La Via Campesina

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Countries with at least one organization that is a member of the Via Campesina movement.
2005 - Euskal Herriko Nekazarien Elkartasuna union banner during a demonstration in Bilbao , Basque Country .

La Via Campesina (LVC) ( Spanish la vía campesina , "the peasant way") is an international alliance of smallholders, agricultural workers, fishermen, landless people and indigenous people from over 80 countries. Smallholder movements (initially mainly in Brazil, later Europe, then globally) recognized in the early 1990s that, in view of the globalization of agricultural markets and the increasing political power of institutions such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) in the field of agriculture, a globally networked alliance of Farmers and farm workers was needed. The organization was founded in 1992 and has developed into the largest political movement in the world. Its headquarters are in Jakarta ( Indonesia ) and its general coordinator is Henry Saragih .


The aim of La Via Campesina is to oppose neoliberal globalization, which has cut the (survival) chances of millions of small farmers and worsened the situation of the hungry worldwide, with a strong transnational movement. It fights for a reshaping of the global agri-food system, which is dominated by corporate interests and geared towards profit. Via Campesina presented the concept of food sovereignty at the World Food Summit of the UN Agriculture and Food Organization ( FAO ) in 1996 - as a criticism of the term “ food security ”, which was coined by the FAO and which ignores numerous questions. Since then, food sovereignty has been the political leitmotif of a growing number of social actors from a wide variety of social sectors. Food sovereignty asks about the power relations in which our food system is embedded, it asks about the conditions of production and distribution, it looks after the effects of our production methods on future generations and, in contrast to large private sector actors, represents the people who produce and consume food , at the center.

The organization includes, for example, the Confédération paysanne in France, the Brazilian landless movement MST , the Peruvian Confederación Campesina del Perú , the working group for rural agriculture in Germany, the Austrian Mountain Farmers Association , Uniterre in Switzerland and the Andalusian union SAT.

La Via Campesina is committed to environmentally friendly , small-scale agriculture, for land reforms and against the use of genetic engineering in agriculture.

Rafael Alegria, the first General Secretary of Via Campesina during the demonstration against the World Trade Organization in Hong Kong in December 2005.


Via Campesina was founded in April 1992 and has since hosted several global conferences. The Indonesian farmer Henry Saragih became general coordinator of the international farmers' organization Via Campesina at his fourth congress in Brazil in June 2004, succeeding Rafael Alegría.


  • Global Small-Scale Farmers' Movement Developing New Trade Regimes , Food First News & Views, Volume 28, No. 97 Spring / Summer 2005
  • Annette Aurélie Desmarais: La Via Campesina: Globalization and the Power of Peasants . Fernwood Publishers, 2007, ISBN 978-0-7453-2704-4 .
  • Silvia Perez-Vitoria: Farmers for the Future: On the Way to a Global Movement . Rotpunktverlag, 2007, ISBN 978-3-85869-342-6 .
  • Peter Clausing: The green matrix: nature conservation and world food at a crossroads . Unrast-Verlag, 2013, ISBN 978-3-89771-517-2 .
  • Borras Jr., Saturnino M .: La Vía Campesina and its Global Campaign for Agrarian Reform , Journal of Agrarian Change 8, No. 2/3 (April 2008): 258-289.
  • Raj Patel and Jason W. Moore: " Ent blown ". Rowohlt Verlag, 2018

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ John Vidal: La Via Campesina's Saragih: "We have no choice but to change the system" In: The Guardian , published June 17, 2013, accessed March 21, 2018.
  2. 1,600 personas reivindican la Vía Campesina en las calles de Bilbo , 4 de agosto de 2017