Valentino Bucchi

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Valentino Bucchi (born November 29, 1916 in Florence , † May 9, 1976 in Rome ) was an Italian composer , music critic and teacher.


The son of a horn player and a violinist, after studying philosophy at the University of Florence, completed a musical education at the Liceo Musicale Cherubini with Vito Frazzi and Luigi Dallapiccola .

Since 1938 he was music critic for the magazine La Nazione in Florence. In 1939 his one-act opera Giuoco del Barone was premiered, which attracted the attention of music critic Bruno Barilli and was awarded the Prix ​​Italia in 1956 . After 1941 only a few music reviews from him appeared. Between 1945 and 1947 he wrote reviews for La Nazione del Popolo and Mattino dell'Italia Centrale .

From 1945 Bucchi taught at the Conservatories of Florence and Venice. From 1957 to 1974 he directed the Conservatory of Perugia , then that of Florence until his death. He also worked as director of the Accademia Filarmonica Romana (1958–1960), the Teatro Comunale di Bologna (1963–1967) and the Accademia Chigiana in Siena .

After Bucchi's death, the Associazione Musicale Valentino Bucchi was founded in 1977 (since 1990 Fondazione Valentino Bucchi ), which annually awards the Premio Valentino Bucchi to young musicians and composers.


  • Quattro liriche for voice and piano (after Paul Verlaine , Aldo Palazzeschi ), 1935–40
  • Sonatina for piano, 1938
  • Il giuoco del barone , opera in one act (libretto: Alessandro Parronchi ), world premiere: Florence 1939
  • Cinque Madrigali La dolce pena for voice and nine instruments, 1946
  • Il pianto delle creature , cantata for voice and orchestra, premiered in Florence with Feodora Barbieri 1947
  • Cori della pietà morta for mixed choir and orchestra (text: Franco Fortini ), 1949–50
  • Film music for Il cielo è rosso , 1950
  • La Ballata del Silenzio for orchestra, 1951
  • Li gieus de Robin et de Marion , opera in one act (libretto: Mario Mattolini and Mario Pezzari after Adam de la Halle ), WP : RAI Rome, 1953
  • Film music for Febbre di vivere , Premio Nastro d'Argento 1953
  • Il contrabbasso , grotesque (libretto: Mario Mattolini and Mario Pezzati after Anton Pawlowitsch Chekhov ), premiere: Florence 1954
  • Racconto Siciliano , ballet for two pianos based on an idea by Luchino Visconti , 1955
  • String quartet , premiered by the Quartetto Italiano in New York 1957
  • Concerto Lirico for violin and string orchestra, 1957
  • Mirandolina Ballet, world premiere at the Teatro dell'Opera , Rome, in the choreography by Aurel von Milloss , 1957
  • Concerto in rondò for piano and orchestra, premiere with Vera Franceschi 1957
  • Una notte in paradiso , Cantafavola for soloists, speakers and choir (libretto: Luigi Bazzoni after Italo Calvino ), premiere: Florence 1960
  • Soundtrack for Banditi a Orgosolo , 1961
  • Fantasia for string orchestra, 1963
  • Concerto grottesco for double bass and strings, 1967
  • Il coccodrillo , opera (based on Fyodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski ), world premiere: Teatro Comunale Florenz 1970
  • Ison for cello solo, premiered by Amedeo Baldovino 1971
  • Un incipit for strings, 1972
  • Colloquio corale for speaker, soprano, choir and orchestra, dedicated to the memory of Aldo Capitini , 1972
  • Il Tumulto dei Ciompi , 1972
  • Concerto di Concerti for strings, 1974
  • Soliloquios , monodrama for viola solo, 1976

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