Vladimiro Macchi

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Vladimiro Macchi

Vladimiro Macchi (born November 15, 1909 near Gorizia , † August 6, 2006 in Kenzingen ) was an Italianist, university teacher, author and editor of dictionaries, textbooks and anthologies.

Live and act

Vladimiro Macchi was sent to the Jesuit grammar school in Piacenza by his father in 1924 , where he graduated from high school in 1932 and then attended the seminary. In 1935 he was ordained a priest and became a grammar school professor and principal in Udine . In 1942 he came to Germany and worked in Schwerin as a pastor for Italian foreign workers. In 1944 he was released from the priesthood at his own request and worked as a lecturer for Italian at the Romance Department of the University of Rostock . From 1948 he was a university professor for Italian and Spanish in Halle (Saale) , Jena , Leipzig and East Berlin . According to his own statements (cf. Storost op.cit. [See below], p. 61 ff.) Macchi was spied on by subordinate Halle employees of the GDR State Security in 1962, which put him under a lot of psychological stress, so that he and his Family left the country of his work and went to Italy, where from 1963 he became head of the lexicographical institute of the Sansoni publishing house with over 200 employees in Rome .

During the Rostock period, the beginnings of his future work quickly became clear. Because of the lack of suitable teaching materials for teaching Italian in the GDR, Macchi worked on an Italian grammar (with a view to a textbook), on a synonymy with a view to lexicographical works, on Italian anthologies with a view to the compilation of Italian literature for the Classes.

The special importance of Macchis lies in the area of ​​the production of renowned dictionaries, as is clear from the following bibliography. Macchi has made special contributions to the development of Italian studies in the GDR - also as a university lecturer.

Macchi returned to Germany after his work and lived with his wife first in Emmendingen and later in Kenzingen after her death . He was mentally very active up to his old age, spoke seven languages ​​(Slovenian, Italian, German, Spanish, English and French), dealt with word analyzes with the help of dBASE and, even in very old age, used his PC for several hours a day and that Internet.


  • Radiotelefonija . In: Koledar goriške matice, 1934. (published under the pseudonym Vlado Podobnikov).
  • Nekaj ​​Besed o Radiu . In: Koledar goriške matice, 1935. (published under the pseudonym Vlado Podobnikov).
  • Modern Italian . Niemeyer, Halle, 1951, ²1952 (verb. And extended edition), ³1957, (4th edition) 1959, (5th edition) 1961, (6th edition) 1965, (7th edition) 1967.
  • El Español . Niemeyer, Halle, 1952, ²1957 (combined and extended edition), ³1958, (4th, newly completed edition) 1965, (5th edition) 1967.
  • Anthology of Modern Italian Literature . Niemeyer, Halle, 1953.
  • Editor: Leonardo da Vinci - A selection from his writings . German Science Publishing House, Berlin 1954.
  • Editor and epilogue to Giovanni Verga: Trockenes Brot. Sicilian stories (German translation by Ruth Macchi). Röth, Eisenach 1954.
  • Anthology of Older Italian Literature . Niemeyer, Halle 1955.
  • Editor: Luigi Pirandello, Novelle [excerpt from Novelle per un anno ]. Niemeyer, Halle 1955, 1956.
  • Picture dictionary German-Spanish . VEB Bibliographisches Institut Leipzig 1956, 1959
  • Staff: Oscar Hecker, Il piccolo italiano , Freiburg i. Br .: Bielefeld, (9th edition) 1956 (edizione completamente riveduta e aggiornata dal Prof. Vladimiro Macchi).
  • Collaborators: Gesualdo da Venosa, Madrigali , 6 volumes, German translation by Vladimiro Macchi. Ugrino, Hamburg 1957.
  • Spanish reading book . Niemeyer, Halle 1958.
  • Anthology of Modern Italian Literature . Niemeyer, Halle 1959.
  • German-Italian dictionary . VEB Verlag Enzyklopädie, Leipzig 1959, ²1963, ³1964, (4th edition) 1969, (5th edition) 1972, (6th edition) 1974, (7th edition) 1985.
  • Italian-German dictionary . VEB Verlag Enzyklopädie, Leipzig 1959, ²1963, ³1964, (4th edition) 1969, (5th edition) 1972, (6th edition) 1974, (7th edition) 1986.
  • The names for woman, wife and mistress in their development from Latin to Italian . Phil. Diss., Halle 1960.
  • Innovations in Spanish accentuation and spelling . In: Fremdsprach, Halle, 1960.
  • We learn to speak Spanish . Verlag Sprach und Literatur, Halle 1961, ³1963 (complete edition, plus 3 records).
  • We learn to speak Italian . A pocket textbook (plus 3 records). Language and Literature Publishing House, Halle 1962.
  • Alessandro Manzoni: The betrothed (translation by Ruth Macchi). With an afterword by Vladimiro Macchi. Dieterich, Leipzig ² 1962.
  • Italian synonyms . VEB Verlag Enzyklopädie, Leipzig 1966, ²1974 (complete and extended edition).
  • Dizionario delle lingue italiana e tedesca . Part 1: Italiano-Tedesco (A - I), Sansoni, Firenze, Roma 1970, ²1994 (ed. Corr. E ampliata).
  • Dizionario delle lingue italiana e tedesca , part 2: Italiano-Tedesco (J - Z). Sansoni, Firenze, Roma, 1967.
  • Picture dictionary German-Italian . VEB Verlag Enzyklopädie, Leipzig ² 1969 (revised and expanded edition).
  • Grande Dizionario inglese [parte italiano-inglese, AL]. Sansoni, Firenze 1970.
  • Dizionario delle lingue italiana e tedesca , part 2: Tedesco-Italiano. Sansoni, Firenze, Roma 1972, ²1994 (ed. Corr. E ampliata).
  • Grande Dizionario inglese [parte italiano-inglese, MZ]. Sansoni, Firenze 1973.
  • Italian-German pocket dictionary . VEB Verlag Enzyklopädie, Leipzig 1973, 1976, 1984.
  • Grande Dizionario inglese [parte inglese-italiano, AL]. Sansoni, Firenze 1974.
  • German-Italian dictionary . VEB Verlag Enzyklopädie, Leipzig 1974, 1977, 1981, 1985 (5th unchanged edition).
  • Pocket dictionary German-Italian . VEB Verlag Enzyklopädie, Leipzig 1974, 1976, 1979.
  • Dictionary of the Italian and German languages; Dizionario delle lingue italiana e tedesca . 2 volumes, Sansoni Firenze, Roma; Brandstetter, Wiesbaden 1975, 1978 (reprint), 1987 (completamente rinnovata); EDIGEO, Milano (4th edition) 1999, (5th edition) 2002.
  • Pocket textbook Spanish . VEB Verlag Enzyklopädie, Leipzig 1975, 1981.
  • Grande Dizionario inglese. Inglese-italiano, italiano-inglese . Sansoni, Firenze 1975, ²1985, ³1988.
  • Italian-German dictionary . VEB Verlag Enzyklopädie, Leipzig 1976, 1982, 1986 (5th unchanged reprint of the 2nd revised and expanded edition).
  • Pocket textbook Italian . VEB Verlag Enzyklopädie, Leipzig 1977, 1993.
  • Langenscheidt's large dictionary: Italian , part 1: Italian-German, Langenscheidt, Berlin 1978, ²1984, 1987 (extended and updated new edition), 1988, 2000 (extended and updated new edition).
  • Langenscheidt's pocket dictionary of Italian and German . Langenscheidt, Munich, Vienna, 1978; Langenscheidt (7th edition) Berlin 1986, (16th edition) 1984, (17th edition) 1985, (26th edition) 1992, 1993, 1995.
  • Dizionario delle lingue italiana e tedesca , supplement volume: Italiano-Tedesco. Sansoni, Firenze 1984.
  • Langenscheidt's concise dictionary German-Italian by Herbert and Walter Frenzel. Revised by Vladimiro Macchi. Langenscheidt, München ²1982, ³1982, (4th edition) 1982, (6th edition) 1985, (7th edition) 1985, (8th edition) 1986, (9th edition) 1987, (10th edition) 1988, (11th ed.) 1988, (12th ed.) 1990, (13th ed.) 1991, (14th ed.) 1994.
  • Langenscheidt's large dictionary: Italian , part 2: German-Italian. Langenscheidt, Berlin 1987 (extended and updated new edition), 1988, 2000 (extended and updated new edition).
  • Dictionary Italian-German, German-Italian , special edition. Orbis-Verlag (license from VEB Verlag Enzyklopädie Leipzig), Munich 1989.
  • Tedesco-Italiano, Italiano-Tedesco . Sansoni, Firenze 1989, ²1994.
  • Sansoni-Harrap Standard Italian Dictionary , Vol. 1: Italian-English AL. Harrap, London 1990.
  • Sansoni-Harrap Standard Italian Dictionary , Vol. 2: Italian-English MZ, Harrap, London 1990.
  • Sansoni-Harrap Standard Italian Dictionary , Vol. 3: English-Italian AL, Harrap, London 1990.
  • Sansoni-Harrap's Standard Italian Dictionary , Vol. 4: English-Italian AL, Harrap, London 1990.
  • Harrap's standard Italian dictionary . Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 1991.
  • Vladimiro Macchi and Walter Frenzel: Langenscheidts pocket dictionary Italian: Italian-German . Langenscheidt, Berlin a. a. 1997, ²1998, ³1999.


  • Jürgen Storost : In memoriam Vladimiro Macchi. Aspects of the history of science. Selected subjects Romanistischer Verlag, Bonn 2008, pp. 9–83.
  • Jürgen Storost: Vladimiro Macchi (1909-2006). In: Journal for Romance Languages ​​and Their Didactics 1/2007, pp. 219–229.
  • Maria Lieber, Vladimiro Macchi, lettore e lessicografo . In: Daniela Giovanardi and Harro Stammerjohann (eds.), I lettori d'italiano in Germania . Narr, Tübingen 1996, pages 99-107.

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