Glattal transport company

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VBG Verkehrsbetriebe Glattal AG
Logo Verkehrsbetriebe Glattal
Basic information
Company headquarters Opfikon
Web presence
Reference year 2015
owner Municipality of Bassersdorf
Municipality of Dällikon
Municipality of Dänikon
Municipality of Dietlikon
City of Dübendorf
Municipality of Fällanden
Municipality of Greifensee
City of Illnau-Effretikon
City of Kloten
Municipality of Lindau
Municipality of Nürensdorf
Municipality of Boppelsen
City of Opfikon
Municipality of Otelfingen
Municipality of Regensdorf
Municipality of Rümlang
Municipality of Volketswil
Municipality of Wallisellen
Municipality of Wangen-Brüttisellen
Municipality of Weisslingen
City of Zurich
Canton of Zurich
Ruedi Lais
Board of Directors René Huber (President)
Ruedi Lais (Vice President)
Operations management Matthias Keller
Transport network Zurich Transport Association
Employee 19 (VBG)
264 (transport officer)
Light rail 2
bus 52
Passengers 31.5 million per year
Mileage 7.3 million km per year
Stops 411
Length of line network
Light rail lines 12.7 km
Bus routes 272.3 kmdep1
Operating facilities
Track length 12.7 km

The VBG Verkehrsbetriebe Glattal AG operate on behalf of the Zürcher Verkehrsverbund public transport in the regions (CRVO) as so-called market-responsible enterprise (MVU) Glattalbahn and Furttal and in space Effretikon / Volketswil . As a pure MVU, the VBG have been exclusively responsible for the planning and implementation of the transport offer since 1993; all mileage is provided by transport officers who provide drivers and vehicles.

The VBG transport network in 2016 consisted of 54 lines (bus 52, train 2) with a distance of 285.0 km (bus 272.3 km, train 12.7 km). In 2015, 31.5 million passengers (bus 24.0 million, train 7.5 million) were carried and 411 stops were served.



Verkehrsbetriebe Glattal has been registered as a stock corporation in the commercial register of the Canton of Zurich since December 1997 . Since the statutes were updated in June 2003, the company's purpose has essentially been “the management and operation of a public transport network in the Glattal region and the neighboring areas” as well as the “realization of the Glattalbahn”, which was then newly included in the statutes.

The share capital of VBG amounts to 230,000  francs , divided into 230 registered shares of 1,000 francs each. The shares are not publicly traded, only one of the 23 shareholders is private, the remaining 22 are publicly owned .

The Board of Directors , originally comprising 15 members, was reduced to a maximum of nine members in mid-2003.

Since October 2007 the management has consisted of seven members who are also heads of a department. The total of 15 employees has 13 full-time equivalents.

Board of Directors

The director of the Zürcher Verkehrsverbund (ZVV) has a permanent seat on the administrative board as a representative of the canton of Zurich (economics directorate). Currently (2016) it has five members:

  • René Huber, Kloten, Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • Ruedi Lais , Wallisellen, Vice President of the Board of Directors
  • Renate Amstutz, Bern, Director of the Swiss Association of Cities
  • Hans Jakob Schürch, Wädenswil, controller
  • Prof. Dr. Ulrich Weidmann, Zurich, full professor for transport systems at the ETH Zurich

Market area

The VBG market area comprises 20 political communities in three market regions.

Effretikon / Volketswil


Bus operation

In 1993 the VBG took over the organization of the regional bus network in the Glattal. The network was previously merged in the public corporations “Verkehrsbetriebe der Region Unteres Glattal” (VRUG) and “Verkehrsbetriebe der Region Mittleres Glattal” (VRMG), in which the Canton of Zurich and the affected communities were involved while managing the transport companies Zurich (VBZ) was responsible.

The VBG do not provide any mileage, the operation is carried out exclusively by contracted transport companies. While existing transport orders had to be accepted due to a moratorium lasting several months, these have been put out to tender since around 1995. Later, the "Verkehrsbetriebe der Region Furttal" (VBRF) was also dissolved and assigned to the VBG as a market region. In autumn 2007, VBG presented their new corporate identity, and bus operations have since appeared under the name “Glattalbus”, based on the “Glattalbahn” tram / light rail project. The new corporate design was also implemented on the existing buses of the transport officers in the course of 2008.

Transport officer

Six transport officers work for VBG, each operating a sub-network. The drivers are employed by these companies; the vehicles are procured and financed by the ZVV and the VBG, but are legally owned by the individual companies (matriculation, insurance, management). ATE Bus, Eurobus, Ryffel and Stadtbus Winterthur have their own garages; the Maag vehicles, on the other hand, are rented in the Eurobus Welti-Furrer AG bus center in Bassersdorf .

Glattal / Effretikon
  • ATE Bus AG, Illnau-Effretikon
Effretikon / Volketswil

Previously, Fröhlich Reisen AG, based in Zurich, also worked for VBG. When the sub-network was re-tendered after 10 years, the company lost its lines to Eurobus in February 2007. The city buses, which were also rented in the VBZ garage in Hagenholz, were then sold to Eurobus, which was also obliged to take over the driving staff. The Knecht Holding, the parent company of Eurobus, then also took over the entire coach business from Fröhlich, with the exception of the property in Oberengstringen, where Ernest Fröhlich AG has settled.


Initiated by the regional conference of the (middle) Glattal “glow”, the project “Stadtbahn Glattal” was initiated with the ZVV. Due to the personal overlap between “glow” and the VBG - especially Otto Halter and Ruedi Lais - the realization of the light rail was transferred to the VBG. The VBG are in charge of the entire project for the construction of the Glattalbahn and, once the work has been completed, will also be the owner of the light rail routes that are part of the Zurich tram network .

The tram is operated by the VBZ; While line 11, which was extended at the end of 2006, is served with the usual vehicles, the VBG have contractually guaranteed the use of trams in VBG livery on the extended line 10 (from the end of 2008) and the new line 12 (from the end of 2010), which correspond to the new corporate design presented in autumn 2007.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Annual Report 2015 of VBG Verkehrsbetriebe Glattal AG , p. 4 (PDF; 2.8 MB).
  2. a b Annual Report 2015 of VBG Verkehrsbetriebe Glattal AG , p. 12 (PDF; 2.8 MB).
  3. a b c d On the road with the VBG. In: Website of the Glattal public transport company, April 2016.