Virgil Actarian

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Virgil Ionel Corneliu Actarian (born September 19, 1921 in Giurgiu , Giurgiu district , † 1998 in Bucharest ) was a Romanian politician of the Romanian Communist Party PCR (Partidul Comunist Român) , who was Minister of Machine Tool Construction and Electrical Engineering between 1973 and 1975.


Actarian began to study mechanical engineering after attending grammar school in Bucharest in 1939 , which he completed in 1944 as a mechanical engineer. After completing his studies, he was an engineer and section head in the mechanical engineering factory Reșița between 1944 and 1947 and during this time he initially joined the Romanian Communist Party PCdR (Partidul Comunist din România) , which was founded on May 8, 1921 . He then became an engineer in 1947 and, in January 1953, director of the Vulcan Bucureşti oil and energy plant and then in 1954 director of the Tractorul tractor factory in Braşov . After this was renamed Maschinenfabrik Ernst Thälmann on March 19, 1958 , he became its general director. In addition, since June 1955 he was a member of the party committee and a candidate for the office of the party committee in Brașov County .

On November 29, 1960, he was first Vice-Minister for Heavy Industry and from March 21, 1961 to October 13, 1969, Vice-Minister of the resulting Ministry of Mechanical Engineering. He then acted from October 21, 1969 to September 13, 1971 as head of the department for technical and material supply in the State Planning Committee and subsequently between September 13, 1971 and March 1973 as first deputy minister for technical and material supply and control of the permanent management resources and heads of the local department for technical and material supply. He was then on March 10, 1973 as the successor to Gheorghe Boldur Minister for Machine Tool Construction and Electrical Engineering (Ministrul construcțiilor de mașini-unelte și electrotehnicii) and held this ministerial post by Constantin Ionescu on March 18, 1975. On the XI. At the PCR party congress he became a candidate for the Central Committee on November 28, 1974 and held this position until the XII. PCR party conference on November 23, 1979 . After leaving the government, he became director of the Semănătoarea București engineering factory in 1975 .


  • Florica Dobre (ed.): Consiliul Național pentru Studiera Arhivelor Securității. Membrii CC al PCR 1945-1989. Dicționary. Editura Enciclopedicã, Bucharest 2004, ISBN 973-45-0486-X , p. 61 ( PDF; 12.1 MB ).