U 3514

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U 3514 was a German submarine of submarine class XXI . It was one of the newly developed electric submarines with a crew of 57 that were still being built at the end of the war. The keel was laid on August 21, 1944 at the Schichau shipyard in Danzig .

Günther Fritze, born in Burg on June 12, 1922 , became its commander when this submarine was commissioned on December 12, 1944 and remained so until May 5, 1945. From May 6, 1945 to May 8, 1945, Lieutenant Captain Klaus Willeke was (* February 16, 1919; † January 2, 2011) the commander of U 3514 . At the end of the war, Friedrich Elchlepp was employed on the submarine as an officer on watch in the rank of first lieutenant at sea.

After commissioning, U 3514 originally belonged to the 8th training flotilla, which was set up in June 1941 under the command of the then Lieutenant Wilhelm Schulz , and from February 16, 1945 to May 8, 1945, to the 5th flotilla (training). U 3514 was no longer used for combat missions, so-called enemy drives. At the end of the war, U 3514 took part in the evacuation of wounded and refugees. For example, this submarine took war invalids and women with children in Hela in February and March 1945 and brought them to Travemünde . Kapitänleutnant Willeke surrendered on May 8, 1945 in Bergen (Norway) and the crew of U 3514 were taken prisoner by the British. The submarine was relocated to Loch Ryan ( Western Scotland ) on May 29, 1945 and was sunk on February 12, 1946 as the last part of the military operation Deadlight . The wreck lies at a depth of 600 meters.

Individual evidence

  1. Kasseler Schiffsmodell-Club e. V .; Information with the curriculum vitae of U 3514, accessed on October 8, 2014
  2. Rainer Busch, Hans-Joachim Röll: The U-Boat War 1939-1945. Volume 1: The German submarine commanders. ES Mittler und Sohn, Hamburg et al. 1996, ISBN 3-8132-0490-1 , p. 74.
  3. ↑ List of authors with biographical information on Friedrich Elchlepp in: Friedrich Elchlepp , Walter Jablonsky, Fritz Minow, Manfred Röseberg: Volksmarine der DDR. German naval forces in the Cold War. Mittler, Hamburg et al. 1999, ISBN 3-8132-0587-8 , p. 360.
  4. U-Boot Archive Information on U 3514, accessed on October 8, 2014