Valeriu Marcu

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Valeriu Marcu (born March 8, 1899 in Bucharest , † July 4, 1942 in New York City ) was a stateless writer and historian. He wrote most of his works in German.


Marcu came from a Jewish family in Bukovina . When he was only 16 or 17 he visited Lenin in Zurich and offered him his work; he was a staunch communist at the time . Marcu had lived in Berlin since 1920, and his application for naturalization, which he had repeatedly made since 1929, was rejected by the Prussian authorities .

In 1926 he broke away from communism and turned to the Conservative Revolution . Ernst Jünger was enthusiastic about the biography of Marcus Scharnhorst and came into contact with him through Arnolt Bronnen . Marcu wrote for magazines that were banned by the National Socialists after 1933 , in the Weltbühne , in the Tages-Buch and in the literary world . He contributed to Klaus Mann's The Collection .

Marcu fled from the National Socialists to Switzerland and France. In 1941 he came to the USA with the help of the Emergency Rescue Committee ( Varian Fry ).

In a letter to Gottfried Treviranus , Marcu wrote on November 18, 1938:

“I was never interested in the Jewish question because I wasn't interested in it. I was always of the opinion, as a poet [Heinrich Heine] once wrote, that Judaism is not a religion but a misfortune. For me, the consistent religious continuation of Judaism is Catholicism. "

- Valeriu Marcu

Marcu was married to Eva Dorothea Gerson (1908-2004). The daughter Tu Miki (* 1934 in Nice) lives in Manhattan .


In his autobiography The Few and the Many. Roman einer Zeit (1959, 1991) Hans Sahl probably meant Valeriu Marcu by “Ignazio Morton” .

"As usual with métèques , Marcu was a fanatic of assimilation, who saw his ideal in traditional Prussianism and viewed Jewish ancestry as an undeserved fate."

Works (selection)

Memorial plaque for the German and Austrian refugees in Sanary-sur-Mer , among them Valeriu Marcu
  • Imperialism and Peace, Predatory War and Revolution . Under the pseudonym Gracchus, Neuer Deutscher Verlag FL Halle & Co., Berlin 1924
  • The white and red armies . Verlag der Jugend-Internationale (St. Petersburg) 1921
  • Imperialism and Peace . Berlin 1924
  • Shadow of History: 15 European Profiles . Hoffmann and Campe, Berlin 1926
  • Wilhelm Liebknecht 1823-26: March 1926. A picture of the German labor movement . Berlin 1926
  • The rebel and democracy: on the crisis d. Socialism . E. LAub'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Berlin 1927
  • Lenin, 30 years of Russia: With numerous, partly unpublished Images . Paul List, Leipzig 1927. After the war
  • The great command of Scharnhorst. The birth of a military power in Europe . Paul List, Leipzig 1928
  • The Birth of Nations: From Unity of Faith to Democracy of Money . Berlin 1930
  • Men and powers of the present . Gustaf Kiepenheuer, Berlin 1930
  • The expulsion of the Jews from Spain . Querido Verlag, Amsterdam 1934 ,. Reprinted after the war Matthes & Seitz, Munich 1991, ISBN 3-88221-795-2
  • Machiavelli: the school of power . Allert de Lange, Amsterdam 1937. Translations in various languages. After the war Matthes & Seitz, Munich 1994 ISBN 3-88221-795-2 , + S. Fischer paperback 1999
  • A head is more than four hundred larynxes . Collected essays : In the 60th year of Valeriu Marcu's death in memory. Edited by A. Corbea-Hoișie


Web links

Wikisource: Valeriu Marcu  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. Ernst Jünger: Complete Works, Volume 3. Diaries III: Radiation II Klett-Cotta Verlag, Stuttgart, pp. 458-460.
  2. ^ Afterword, p. 282 f.
  3. ^ Afterword , p. 283