Ursula Schweitzer

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Ursula Schweitzer (born August 20, 1916 in Stuttgart ; died March 12, 1960 in Basel ) was a Swiss Egyptologist . She is considered the founder of Egyptology in German-speaking Switzerland .


Ursula Schweitzer was born as a Swiss abroad in Stuttgart. Her parents were the manufacturer Hermann Schweitzer and Ninny Seyd. Schweitzer often accompanied her father on trips abroad and thus got to know the Middle East . She attended the Königin-Charlotte-Gymnasium in Stuttgart . In 1935 Schweitzer began to study Egyptology, Classical Archeology and Ancient History at the University of Munich . Since the Ägyptologische seminar due to the war few staff had available, it was still involved while studying with the assistant. She did her doctorate in 1942 under Alexander Scharff on the subject of "Lion and Sphinx in Ancient Egypt". After receiving her doctorate in 1942, she became a regular assistant at the Egyptian State Collection in Munich. In this function, she was responsible for relocating the holdings of the collection as well as the seminar library, which could thus be saved from destruction.

After the Second World War , Schweitzer became an assistant at the Institute for Pre- and Protohistory at the University of Basel . Thanks to scholarships, she was soon able to travel to Egypt , where she stayed from 1946 to 1949. In Egypt she was also Attachée étrangère at the Institut français d'archéologie orientale . She traveled the Nile Valley to Sudan , the oases in the western desert and the eastern desert to the Red Sea . She wrote archaeological reports and systematically recorded published and unpublished buildings. During this time and on later trips she also put together a collection of several thousand pictures of buildings, landscapes and people. Back in Basel, she completed her habilitation in 1950 with a paper on “The essence of the Ka in this world and beyond of the Egyptians”. From 1950 she held lectures and subsequently established Egyptology at the University of Basel. She aroused interest in the subject in broader circles by giving lectures at adult education centers and organizing the exhibition Treasures of Ancient Egyptian Art in the Kunsthalle in 1953 . She also built a specialist library, the basis of which was the library of Gustave Jéquier , acquired by the university in 1946 . From 1954 she was a corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute . In 1954, 1956 and 1958 she traveled again to Egypt and Sudan, in 1957 to the Middle East ( Turkey , Iraq , Iran , Syria , Lebanon ). In 1957 she was appointed Extraordinaria by the University of Basel .

Schweitzer died unexpectedly in the spring of 1960 after a short, serious illness.

In her research activities, Schweitzer combined archeology, philology, religion and history. Although she herself had an archaeological background, she attached great importance in teaching to philology, which she believed was indispensable for archaeologists.


  • Ursula Schweitzer: Lion and Sphinx in Ancient Egypt . Augustin, Glückstadt 1948.
  • Ursula Schweitzer: The essence of the Ka in this world and beyond of the ancient Egyptians . Augustin, Glückstadt 1956.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ * Moritz L. Bierbrier: Who Was Who in Egyptology . Fifth revised ed. The Egyptian Exploration Society, London 2019, ISBN 978-0-85698-242-2 , pp. 420 .
  2. ^ Hanns Stock: Ursula Schweitzer, August 20, 1916 to March 12, 1960 . In: Journal for Egyptian Language and Antiquity . tape 85 , no. 4 , 1960, p. 92 .
  3. ^ Hanns Stock: Ursula Schweitzer, August 20, 1916 to March 12, 1960 . In: Journal for Egyptian Language and Antiquity . tape 85 , no. 4 , 1960, p. 92 .
  4. ^ Hanns Stock: Ursula Schweitzer, August 20, 1916 to March 12, 1960 . In: Journal for Egyptian Language and Antiquity . tape 85 , no. 4 , 1960, p. 92 .
  5. ^ Peter Kaplony: Ursula Schweitzer, (1916–1960) . In: Journal of the German Oriental Society . tape 112 , 1962, pp. 1–5, here p. 1 .
  6. ^ Hanns Stock: Ursula Schweitzer, August 20, 1916 to March 12, 1960 . In: Journal for Egyptian Language and Antiquity . tape 85 , no. 4 , 1960, p. 92 .
  7. ^ Hanns Stock: Ursula Schweitzer, August 20, 1916 to March 12, 1960 . In: Journal for Egyptian Language and Antiquity . tape 85 , no. 4 , 1960, p. 92 .
  8. ^ Peter Kaplony: Ursula Schweitzer, (1916–1960) . In: Journal of the German Oriental Society . tape 112 , 1962, pp. 1–5, here p. 1 . Hanns Stock: Ursula Schweitzer, August 20, 1916 to March 12, 1960 . In: Journal for Egyptian Language and Antiquity . tape 85 , no. 4 , 1960, p. 92 .
  9. ^ Peter Kaplony: Ursula Schweitzer, (1916–1960) . In: Journal of the German Oriental Society . tape 112 , 1962, pp. 1–5, here p. 1 f . Hanns Stock: Ursula Schweitzer, August 20, 1916 to March 12, 1960 . In: Journal for Egyptian Language and Antiquity . tape 85 , no. 4 , 1960, p. 92 .
  10. ^ Peter Kaplony: Ursula Schweitzer, (1916–1960) . In: Journal of the German Oriental Society . tape 112 , 1962, pp. 1–5, here p. 2 . Hanns Stock: Ursula Schweitzer, August 20, 1916 to March 12, 1960 . In: Journal for Egyptian Language and Antiquity . tape 85 , no. 4 , 1960, p. 92 .
  11. ^ Hanns Stock: Ursula Schweitzer, August 20, 1916 to March 12, 1960 . In: Journal for Egyptian Language and Antiquity . tape 85 , no. 4 , 1960, p. 92 .
  12. ^ Peter Kaplony: Ursula Schweitzer, (1916–1960) . In: Journal of the German Oriental Society . tape 112 , 1962, pp. 1–5, here p. 2 f . Hanns Stock: Ursula Schweitzer, August 20, 1916 to March 12, 1960 . In: Journal for Egyptian Language and Antiquity . tape 85 , no. 4 , 1960, p. 92 .
  13. ^ Peter Kaplony: Ursula Schweitzer, (1916–1960) . In: Journal of the German Oriental Society . tape 112 , 1962, pp. 1–5, here p. 2 .
  14. ^ Hanns Stock: Ursula Schweitzer, August 20, 1916 to March 12, 1960 . In: Journal for Egyptian Language and Antiquity . tape 85 , no. 4 , 1960, p. 92 . Data that differ slightly from Peter Kaplony: Ursula Schweitzer, (1916–1960) . In: Journal of the German Oriental Society . tape 112 , 1962, pp. 1–5, here p. 3 .
  15. ^ Hanns Stock: Ursula Schweitzer, August 20, 1916 to March 12, 1960 . In: Journal for Egyptian Language and Antiquity . tape 85 , no. 4 , 1960, p. 92 .
  16. A. Mekhitarian: Ursula Schweitzer . In: Chronique d'Égypte . tape 35 , 1960, pp. 195–197, here p. 197 .
  17. ^ Peter Kaplony: Ursula Schweitzer, (1916–1960) . In: Journal of the German Oriental Society . tape 112 , 1962, pp. 1–5, here p. 3 .