Four Nations Tournament 2005

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The 2005 Four Nations Tournament for women's national football teams took place in the Chinese city ​​of Quanzhou between January 28 and February 1 .

Game results 2005

China is the tournament winner due to the direct comparison with Australia .

Pl. country Sp. S. U N Gates Diff. Points
 1. China People's RepublicPeople's Republic of China China  3  2  0  1 006: 300  +3 06th
 2. AustraliaAustralia Australia  3  2  0  1 006: 300  +3 06th
 3. GermanyGermany Germany  3  2  0  1 003: 100  +2 06th
 4th RussiaRussia Russia  3  0  0  3 001: 900  −8 00
January 28, 2005
Germany - Australia 0: 1
China - Russia 3: 1
January 30, 2005
China - Australia 3-0
Germany - Russia 1-0
February 1, 2005
Russia - Australia 0: 5
China - Germany 0: 2

Best goalscorers

1. Lisa De Vanna and Kate Gill (both Australia), Han Duan (China) and Renate Lingor (Germany) - 2 goals each
5. 8 players - 1 goal each

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