Venus positions

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The following article deals with the constellations of Venus , i.e. H. their positions relative to the sun and the starry sky as seen from earth.

Positions relative to the sun

The elongations (angular distances) of planets in relation to the sun as seen from earth

Like the earth and all other planets in our solar system , Venus rotates in a clockwise direction , i.e. H. Counterclockwise as seen from the north pole of the ecliptic, around the sun. Since it is a lower planet and orbits the sun much faster than the earth, we always see it in a certain proximity to the sun and, in continuous alternation, east to west of it (see adjacent graphic):

  • In elongation to the east we see it as an evening star .
  • After its maximum elongation to the east, it moves towards the lower conjunction , where, from our point of view, it becomes invisible “in front of” the sun
  • After the lower conjunction it becomes the morning star and wanders into its maximum westerly elongation.
  • After the maximum westerly elongation, it comes (apparently) closer to the sun again and moves into the upper conjunction , where it becomes invisible “behind” the sun.
  • Finally, as an evening star, it again elongates to the east.

Relative to the position of the sun , Venus, seen from the earth, is retrograde from the time of the greatest eastern elongation, i.e. it apparently moves to the west until it becomes clockwise again after the greatest western elongation, i.e. migrates to the east. The maximum elongation is a little over 45 ° in each case.

The graph also indicates why the period between maximum western elongation and lower conjunction (around 7 weeks) is significantly shorter than the period between the upper conjunction and maximum western elongation (over 7 months); for analogous reasons, the period between the lower conjunction and the maximum western elongation is correspondingly shorter than the subsequent one up to the upper conjunction. It should be noted that the distance between Earth and Venus, relative to their distance to the sun, is significantly smaller than shown in the graphic. Therefore, at a similar angle, the two elongation points move even closer to those of the lower conjunction.

Transits and coverings

The inclination of Venus' orbit: it is
only on the ecliptic at the point (knot) closest to and farthest from the observer.

The terms “in front of” and “behind” are in quotation marks in the text above, since Venus usually does not hit the sun exactly, but only passes close to it and only becomes invisible because of the sun's brightness. During the lower conjunction, due to the inclination of Venus' orbit in relation to the ecliptic of about 3.4 °, a Venus transit occurs only very rarely , so that Venus can actually be seen exactly in front of the solar disk. This can only take place in early June or early December when Venus is exactly on the ecliptic.

Since the calendar day of a lower conjunction differs from that of the fifth next by only a few days, a transit usually follows a second one every 8 years, but it becomes after the transits on June 8, 2004 and June 6, 2012 It will take over 100 years until the conjunction falls near the other intersection of Venus' orbit with the ecliptic, which Venus always reaches in December.

Since the sun occupies about half a degree, more precisely: 32 (± 0.5) angular minutes , in the sky, Venus is only allowed for a (at least half) transit or covering, viewed from Earth, by about 16 minutes compared to the Sun be raised or lowered. Pressing the absolute lifting / lowering by respectively the tangent of the opposite angle, and takes into account that for small angles, the angle and its tangent match, the Venus must for a transit relative to the sun only by a maximum of 16 '× (0.277 AE) ÷ ( 0.723 AU) ≈ 6.13 minutes (whereby the Venus radius of half a minute would have to be subtracted for a complete coverage in the calculation from the 16 minutes, whereas for a grazing coverage, however, add it). For an occultation where the apparent size of Venus is already negligible (½ '× 0.277 ÷ 1.723 ≈ 0.08'), it is 16 '× (1.723 AU) ÷ (0.723 AU) ≈ 38 minutes. Therefore, coverage is roughly as likely as a lower conjunction with a central angle smaller than 16 '× 1.723 ÷ 0.277 ≈ 1.66 °. Such an angle is not only reached exactly between two transits, but also 8 years later / earlier, 16 years later / earlier, etc.

Since June 18, 1976 (partial coverage), June coverage has taken place every eight years, which will only end after May 28, 2048, as late May coverage. The next December transits on December 11, 2117 and December 8, 2125 will finally be announced from December 17, 2089 by eight-year December coverages that will not end until November 30, 2145.

An auxiliary rule is that, relative to the sun, around a June transit, Venus is lowered by about 20 minutes every 8 years compared to the transit position. Around the occultation between the two transits, Venus is therefore lowered every 8 years by 20 '× 0.277 ÷ 1.723 ≈ 3.2' in the upper conjunction. As a rule, ten such jumps fit into the interval ± 16 ', such as the one between 1976 and 2048. Venus is lifted around a December transit and the lift is even about 24 minutes, i.e. around 20% more. As a result, there are usually only eight coverages, e.g. B. those between 2089 and 2145.

Positions relative to the starry sky

Venus on October 26th, 2015 during its greatest western elongation in the southeastern sky in the constellation Leo in close proximity to Jupiter and Mars. Brightnesses: Venus: −4.5 mag, Jupiter: −1.8 mag, Mars: +1.8 mag, Leo: +4.1 mag

Relative to the sun, as shown above, Venus always wanders for half a cycle to (/ in) the east and half a cycle to (/ in) the west; on average it is therefore stationary relative to it. In relation to the starry sky , however, like the sun, Venus moves an average of 360 ° per year , i.e. around 1 ° per day, to the east. At the time of the lower conjunction, however, it migrates to the west in the starry sky , analogous to the planetary loop of the upper planets . This is because the faster Venus “overtakes” Earth on the inner orbit. The retrograde against the starry sky begins a good 3 weeks before the lower conjunction and ends just 3 weeks after it. During this period, the starry sky behind Venus is difficult to see because the planet enters or leaves the visible sky, which is no longer or not completely darkened, during or shortly before (morning star) or after (evening star).


The Venus sickle in the western evening sky in its brightest shine about five weeks before the lower conjunction

Venus reaches its maximum apparent brightness of about −4.8 mag (fluctuating between 4.7 and 4.9 mag) about 5 weeks after the maximum easterly elongation and 5 weeks before the maximum westerly elongation, a good month before or after each month after the lower conjunction. At these points in time we see less of the directly illuminated Venus surface than at maximum elongation, but the planet is then closer to the earth.

At maximum elongation, however, the planet is hardly less bright with about 4.5 mag and can then also be seen against a darker sky, so that u. U. also the constellation behind him becomes visible.


The length of the visibility of Venus per twilight and night depends very much on the season. At maximum elongation, the evening star lies around 45 ° east of the sun and has an orbit in the sky that the sun will not have until 1.5 months later. Therefore, its orbit runs in the period when the days are getting longer (December to May), above the sun and the planet is visible for a correspondingly long time in the evening sky - especially where the day lengths increase rapidly (January to April). On the other hand, if the days get shorter, the planet is below the sun and visibility is reduced. For analogous reasons, the orbit of the morning star with high elongation in the period in which the days are getting shorter (June to November) lies above the sun and the planet remains visible for a long time, while it is below in spring.

However, these phenomena are superimposed by the inclination of Venus' orbit in relation to the ecliptic. Because of them, Venus is also raised in spring and lowered in autumn. This means that the evening star is particularly briefly visible in late summer and early autumn, since it is then already strongly lowered. In the case of the Morgenstern, on the other hand, the particularly short visibility is extended somewhat in spring.

The maximum increase of Venus in the lower conjunction is 8.8 * and is z. B. assumed in the March and late February conjunctions between March 11, 2065 and February 28, 2105 (March 6, 2081 and March 3, 2089: 8.84 °); the next conjugation in March, on March 23, 2025, will reach 8.41 °. The 8.8 ° 3.4 ° are calculated from the maximum raising of the Venus respect to the ecliptic, considering that the absolute increase in the Venus one hand, the tangent of 3.4 ° by the removal of Venus to the sun of 0.723 AE is and on the other hand the tangent of the elevation angle relative to the earth times the Venus near distance of 0.277 AU. In March, Venus is double-faced near the lower conjunction (years 2017, 2025 etc.) and can be seen briefly in both the morning and evening sky. In the southern hemisphere, it is the case with lower conjunction in August (2015, 2023 etc.).

Cyclical visibility

The venus pentagram. The distribution of the positions of the lower conjunctions of Venus in the sky from 2020 to 2028

The orbital times around the sun of earth and Venus have the ratio 13: 8, which means that after 8 earth orbits (= earth years) Venus has already 13 behind it. This in turn means that Venus has overtaken Earth a total of 5 times, which we perceive as a lower conjunction .

If one takes the current five Venus cycles distributed over 8 years or the coming ones as a basis, one can determine the periods of time that Venus spends without the sun at maximum elongation in the sky for a pentagon with five maximum western elongations, lower conjunctions and maximum western elongations , determine. These cycles will differ from the previous and the following cycles by only a few days, so that one can adjust to the real possible visibility for decades. If, on the other hand, you want to know this for ten equidistant points in the year, you have to go far back or ahead. The pentagon of the Venus constellations moves an average of 72 ° in 243 years, so that the exact original constellation is reached again. If you go back only 121.5 years, you get five more constellations in an 8-year period that lie exactly between the current ones. These 121.5 years are also the average period after which Venus transits are repeated, since a knot is reached again after a rotation of 36 ° , namely the opposite one.

Table of visibilities during the year

The following table contains both the five cycles from October 2021 and the five cycles from April 1900, sorted by calendar month. It can also be arranged in ascending order in the elongation columns from January to December and indicates how the periods of visibility per night are distributed over the different seasons. It refers to a point near the city ​​center of Dortmund with the particularly simple coordinates 51.5 ° north latitude and 7.5 ° east longitude ( coordinate link ). There, the sun reaches the culmination of a Spring and Autumn amount of (90 ° - 51.5 °) = 38.5 °, a maximum in summer of 62 ° and a minimum in winter of 15 ° (38.5 ° ± 23.5 ° inclination of the earth's axis in relation to the ecliptic ). The culminating heights of the sun (noon) and Venus are also entered; their ratio is responsible for the length of the visibility periods.

All times, including those in winter, refer to summer time. Therefore, due to the eastern length of the location of exactly 1/48 of a year, the sun is always exactly at 1.30 p.m. in the south.

O- elongation
summer ter.
W elongation

Rising of Venus
Oct 29, 2021 18:09 19:54 1 h 45 ' 25.0 ° 11.5 ° 0Jan. 9, 2022 March 20, 2022 05:53 07:32 1 h 39 ' 38.5 ° 23.5 °
0Dec 5, 1901 17:17 20:38 3 h 21 ' 16.0 ° 16.1 ° Feb. 14, 1902 Apr 26, 1902 06:56 06:14 1 h 18 ' 51.9 ° 34.3 °
Jan 10, 2025 17:43 22:04 4 h 21 ' 16.5 ° 29.2 ° March 23, 2025 0Jun 1, 2025 03:44 05:18 1 h 34 ' 60.5 ° 46.2 °
Feb 15, 1905 18:45 23:13 4 h 28 ' 25.8 ° 45.1 ° Apr. 27, 1905 0Jul 6, 1905 02:50 05:19 2 h 29 ' 61.1 ° 55.3 °
March 22, 2028 19:48 00:24 4 h 36 ' 38.9 ° 58.2 ° 0Jun 1, 2028 Aug 10, 2028 02:30 06:08 3 h 38 ' 53.5 ° 58.6 °
Apr. 29, 1900 20:43 01:12 4 h 29 ' 53.1 ° 65.3 ° 08 Jul 1900 17 Sep 1900 02:49 07:00 4 h 11 ' 40.3 ° 54.4 °
0Jun 4, 2023 21:40 00:58 3 h 18 ' 60.9 ° 61.5 ° 13 Aug 2023 Oct 24, 2023 03:47 08:08 4 h 21 ' 26.9 ° 44.8 °
Jul 10, 1903 21:46 23:41 1 h 55 ' 60.7 ° 49.3 ° 17 Sep 1903 Nov 28, 1903 04:40 09:08 4 h 28 ' 17.1 ° 32.6 °
Aug 15, 2026 20:52 22:02 1 h 10 ' 52.9 ° 34.4 ° Oct 24, 2026 0Jan 3, 2027 05:38 09:35 3 h 57 ' 15.7 ° 22.7 °
Sep 20 1906 19:35 20:37 1 h 02 ' 39.3 ° 19.3 ° Nov. 30, 1906 0Feb 9, 1907 06:12 08:56 2 h 44 ' 24.0 ° 18.8 °

We see that at maximum elongation, Venus is highest in the evening sky about a month and a half before our summer solstice. This is explained by the fact that we see them from the perspective from which we will see the sun for a month and a half (corresponds to 45 °). The length of visibility here is, however, similarly good in the months before (February to April), because Venus is then lower, but the sun is also. Visibility in the evening sky is really short in September, because the sun still has average midday height, but Venus is already late autumn.

In the morning sky it is the other way around as far as the absolute position of Venus at noon is concerned: Venus is particularly high a month and a half after the summer solstice. However, the weeks of longest visibility follow significantly later, as the sun itself is still quite high and will only lose height rapidly in early autumn. In mid-April, Venus has a winter sun position from the beginning of March, while the length of the day and the midday sun position have increased dramatically.

At the peak of Venus on April 28, 1900 of 65.3 ° (marked in bold in the table), the influence of the inclination of the orbit of Venus becomes apparent: It is higher in the south than the sun can be in Dortmund because it is raised in relation to the ecliptic is (highest increase is at the beginning of March). Conversely, the same applies to October 29, 2021, when Venus is just 11.5 ° high at its culmination (also marked in bold), which is lower than the sun would be possible here at noon, since it is lowered compared to the ecliptic ( largest decrease is at the beginning of September). This also extends the evening visibility in spring and shortens it in autumn.

In the western elongation the phenomenon is the opposite, since here Venus is lowered compared to the ecliptic in the period where it is highest (in August) and is raised where it is lowest (in February). Therefore the morning visibilities of Venus fluctuate a little less than the evening visibilities.

Meaningfulness for other places

Statements can also be drawn from the table for other locations in German-speaking countries:

  • Bern is roughly at the same longitude as Dortmund, but 4.5 degrees further south (47 °). As a result, the highs are each 4.5 ° higher and the differences in visibility are noticeably buffered. On September 20, 1906, the sun set there at 7:31 p.m. and Venus at 8:49 p.m., which increased the visibility of Venus by 17 minutes to 1 h 18 '. On March 21, 2028, however, the sun will set there at 18:41 and Venus at 23:00, which shortens visibility by 17 minutes to 4 h 18 '.
  • Göttingen and Halle (Saale) are 2.5 ° and 4.5 ° further east than Dortmund, which only brings the absolute times forward by 10 and 18 minutes.
  • Hamburg is two and a half degrees further east, which, analogous to Göttingen, brings the times forward by 10 minutes. However, since the Hanseatic city is also 2 degrees of latitude north (53.5 °), the differences are even greater. On September 20, 1906, the sun set there at 7:22 PM and Venus at 8:14 PM, which reduced visibility by 9 minutes to just 52 minutes. On March 21, 2028, however, the sun will set there at 6:32 pm and Venus will rise at 11:16 pm, which increases visibility by 9 minutes to 4:44.
  • Berlin is located at latitude (52.5 °) between Hamburg and Dortmund, so it is also roughly in between in terms of effects. The times are 24 minutes earlier than Dortmund because of the eastern location.
  • Vienna is not quite as south as Bern (at 48.2 °) and has a somewhat weaker buffering. However, the times are shifted 36 minutes forward due to the situation in the east.
  • Munich has a similar southern location because of comparable visibility periods as Vienna, but is more western, which brings the times forward by only 16 minutes compared to Dortmund
  • In effect, Innsbruck (47.3 °) can be compared with Bern, which is only a little more southerly, but is roughly the same as Munich, i.e. 16 minutes earlier.

If you go very far to the north, Venus can only be seen extremely briefly at maximum easterly elongation and low position compared to the sun. In Oslo (around 60 degrees latitude), for example, For example, on September 20, 1906, the sun set at 7:21 PM and Venus at 7:37 PM, which left little more than a quarter of an hour of visibility.

Record days

As an evening star

The current western elongations in spring (e.g. March 24, 2020) have very long Venus evenings (currently 4 h 36 ′) and get shorter from one eight-year cycle to the next. If one goes back accordingly, one finds a maximum length of 4 h 40 ′ on April 8, 1972. This evening length will also be reached on April 11, 2215, when the current early summer elongations (e.g. June 4, 2023; 3 h 18 ′) After many eight-year cycles. On these evenings, visibility begins two minutes before sunset and ends around five minutes before the planet sets, so it is only slightly shorter at 4 h 37 ′.

The shortest possible Venus evening can be found, if one goes back from the current late summer elongations (e.g. August 17, 2018; 1 h 09 ′), on September 11, 1938, when Venus only remained in the evening sky for 60.5 minutes after sunset , of which the planet was visible for about 54 minutes. On September 12, 2181, after the current late autumn elongations have returned many times (e.g. October 29, 2021; 1 hour 45 mins), the evening of Venus will hardly be longer at 61.3 minutes (55 minutes visible).

As a morning star

If one goes back from the current autumn elongations (e.g. Oct. 24, 2023; 4 h 21 ′) by a sufficient number of eight-year cycles, one finds Venus mornings six times in a row from November 30, 1895 to November 19, 1935 during maximum western late autumn elongation. If you go from the current winter elongations (e.g. Jan. 6, 2019; 3 h 54 ′) by many eight-year cycles into the future, you get seven Venus mornings from December 2, 2138 to November 17, 2186, with 4 h 27 ′ are only one minute shorter.

The last shortest possible Venus morning is on April 29, 1886, very many eight-year cycles before the current spring elongations (e.g. March 20, 2022; 1 h 39 ′) with 77.5 minutes = 1 h 17.5 ′. Venus morning on May 1, 2129, with 78.7 minutes = 1 h 17.5 ′, will be just a little longer, many eight-year cycles behind the current early summer elongations (e.g. June 3, 2017; 1 h 36 ′).

Table of Venus positions from 2000 to 2040

The following table shows the special constellations of Venus since 2000. Right and backwardness relate here to the starry sky. The data of the Venus transit in June 2004 and June 2012 are shown in bold, those of the Venus occultation in between and the following in italics.

The central angle indicated next to the date of the lower conjunction has a minus sign when Venus is south of the Sun. High plus values, as they occur mainly from February to April, mean that Venus is higher than the sun when viewed from the northern hemisphere - but this only has a marginal influence on the period of visibility (see note below the table above ). To a certain extent, around March 7th there is the "summer turning point" (Venus has its highest position relative to the sun), while around September 7th there is "turning point in winter" (Venus is below the sun). The typical transit times are exactly in between December and June. Since the solar disk occupies about half a degree, or more precisely: 32 minutes and Venus only about one, there is roughly a transit if the central angle is less than 16.5 minutes. The hours of maximum elongations describe how long Venus remains in the sky after sunset (eastern) or before sunrise (western). The actual visibility period deviates from this for Venus, unlike Mercury, only minimally.

The values ​​relate to 51.5 ° north latitude ( Dortmund , Göttingen , Halle (Saale) ) and the date, if applicable, to Dortmund (or Bern ; 7.5 ° east longitude). The last cycle in the 20th century ended with the covering for the upper conjunction on June 11, 2000 .

eastern elongation
then retrograde
then clockwise
Greatest western
Jan. 17, 2001 47.1 ° 4 h 24 ′ Feb 26, 2001 0March 9, 2001 March 30, 2001 + 8.0 ° April 20, 2001 April 29, 2001 0June 8, 2001 44.8 ° 1 h 42 ′ Jan. 14, 2002
22 Aug 2002 46.0 ° 1 h 06 ′ 0Oct 1, 2002 Oct 10, 2002 Oct 31, 2002 −5.7 ° Nov 21, 2002 Dec 2, 2002 Jan. 11, 2003 47.0 ° 3 h 45 ′ Aug 18, 2003
March 29, 2004 46.0 ° 4 h 38 ′ 0May 3, .2004 May 18, .2004 0June 8, 2004 0- 10.6 ′ June 30, 2004 July 13, 2004 Aug 17, 2004 45.8 ° 3 h 48 ′ March 31, 2005
0Nov 3, 2005 47.1 ° 1 h 56 ′ Dec 12, 2005 Dec 24, 2005 Jan. 13, 2006 + 5.5 ° Feb 3, 2006 Feb 14, 2006 March 25, 2006 46.5 ° 1 h 34 ′ Oct 27, 2006
0June 9, 2007 45.4 ° 3 h 05 ′ July 14, 2007 July 27, 2007 Aug 18, 2007 −8.0 ° 08 Sep 2007 23 Sep 2007 Oct 28, 2007 46.5 ° 4 h 23 ′ 0June 9, 2008
Jan. 14, 2009 47.1 ° 4 h 23 ′ Feb. 19, 2009 0March 6, 2009 March 27, 2009 + 8.2 ° April 17, 2009 April 29, 2009 0June 5, 2009 45.9 ° 1 h 40 ′ Jan. 11, 2010
Aug 20, 2010 46.0 ° 1 h 07 ′ 27 Sep 2010 0Oct 8, 2010 Oct 29, 2010 −6.0 ° Nov 18, 2010 0Dec 2, 2010 0Jan. 8, 2011 47.0 ° 3 h 48 ′ 16 Aug 2011
March 27, 2012 46.0 ° 4 h 37 ′ April 30, 2012 May 15, .2012 00June 6, 2012 00+ 9.3 ′ June 27, 2012 July 10, 2012 Aug 15, 2012 45.8 ° 3 h 45 ′ March 28, 2013
0Nov 1, 2013 47.1 ° 1 h 52 ′ Dec 10, 2013 Dec 20, 2013 Jan. 11, 2014 + 5.2 ° Jan. 31, 2014 Feb 11, 2014 March 22, 2014 46.6 ° 1 h 36 ′ Oct 25, 2014
0June 6, 2015 45.4 ° 3 h 13 ′ July 12, 2015 July 25, 2015 Aug 15, 2015 −7.8 ° 06 Sep 2015 Sep 20 2015 Oct 26, 2015 46.4 ° 4 h 22 ′ 0June 6, 2016
Jan. 12, 2017 47.1 ° 4 h 22 ′ Feb. 18, 2017 04th March 2017 March 25, 2017 + 8.3 ° April 15, 2017 April 26, 2017 03rd June 2017 45.9 ° 1 h 36 ′ 0Jan. 9, 2018
17th Aug 2018 45.8 ° 1 h 09 ′ 23 Sep 2018 0Oct. 5, 2018 Oct. 26, 2018 −6.3 ° Nov 16, 2018 0Dec 1, 2018 0Jan. 6, 2019 47.0 ° 3 h 54 ′ 14 Aug 2019
March 24, 2020 46.1 ° 4 h 36 ′ 0May 2, .2020 May 13, .2020 03rd June 2020 0+29.2 ′ June 25, 2020 5th July 2020 13 Aug 2020 45.8 ° 3 h 42 ′ March 26, 2021
Oct 29, 2021 47.0 ° 1 h 45 ′ 09 Dec 2021 19 Dec 2021 0Jan. 9, 2022 + 4.9 ° Jan 29, 2022 0Feb 7, 2022 March 20, 2022 46.6 ° 1 h 39 ′ Oct 22, 2022
04 Jun 2023 45.4 ° 3 h 18 ′ July 12, 2023 July 23, 2023 13 Aug 2023 −7.7 ° 04th Sep 2023 Sep 14 2023 Oct 24, 2023 46.4 ° 4 h 21 ′ 04 Jun 2024
Jan 10, 2025 47.2 ° 4 h 21 ′ Feb 19, 2025 0March 2, 2025 March 23, 2025 + 8.4 ° April 13, 2025 April 22, 2025 0June 1, 2025 45.9 ° 1 h 34 ′ 0Jan 6, 2026
Aug 15, 2026 45.9 ° 1 h 10 ′ Sep 24 2026 0Oct 3, 2026 Oct 24, 2026 −6.5 ° Nov 14, 2026 Nov 25, 2026 0Jan 3, 2027 47.0 ° 3 h 57 ′ Aug 12, 2027
March 22, 2028 46.1 ° 4 h 36 ′ April 30, 2028 May 10, .2028 0June 1, 2028 0+49.1 ′ June 23, 2028 0July 3, 2028 Aug 10, 2028 45.8 ° 3 h 38 ′ March 23, 2029
Oct 27, 2029 47.0 ° 1 h 41 ′ 07 Dec 2029 17 Dec 2029 0Jan 6, 2030 + 4.5 ° Jan 26, 2030 0Feb 5, 2030 March 18, 2030 46.6 ° 1 h 41 ′ Oct. 20, 2030
0June 2, 2031 45.4 ° 3 h 23 ′ July 10, 2031 July 20, 2031 11 Aug 2031 −7.5 ° 0Sep 1 2031 Sep 12 2031 Oct 21, 2031 46.4 ° 4 h 21 ′ 0June 2, 2032
0Jan. 7, 2033 47.2 ° 4 h 18 ′ Feb 17, 2033 Feb. 27, 2033 March 20, 2033 + 8.5 ° April 10, 2033 April 19, 2033 May 29, .2033 45.9 ° 1 h 32 ′ 0Jan 4, 2034
Aug 12, 2034 45.9 ° 1 h 12 ′ 21 Sep 2034 Sep 30 2034 Oct 21, 2034 −6.8 ° Nov 11, 2034 Nov 22, 2034 0Jan. 1, 2035 46.9 ° 4 h 02 ′ 09 Aug 2035
March 20, 2036 46.2 ° 4 h 36 ′ April 27, 2036 0May 8, .2036 May 30, .2036 + 1.1 ° June 20, 2036 June 30, 2036 0Aug 8, 2036 45.8 ° 3 h 35 ′ March 21, 2037
Oct 25, 2037 47.4 ° 1 h 37 ′ 0Dec 4, 2037 Dec 14, 2037 0Jan 4, 2038 + 4.1 ° Jan 24, 2038 0Feb 2, 2038 March 15, 2038 46.6 ° 1 h 45 ′ Oct 18, 2038
May 30, .2039 45.4 ° 3 h 25 ′ 0July 7, 2039 July 18, 2039 0Aug 8, 2039 −7.4 ° Aug 30, 2039 Sep 10 2039 Oct 19, 2039 46.4 ° 4 h 20 ′ May 31, .2040

Since Venus moves an average of exactly 72 ° in 243 years, this is 2.37 ° for an 8-year period, which corresponds to 2.405 days. Accordingly, one of their positions is 2 to 3 days earlier after 8 years and five cycles.


  1. a b c d e f g h Venus positions on
  2. Eleven would only be possible in exceptional cases if a jump ran exactly in the middle.
  3. In the Stellarium program , 4.78 mag will be displayed for the sinking of Venus on September 23, 2018.
  4. In the Stellarium program , 4.46 mag will be displayed for August 17, 2018 when Venus sets.
  5. This can even be understood here as “beginning of December to end of May”, since z. B. on December 1st the evening star has the usual solar height of mid-January, which is roughly the same as that of the beginning of December.
  6. all dates in UT1
  7. a b relative to the ecliptic


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