Vittorio Metz

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Vittorio Metz (born July 18, 1904 in Rome ; † March 3, 1984 ibid) was an Italian author, screenwriter and humorist. He also worked as a film director.


Metz wrote as a humorist for “Il Bertoldo”, which he founded with Giovanni Mosca , and for “Marc'Aurelio”. He wrote his first stage works for children's theater and worked for the legendary “Corriere dei piccolo”. From the 1950s onwards he formed a productive duo with Marcello Marchesi , whom he had met while working in the magazine, which achieved great success with its numerous reviews - some of the titles are Attenti al martellane , Ghe pensi mi (with Tino Scotti ), I fanatici and Gli italiani sono fatti così (with Gino Verde ), but also worked for television: 1955 appeared Ti conosco mascherina , then La piazzetta ; The children's series Giovanna, la nonna del Corsaro Nero was also well received and ran in three seasons between 1961 and 1966. Metz worked for all the big stage stars of his time such as Ugo Tognazzi , Carlo Dapporto , Walter Chiari , Riccardo Billi and Alberto Talegalli .

Since 1939 he also wrote screenplays for films; 116 works were created by 1969. He often wrote successful films for Totò , Alberto Sordi and the Sordi and Chiari, whom he knew from the stage. In 1951 and 1952 he was also responsible for a number of films as a director in collaboration with Marchesi.

His son Alessandro worked mainly as an assistant director.

Filmography (selection)

  • 1941: Princess Cinderella (Cenerentola e il signor Bonaventura)
  • 1942: Il fanciullo del West
  • 1949: Totò le Mokò
  • 1951: Totò as sheikh (Totò sceicco)
  • 1951: Io sono il Capataz
  • 1957: My very bottom tester (Totò, Vittorio e la dottoressa)
  • 1957: Susanna sweet as cream (Susanna tutta panna)
  • 1958: Mia nonna poliziotto
  • 1959: The secret of the red mask (Il terrore della maschera rossa)
  • 1959: Whispers of barracks (Un militare e mezzo)
  • 1959: Parisians against their will (Totò a Parigi)
  • 1960: luxury female (Femmine di lusso)
  • 1960: Rendezvous in Ischia (Appuntamento ad Ischia)
  • 1961: To your health , Mr. Interpol (En pleine bagarre)
  • 1961: His Excellency stays for dinner (Sua eccellenza si fermo a mangiare)
  • 1962: ... with ladies service (Le massaggiatrici)
  • 1963: a strange guy (Un strano tipo)
  • 1964: We, the idiots from the secret service (00-2 Agenti segretissimi)
  • 1968: Three boiled rascals (I tre che sconvolsero il West (Vado, vedo e sparo))
  • 1968: I nipoti di Zorro
  • 1969: The mill of the virgins (Yellow: Le cugine)
  • 1951: Era lui… sì! sì!
  • 1952: Noi due soli

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Roberto Poppi: Dizionario del cinema italiano, I Registi . Gremese 2002, pp. 286/287