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Water code RU13010700112115200028836
location Tomsk Oblast ( Russia )
River system If
Drain over Parabola  → Ob  → Arctic Ocean
source in Wassjuganje
57 ° 5 ′ 37 "  N , 78 ° 34 ′ 56"  E
Source height approx.  135  m
Union with the Kjonga to the parabola at Ust-Tschusik Coordinates: 58 ° 3 ′ 13 ″  N , 80 ° 36 ′ 37 ″  E 58 ° 3 ′ 13 ″  N , 80 ° 36 ′ 37 ″  E
Mouth height 62  m
Height difference approx. 73 m
Bottom slope approx. 0.19 ‰
length 382 km
Catchment area 9000 km²
Discharge at the gauge Ossipowo
A Eo : 7090 km²
Location: 82 km above the mouth
MQ 1956/2000
Mq 1956/2000
27 m³ / s
3.8 l / (s km²)
Left tributaries Tschaga, Tscharfa, Konga, Armitsch, Tscharba
Right tributaries Korga, Pyndscha, Kombars
Small towns Kedrowy
Communities Pudino, Osipovo, Ust-Tschusik
Navigable 210 km (from Pudino)

The Tschusik ( Russian Чузик ) is the 382 kilometers long left source river of the parabola in the West Siberian lowlands in Russia .


The Tschusik entfließt to about 135  m swamps the Vasyugan Swamp at its northern edge, close to the limit of the oblast Tomsk to oblast Novosibirsk . Then it mostly meanders through the flat Taiga landscape in a north-easterly direction until it finally joins the somewhat smaller Kjonga a little below the village of Ust-Tschusik at a height of 62  m to form the left Ob- tributary Parabel.

The most important of the large number of smaller tributaries of the Tschusik are Korga, Pyndscha (Puse) and Kombars from the right and Tschaga, Tscharfa, Konga, Armitsch and Tscharba from the left.


The catchment area of the Tschusik covers 9000 km². In the lower reaches the river reaches a width of over 50 m at a depth of 1.5 m; the flow velocity here is 0.4 m / s.

The river freezes between late October / early November and late April / early May. The water flow of the Tschusik near the village of Ossipowo 82 km above the mouth is an annual average of 27.0 m³ / s with a minimum of 6.9 m³ / s in March and a maximum of 120 m³ / s in May.


The Tschusik is navigable for 210 km (for smaller vehicles) from the village of Pudino.

The area through which it flows is sparsely populated. On the river, however, are the small town of Kedrowy , which emerged as an oil workers' settlement in the 1980s, with the administratively subordinate settlement of Pudino and the villages of Osipowo and Ust-Tschusik, which belong to the Parabel Rajon . The Tschusik is the main artery of the area. There is practically no other transport infrastructure; a road up the Tschusik in the direction of Kedrovy is under construction.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Article Tschusik in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D122767~2a%3D~2b%3DTschusik
  2. a b Tschusik in the State Water Directory of the Russian Federation (Russian)
  3. a b Tschusik at the Ossipowo gauge - hydrographic data at R-ArcticNET
  4. ^ List of Inland Waterways of the Russian Federation (confirmed by Order No. 1800 of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 19, 2002); on-line