Torsten Herrmann

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Torsten Herrmann

Torsten Herrmann (* 1981 in Jülich ) is a German composer .


Torsten Herrmann studied composition with York Höller and piano with Klaus Oldemeyer at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln , composition with Frédéric Durieux , electronic composition with Yan Maresz and orchestration with Marc-André Dalbavie at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Paris and composition with Hanspeter Kyburz and electronic composition with Wolfgang Heiniger at the "Hanns Eisler" Academy of Music in Berlin . Further studies took him to Paris again, where he attended the IRCAM course in 2015/16 .

The interpreters of his works include the Ensemble Modern , the Ensemble intercontemporain , the Munich Chamber Orchestra , the Ensemble UnitedBerlin, the Ensemble E-Mex, the Zafraan Ensemble and the Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart as well as the soloists Guido Schiefen , Hannah Walter, Heike Schuch, Johann Ludwig , Mischa Meyer, Zoé Cartier, Armance Quéro and Violaine Despeyroux.

Works (selection)

  • "4 Inventionen" for violoncello solo (2002–03)
  • "Matrjoschka" for 4 instrumentalists (2003-04)
  • "Nexus" for 8 instrumentalists (2005-06)
  • "Pivot" for large ensemble (2008-10)
  • "Suadela" for 7 a cappella voices (2015–16)
  • "Paranoia" for viola and live electronics (2016)
  • "Tonguecat" opera in 11 scenes (2015–16)
  • "Macramé" for 7 instrumentalists (2016)

Awards and grants

Web links