Naples , without giving up his duties at the Art Academy in Messina. In 1855 King Ferdinand II raised him to the nobility at an exhibition in Naples. In 1859 he became a full member of the local academy and in 1856 of the Florence Art Academy . He was also director of Roman calcography.

As a copper engraver, he gained high international recognition. He showed his work at the Paris World Exhibition of 1855 and 1867 , in Florence in 1861, in London in 1862 and in Berlin in 1868. His works have been awarded numerous medals.

He was deeply concerned about his suicide death, when he wrote down his story of suffering in the six remaining hours of his life with the blood of his cut wrists.

His early works are the copperplate engravings "Johannes Evangelist" (after Guercino ) and the "Saint Bartholomew" after Camuccini, both for the Calcografia in Rome 1828. His main work is the copper engraving from 1873 after the painting "Enthroned Madonna, Child and Saint" (1505) by Raphael , now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York .


Web links

Commons : Tommaso Aloisio Juvara  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Juvara, Tommaso Aloysio . In: Hans Wolfgang Singer (Ed.): General Artist Lexicon. Life and works of the most famous visual artists . Prepared by Hermann Alexander Müller . 5th unchanged edition. tape 2 : Gaab – Lezla . Literary Institute, Rütten & Loening, Frankfurt a. M. 1921, p. 299 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).