Traude Veran

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Traude Veran
Traude Veran

Traude Veran , nee Gertraud Schleichert (born 1934 in Vienna ) is an Austrian writer .


The qualified social worker and doctorate in psychology worked as a child psychologist, adult educator and animator in southern Germany (including as a lecturer at the University of Konstanz ) and in several Austrian federal states. Its central theme was the integration of disabled and disadvantaged children. She was involved in the creation of the first Austrian integration class in Oberwart in 1984 .

Veran has been writing poetry and short prose since she was twelve . She initially wrote and translated specialist books and after retiring over 20 literary volumes. She worked as a journalist and editor, co-founder of the publishing house and worked on the spelling reform . She dealt with art photography (black and white), collages , readings and performances .

Veran lives in a retired house in Vienna and participates in local historical projects. For the residents of the home she designs courses, brochures and slide shows on historical topics.



  • 1988 Gold Medal for Services to the Republic of Austria
  • 1994 Theodor-Körner-Förderpreis
  • 1994 Theodor Kery Prize
  • 1996 Ptakodrák of Forum Petrovice (Czech Republic)
  • 1997 Hermes Poetry Prize Bad Tatzmannsdorf
  • 2001 Wilhelm Zorn Special Prize
  • 2002 Wilhelm Zorn Prize
  • 2012 Ü70 Prize from the Hermes Baby Foundation Zurich


Published non-fiction books

As Gertraud Schleichert

  • Reading and spelling hopeless? The dyslexic child at home and at school. Kösel Verlag, Munich 1973; 2nd edition, 1974
  • Language promotion in the game. For remedial and standard teaching (= school psychological information, booklet 3). Provincial School Board for Burgenland, Eisenstadt 1981; 2nd edition, issue 16/1988
  • Cultural promotion in the game. A holiday campaign (= school psychological information, booklet 6). Provincial School Board for Burgenland, Eisenstadt 1982
  • Play and learn. Board games in the classroom (= school psychological information, booklet 15). Provincial School Board for Burgenland, Eisenstadt 1987
  • Disabled and non-disabled people together in schools. Integrated class in Oberwart. Documents from eight years of school trial. Österreichischer Studien Verlag, Innsbruck 1993
  • Dean E. Wooldridge: Mechanics of the brain processes (The Machinery of the Brain) R. Oldenbourg, Vienna / Munich 1963
  • Dean E. Wooldridge: Mechanics of Life Processes (The Machinery of Life) R. Oldenbourg, Vienna / Munich 1965
  • CV and goals in life . Studies from a humanistic-psychological point of view. Eds. Charlotte Bühler and Fred Massarik (The Course of Human Life , ed.Charlotte Bühler and Fred Massarik) Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart 1969

As Traude Veran

  • Traude Veran (Hrsg.): Integration of hearing-impaired children in regular schools (= school psychological information, booklet 24). Provincial School Board for Burgenland, Eisenstadt 1999
  • The stone archive. The Viennese Jewish cemetery in Rossau. Mandelbaum Verlag, Vienna 2002; 2nd edition, 2006
  • Success on rails. 100 years workshop for railway vehicles in Vienna-Inzersdorf. Self-published by Rail Services International Austria, Vienna 2005
  • Berta Pichl. A woman between times. Social Capital 8 (2012), Section: History of Social Work

Published literary books

As Gertraud Schleichert

  • Commuter songs. Poems from Burgenland. With pen drawings by Hermann Serient . Edition colon, Vienna 1993
  • Ivy flowers. Poems about love 1953-1993. With pen drawings by Ingrid Kerzina. Edition Doppelpunkt, Vienna 1994
  • Letter filter. Poems from name anagrams by Gran Mama. Out of series, Edition Doppelpunkt, Vienna 1994
  • between the lights. Poems. With pen drawings by iutta maria Waloschek. Edition colon, Vienna 1996
  • unART. lyrical gimmicks and formal attempts. Series Out of Series, Edition Doppelpunkt, Vienna 1996
  • some want to come back again and again. Poems about people and places. With pen drawings by iutta maria Waloschek. Edition colon, Vienna 1996
  • standART. Collages from the daily newspaper "Der Standard". 30 daily pages. Series Out of Series, Edition Doppelpunkt, Vienna 1996
  • Raabsommer. Texts and photos from Neumarkt an der Raab. In memoriam Feri Zotter 1923–1987. lesedition, Vienna 1997

As Traude Veran

  • Krumlov Encounters / Krumlovská setkání. City between past and future / Město mezi minulostí a budoucností. Bilingual German / Czech (translation by I. Kunderová, M. Růžička, D. Urbanová) with photos by the author. Společenské nakladatelství Brno 1996
  • Cindy. Memories of a dog. Photos and drawings. Reading edition, Vienna 1997
  • As much as I like Vienna - in itself. Viennese timbres. With pen drawings by Hermann Serient. Edition colon, Vienna 1997
  • My God Austria. Political poetry. Edition colon, Vienna 1998
  • Dodgy contacts. Limericks by Traude Veran and drawn personals by Hermann Serient. Uhudla Edition, Vienna 1998
  • Vote against. Political poetry. Edition Doppelpunkt, Vienna 1999
  • digital. Graphic solutions to tricky questions. Visual poetry. Series Out of Series , Edition Doppelpunkt, Vienna 1999
  • Rain island. Winter in Madeira. A diary with photos by the author. Edition colon, Vienna 2000
  • Bean, melon, lemon. A visual, nonsense, laughing and reflection book for children from five by Traude Veran (texts) and Traude Kossatz (characters). Photos from the puppet theater Lilarum. Edition colon, Vienna 200
  • Grass sown on the asphalt. Poems from professional life. Cornelia-Goethe-Verlag, Frankfurt / Main 2005
  • Prime verses. Haiku-like lyrics. Zwiebelzwerg Verlag, Willebadessen 2012
  • Thoughts travel. Haibun. with drawings by Neyah Selva, Verlagshaus Hernals, Vienna 2017
  • Obiora C-Ik Ofoedu : Spirit eye. Selection of poems from The Mind's Eye , translation from Nigerian English. Czernin Verlag, Vienna 2000
  • Aleksandra Eraković-Pavlićević : Emilija Herak . Poems, bilingual Montenegrin / German. Belgrade 2001
  • Někteří chtějí vždy znovu přijít. Selection from some of them want to keep coming back, translated into Czech by Stanislav Struhar . Prague 2009

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