Tutow village

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Tutow (village) - situation 1880

Tutow-Dorf is a district of the municipality of Kruckow in the district of Vorpommern-Greifswald in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania .

Tutow-Dorf - situation around 1940 ( MTB 1920 + supplements) - without airfield (confidentiality)


The place is between Kruckow and Tutow . The B 110 runs through the village . Immediately to the south is the depression of the cuckoo ditch.



Originally the place was called Tutow , the addition -Dorf was used in the 1930s and 1940s to distinguish it from Tutow-Siedlung , today's Tutow. The place name should be derived from a Slavic personal name and mean something like "place of Tyta".


To the north-east of today's Tutow-Dorf, protected by a largely inaccessible marshland called “Quebbe”, there is a “ Alte Schanze ” or “Wallberg” known Yugoslav castle wall from the 10th to 12th centuries. Between this and the B 110 there is another old Slavonic rampart from the 7th to 8th centuries with an area of ​​1.5 to 2 hectares, which is known as the " Old City ".

First mention

Tutow was first mentioned in 1256 in a document from Duke Barnim I of Pomerania .


From 1397 Tutow was a fiefdom of the von Horn family , who lived here until the end of the 17th century. Around 1700 the estate was acquired by the von Parsenow family.

It later passed into the possession of the von Sobeck family, who lived in Kruckow until the expropriation without compensation in 1945. The school mentioned in church visits in 1866 and 1870 was closed in 1932 due to insufficient student numbers.

In the 1930s, the construction of a military airfield to the north-west of the village was started, followed by the establishment of a settlement, which from 1938 onwards formed an independent community called "Tutow Airport". The Vorwerk Wittenwerder was demolished for the construction of the airfield, and its inhabitants were relocated to Kruckow, Tutow-Dorf and Marienfelde.

The establishment of this new settlement then caused the names to be separated into Tutow-Dorf and Tutow-Siedlung, the latter was later given the old name Tutow. The border between the two locations ran along the B 110 and the approach to the airfield. After 1945 Tutow-Dorf stagnated as the estate was relocated.

The dilapidated village church, which was badly damaged in a storm in 1990, was torn down in 1992, a remainder of the cemetery remained.



  • Horst Dassow: Tutow - history of a settlement in Western Pomerania. Self-published by the author, 2nd revised edition 1999

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rodgero Prümers: Pommersches Urkundenbuch . Volume 2, Department 1, Th. Von der Nahmer, Stettin 1881, p. 29 (as Tuchow )

Coordinates: 53 ° 55 '  N , 13 ° 15'  E