Ulrich Leiner (pharmacist)

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Ulrich Leiner (born July 10, 1921 in Konstanz , † January 16, 1994 there ) was a German pharmacist, local politician and editor.

Live and act

The Leiner family has been one of the leading families in the city of Constance since the 16th century. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the people of Lein worked as pharmacists and had a decisive influence on the cultural life of Konstanz, especially since the founding of the Rosgarten Museum by Ulrich Leiner's great-grandfather Ludwig Leiner in 1870. Ulrich Leiner's life path was shaped by his father Bruno Leiner's role model ( * 1890, † 1954), which he followed in almost all functions: as owner of the Malhaus pharmacy, city councilor and cultural politician as well as editor of the publications of the Association for the History of Lake Constance and its Surroundings. Ulrich's sister Sigrid von Blanckenhagen (* 1918, † 2005) was the first full-time museum director to take over the management of the Rosgarten Museum, which was taken care of by the Leiner family until the death of his father .

Ulrich Leiner graduated from high school in Constance in 1940 . He was then drafted into the Wehrmacht and wounded in Russia. In 1946 he returned home from captivity, began to study pharmacy in Munich and received his doctorate in Istanbul in 1954 with a thesis on "Salvia triloba L." (the three-lobed or Greek sage ). Then he took over his father's pharmacy; numerous honorary posts followed in the cultural life of the city of Constance. From 1958 to 1986 he was chairman of the art association , which held a number of exhibitions, mostly by contemporary artists, during this time. The Konstanz Art Prize, which the Kunstverein has been awarding together with the City of Konstanz since 1980, goes back to his suggestion.

From 1962 to 1989 Ulrich Leiner was a member of the Constance City Council for the Free Voters' Community, and from 1972 also of the district council of the Constance district . As a local politician, he primarily dealt with questions of cultural policy and monument protection. So, together with his sister, he initiated the upgrading of the city's natural history collection as an independent Lake Constance nature museum ; He also sponsored the establishment of the alternative cultural center K 9 in the former Paulskirche and the cultural center at the Münster. As a "respicient for university issues" he accompanied the establishment and development of the University of Konstanz from the municipal side.

His longest lasting non-professional commitment was the Association for the History of Lake Constance and its Surroundings , on whose board he was appointed in 1955 as his father's successor. From 1956 until his death he was in charge of editing the club's publications, which he optically upgraded in small steps. In terms of content, he ensured a balanced relationship between historical and natural history contributions, as well as between German, Swiss and Austrian topics; He also opened the journal to topics from the long neglected contemporary history as well as methodologically innovative approaches (e.g. oral history). Together with Joachim Stoltzenburg, the director of the Konstanz University Library, and the association's president Helmut Maurer , he initiated the Bodensee bibliography, which appeared in print from 1976 to 2001 and has since been continued as the Euregio Bodensee database. The Bodensee History Association honored Ulrich Leiner in 1988 with a commemorative publication on “Pharmacies and pharmacists in the Lake Constance area”.

Ulrich Leiner was with Johanna Maria geb. Dochner (* 1927, † 1996) married and had two daughters.


  • Honorary membership of the Konstanz Oratorio Choir (1975)
  • Festschrift of the Association for the History of Lake Constance and its Surroundings (1988)
  • Ring of Honor of the City of Constance (1989)
  • Federal Cross of Merit (1991)
  • Medal of Merit of the University of Konstanz (1991)


  • Tatiana Sfedu: A Constance citizens' organization. The Rosgarten Museum since Ludwig Leiner (= small series of publications by the Konstanz City Archives. Volume 7). UVK Verlagsgesellschaft, Konstanz 2007, ISBN 978-3-89669-640-3 , pp. 152–155.
  • Helmut Maurer : Ulrich Leiner †. July 10, 1921 - January 16, 1994. In: Writings of the Association for the History of Lake Constance and its Surroundings. Volume 112, 1994, pp. V-VIII. (Digitized version)
  • Ulf Göpfrich: In memoriam Ulrich Leiner 1921–1994. Memories of a friend and fellow parliamentary group. In: Konstanzer Almanach. Volume 41, 1995, pp. 38-40.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jürgen Klöckler : The Leiner family. From St. Gallen to Constance. In: Harald Derschka, Jürgen Klöckler (Hrsg.): Der Bodensee. Nature and history from 150 perspectives. Anniversary volume of the international association for the history of Lake Constance and its surroundings 1868–2018. Thorbecke, Ostfildern, ISBN 978-3-7995-1724-9 , p. 194 f.
  2. Turkish National Bibliography. Volume 21, No. 1725, p. 239.
  3. ^ Winner of the Konstanz Art Prize
  4. Harald Derschka : The association for the history of Lake Constance and its surroundings. A look back at one hundred and fifty years of club history 1868–2018. In: Writings of the Association for the History of Lake Constance and its Surroundings. Volume 136, 2018, pp. 1–302, especially pp. 168, 181–183, 196–204.
  5. Oliver Trevisiol: The Euregio Lake Constance database. The guide through the literature on Lake Constance. In: Harald Derschka, Jürgen Klöckler (Hrsg.): Der Bodensee. Nature and history from 150 perspectives. Anniversary volume of the international association for the history of Lake Constance and its surroundings 1868–2018. Thorbecke, Ostfildern, ISBN 978-3-7995-1724-9 , p. 304 f.
  6. Ernst Ziegler (Ed.): Pharmacies and pharmacists in the Lake Constance area. Festschrift for Ulrich Leiner (= Bodensee-Bibliothek. Volume 35 - Writings of the Association for the History of Lake Constance and its Surroundings. Special Volume ). Thorbecke, Sigmaringen 1988.