Tractat d'usura

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The treaty d'Usura (usury treatise ') is a literary work that around 1374 by Francesc Eiximenis on Catalan likely in Catalonia was written.


The book deals with usury . This subject was very debated by medieval canon law .

According to the index, the book contained twenty-eight sections, of which only fourteen have been preserved. Five sections of the work are repeated in the Catalan encyclopedia Lo Crestià ('The Christian') in the section in the Third Book of Christianity ( Terç del Crestià ) devoted to the sin of greed .

The preserved parts of the usury treatise show that Francesc Eiximenis had a very restrictive view of usury. He bases his point of view on the Bible verse Luke 6:35  EU . It explains that nothing can be requested as a substitute if something is loaned out. This has to do with the principle of Christian charity , which is very important in the Franciscan school.

Even so, Eiximenis allows a few cases where usury is allowed. He also accepts the legal validity of the censals and violaris . These were the right to receive temporary or even lifelong earnings after paying a certain amount of money. They were very common in the Middle Ages in Catalonia and the Crown of Aragon . This topic was also very controversial in medieval canon law. The source used by Eiximenis to establish the legal validity of the censals and violaris is a small treatise on this subject written by the Dominican Bernat de Puigcercós .


The Tractat d'Usura is influenced by various sources of canon law . Together with classical works of medieval canon law, such as the Decretum Gratiani or the Liber Extra of Pope Gregory IX. , various important canonists can be highlighted: Henricus de Segusio , Raimund von Penyafort or Goffredus de Trano . The influence of other scholastics , such as the Franciscans Alexander of Alessandria and Duns Scotus or the Dominicans Thomas Aquinas and Durandus of St. Pourçain , is also significant.

Copy and publication

The book was copied and published in 1985 by Josep Hernando i Delgado. The text used was taken from manuscript 42 of the Sant Cugat del Vallès monastery . This manuscript is now in the archives of the Crown of Aragon .

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Individual evidence

  1. Section 1 of the Tractat d'Usura corresponds to section 760 of the Terç del Crestià . Section 2 of the Tractat d'Usura corresponds to section 761 of the Terç del Crestià . Section 3 of the Tractat d'Usura corresponds to section 762 of the Terç del Crestià . Section 4 of the Tractat d'Usura corresponds to section 763 of the Terç del Crestià . Section 8 of the Tractat d'Usura corresponds to section 764 of the Terç del Crestià . For more information, see Lluís Brines: Biografia documentada de Francesc Eiximenis. AVL, València 2009, p. 159 ff. (Catalan); on-line
  2. ^ Lluís Brines: La Filosofia Social i Política de Francesc Eiximenis . Seville 2004. p. 378 ff. (Catalan)
  3. ^ Josep Hernando i Delgado: El Tractat d'usura de Francesc Eiximenis. AST, 57-58 (1984-1985), pp. 3-29 (Catalan)
  4. ^ Josep Hernando i Delgado: El Tractat d'usura de Francesc Eiximenis. AST, 57-58 (1984-1985), pp. 1-96 (Catalan)