VBA building

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The VBA building in Beijing

The VBA Building ( Chinese  八一大樓  /  八一大楼 , Pinyin Bā Yi Dalou , VBA = V olks b efreiungs a rmee) in the Fuxing Road 7, in the south of Beijing Municipality Haidian , the seat of which is the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic China and the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China . It also houses the Ministry of Defense of the People's Republic of China and part of the National People's Mobilization Commission (the People's Militia High Command ).

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, what was then called the "People's Revolutionary Military Commission of the Central People's Government" (China did not have a Ministry of Defense at the time) was housed in the Three Honor Gates Building (三座 门, Pinyin Sān Zuò Mén ) at 20 Vorderen Jingshan Street . When two parallel military commissions, the state and the CCP, were created in connection with the constitutional reform of 1982, despite the personal identity of the two commissions at the management level, the space available there became too cramped, and thought began about a new building in the next Meetings were held in the offices of the various agencies and foreign military representatives could be received with dignity. The latter is one of the main tasks of the Ministry of Defense, while the Central Military Commission has supreme command of the armed forces.

Since it was intended as a multi-purpose building, the "Project 844" (844 工程, Pinyin 844 Gōngchéng , lit. 八一is the acronym for [一九二七年]八[月]一[日] or "August 1, 1927," the day of the Nanchang Uprising , which is regarded as the founding date of the communist forces (now the People's Liberation Army has八一, written from top to bottom, on her cockade ). Fu Xuezheng (傅 学 正, born 1933), the deputy head of the ZMK law firm, was in charge of the project until 1988, when he retired. The construction plans were drawn up by the 4th Structural Research Institute of the Pioneers at the General Staff of the People's Liberation Army (中国人民解放军 总参谋部 工程兵 第四 设计 研究院), which specializes in the design of bomb-proof buildings, gas and fire protection, etc. The excavation began on March 2, 1997 and the shell was completed on October 30, 1997. At the end of 1998 the installation and plastering work was basically finished, and by the end of July 1999 the interior fittings were complete, the telephones and computers installed and the greening of the outdoor facilities completed. The total construction cost was 779 million yuan.

Cao Gangchuan welcomes Donald Rumsfeld to VBA-Platz (2005)

The VBA building has 12 above-ground and 2 underground floors with a total of 90,255 m² (that is, the construction costs were 8631.1 yuan / m²). The VBA Square (八一 广场, Pinyin Bā Yī Guǎngchǎng ) is located on the south side of the building, directly on Fuxing Street, on which high -ranking guests can step off a form of honor , on the north side there is a 12,600 m² green area; in the directly adjacent Yuyuantan Park (玉渊潭 公园, Pinyin Yùyuāntán Gōngyuán ) is the Diaoyutai guest house of the state government. Directly to the west of the VBA building is the military museum , on the opposite side of the street is the head office of the Chinese Railway (the former Ministry of Railways). The caretaker service in the VBA building is organized by a subdivision of the property management in the chancellery of the Central Military Commission (the 八一 大楼 管理 für), interns have been employed at this department since 2005 for guiding guests to the correct offices, making tea, etc. of the Qingdao Tourism School .

The VBA building can be easily reached by taking Line 1 or Line 9 of the Beijing Subway , 军事 博物馆 / Military Museum Station.

Individual evidence

  1. The name of the building derives from the three to Dagao temple belonging honor gates from that spanned there until 1955 the street.
  2. 陈斯喜, 刘松山: 宪法 确立 国家 中央 军事 委员会 的 经过. In: http://www.calaw.cn . March 10, 2013, accessed November 14, 2018 (Chinese).
  3. ^ White Paper of the Armed Forces of the People's Republic of China. In: http://german.china.org.cn . Retrieved November 7, 2018 .
  4. 傅 学 正: 在 中央军委 办公厅 工作 的 日子. In: http://www.cqvip.com . Retrieved November 14, 2018 (Chinese).
  5. 总参谋部 工程兵 第四 设计 研究院 到 东城 区 民防 局 调研. In: http://www.bjdch.gov.cn . August 14, 2011, accessed November 15, 2018 (Chinese).
  6. 外 网 咨询 问题 联系 方式. In: http://www.119.gov.cn . Retrieved November 15, 2018 (Chinese).
  7. ↑ In terms of purchasing power, 1 yuan is about 1 euro.
  8. 八一 大楼 等 今日 参展. In: https://www.sina.com.cn . December 19, 2007, accessed November 14, 2018 (Chinese).
  9. 齐心协力 筑 平台 潜心 尽力 育 “工匠” —— 市 教育局 王新刚 副 处长 、 旅游 学校 陈作亮 校长 一行 访 北京 人民大会堂 、 中央军委 办公厅 八一 大楼. In: http://www.sohu.com . December 13, 2016, accessed November 13, 2018 (Chinese).
  10. 中央军委 办公厅 连续 十年 招收 青岛 旅游 学校 学生 赴京 工作. In: http://www.qdlyxx.com . March 27, 2015, accessed November 14, 2018 (Chinese). Because of the famines that frequently occur there for climatic and hydrological reasons, Shandongers are traditionally overrepresented both among martial artists and in the regular military .

Coordinates: 39 ° 54 ′ 28.4 ″  N , 116 ° 19 ′ 15.6 ″  E