Uesd Verkhnedneprovsk

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Ujesd Verkhnedneprovsk
Верхнеднепровский уезд
Location of the Ujesd Verkhnyodniprovsk in the Yekaterinoslav Governorate
Ujesd in the Russian Empire
Governorate Ekaterinoslav
Administrative headquarters Verkhnyodniprovsk
Consist 1805 - 1923
surface 6,862.3 km²
population 211,674 (1897)
density 31 inhabitants / km²
Historical map of the Ujesd Verkhnedneprovsk

The Ujesd Werchnedneprowsk ( Russian Верхнеднепровский уезд / Werchnedneprowski Ujesd , Ukrainian Верхньодніпровський повіт / Werchnodniprowskyj powit ) was a Ujesd (administrative unit) of yekaterinoslav governorate in the Russian Empire and the beginning of the Soviet Union in the years 1805 to 1923. Main place of Ujesd was the most Dnepr located City of Verkhnyodniprovsk in the center of today's Ukraine .


The Ujesd had an area of ​​6862.3 km² and was located in the west of the Yekaterinoslav Governorate. The district bordered the Cherson Governorate to the south and west , with the Inhulez and Shovta rivers forming a natural border with the Ujesd Alexandrija . In the north the Dnieper formed the border, opposite it was the Poltava governorate . In the east the area bordered the Ujesd Yekaterinoslav.

It included the west of today 's Dnipropetrowsk Oblast, but without the cities of Krywyj Rih and Schowti Vody . The area thus covered roughly about today Rajons Verkhnodniprovsk , Pjatychatky , Sofijiwka , Kryvyi Rih and Krynychky Raion .


The population of Ujesd Verkhnedneprovsk was 173,628 in 1895 and at the time of the census of 1897 there were 211,674 inhabitants (107,729 men and 103,945 women) in Ujesd. The city of Verkhnedneprovsk accounted for 7,671 people. In Ujesd the following language groups were to be distinguished:

Ukrainian : 191,160 (90.3%), Russian : 9873 (4.7%), Jewish : 5448 (2.6%), German : 4452 (2.1%), Greek : 9, Tatar : 26, Belarusian : 236 (0.1%), Polish : 231 (0.1%), Romanian : 68, Turkish : 8

The religious affiliations were composed as follows: 3748 Jews, 331 Protestants and 1389 were Catholics. The remaining residents were Orthodox Christians. By 1909 the population rose to a total of 214,633 residents.

Individual evidence

  1. a b 1897 census results , accessed on December 22, 2013 (Russian)