Valentin Thilo the Younger

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Valentin Thilo, contemporary copper engraving

Valentin Thilo the Younger (born April 19, 1607 in Königsberg ; † July 27, 1662 ibid) was a Lutheran theologian, professor of rhetoric and hymn poet .

Valentin Thilo the Elder's son lost his parents to the plague in 1620 when he was 13 years old. He was brought up by Pastor Georg Mylius and Professor Funk. In 1624 he began to study theology at the Albertus University in Königsberg , but also rhetoric and history. Here Samuel Fuchs was his teacher. From 1632 to 1634 he studied in Leiden . In 1634 he acquired a master's degree in Königsberg ; in the same year he became professor of rhetoric. He was dean of the philosophical faculty five times and rector of the university twice.

Thilo was a member of the gourd hut to Simon Dach and worked as his father as a poet of hymns. The now widespread version of the Advent song Mit Ernst, o Menschenkinder ( EG 10) is attributed to him, as well as other songs that are no longer in the hymnbook today, such as Big is, Lord, your goodness, very big is your faith (1639) and Lord our God when I look at (1639).


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