Gustave Jéquier

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Gustave Jéquier

Gustave Jéquier (born August 14, 1868 Neuchâtel ; † March 24, 1946 ibid) was a Swiss Egyptologist and from 1912 to 1939 professor at the University of Neuchâtel .

Jéquier studied with Adolf Erman in Berlin and Gaston Maspero in Paris . He worked in Egypt for the Institut français d'archéologie orientale in Cairo . The focus of his excavations was in Saqqara . There he led u. a. 12 excavation campaigns to uncover the pyramid of Pharaoh Pepi II located there . His research focus was on the architecture and religion of ancient Egypt . Less well known is the fact that he was also one of the pioneers of Iranian archeology. So he took part in the years 1897-1902 in a campaign of a French research group under Jacques de Morgan in what is now Iran. He had already worked under this during his first stay in Egypt in 1892. Around the turn of the year 1901/1902, Jéquier discovered three parts of a broken diorite column with Old Babylonian cuneiform in a cave in Susa . It was the Codex Hammurapi, now kept in the Louvre .

He was awarded the title of officer in the Legion d'honneur .


  • Mémoir sur les fouilles de light. 1902
  • Le Papyrus Prisse et ses variantes. Paris 1911
  • Egyptian decoration. Plafonds et frises végétales du Nouvel Empire thébain (1400 to 1000 avant. J.–C.). Paris 1911
  • Les Temples memphites et thébains des origines à la fin de la XVIIIe dynasty. Paris 1920
  • Matériaux pour servir à l'établissement d'un Dictionnaire d'Archéologie Égyptienne. 1921
  • L'architecture et la décoration dans l'ancienne Égyptienne. 1921-1924
  • Les Temples Ramessides et Saites de la XIX 'a la XXX dynasty. Morance, Paris 1922
  • Manuel d'archéologie égyptienne. 1924
  • Le Mastabat Faraoun. Cairo 1928
  • La pyramide d'Oudjebten. Cairo 1928
  • Deux pyramides du Moyen Empire (= Fouilles à Saqqarah. Volume 68). Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, Cairo 1933.
  • Les Pyramides des Reines Neit et Apouit (= Fouilles à Saqqarah ). Imprimerie de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale, Cairo 1933.
  • La pyramide d'Aba. 1935
  • Report préliminaire sur les travaux exécutés en 1935-1936 in the partie méridionale de la nécropole memphite. Cairo 1936
  • Douze ans de fouilles dans la nécropole memphite 1924–1936. Neuchâtel 1940
  • Deux pyramides du Moyen Empire. Cairo 1938
  • Le monument funéraire de Pepi II. 3 vol., Cairo 1936–40
  • En Perse, 1897-1902, Editions de la Baconnière. Neuchâtel 1968
