Caution mother-in-law!

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Original title Caution mother-in-law!
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2005
length 92 minutes
Director Zoltan Spirandelli
script Jens Urban
production Kirsten Hager ,
Andreas Schneppe
Markus Welke
music Stefan Ziethen
camera Frank Küpper
cut Magdolna Rokob ,
Claudia Lachnitt

Caution mother-in-law! is a TV movie from the year 2005 , which under the direction of Zoltan Spirandelli emerged. In the comedy , Katharina Schüttler plays an aspiring bride who is met with restrictive rejection from her future mother-in-law.


Rebecca and Lutz are in love with each other and want to get married soon. The news about the upcoming wedding is received positively by everyone, except for Lutz's mother Gerlinde, who one day surprisingly stands at the young couple's door with her husband. Gerlinde, a psychologist by profession, is not impressed by the news and is convinced that her son's bride is not good enough for him. She wants to get rid of Rebecca and thus prevent the approaching wedding at all costs. Obsessed and with nothing more in mind than to scare off her future daughter-in-law, she hatches up all sorts of nasties. Rebecca, for her part, is determined to win the affection and respect of her future mother-in-law . But with Gerlinde she bites on the hardest granite. Nevertheless, Rebecca does not want to give up, she gives in at first and even declares that she is ready to forego her dreamy wedding dress in order to wear Gerlinde's alternative, a hideous dress. Nevertheless, the peaceful walk in front of the altar is endangered and the fragile Rebecca shows increasingly more fighting spirit. The mother-in-law gets the door knocked over the head twice, is caught driving fare dodges and even has to go to a drug test. Finally the forced wedding dress catches fire. When Gerlinde puts the police on Rebecca and Rebecca is arrested, the young woman's patience runs out. The future bride is enraged. She throws the mother-in-law out of the apartment and bans her from entering the house, which she will only take back if the mother-in-law improves in the future. The house ban does not apply to sister-in-law, brother-in-law and father-in-law who receive the judgment with glee. Rebecca and Lutz finally get married on a hot air balloon for safety reasons. The wedding ceremony is performed by a pastor who is actually not free from giddiness . The mother-in-law arrives too late in a car, but happens to catch the bridal bouquet and then expresses concern about the two newlyweds. She hopes they don't get a cold and realizes that she is terrible.


The love comedy was produced by Hager Moss Film GmbH on behalf of ProSieben . The shooting took place from June 2nd, 2005 to July 5th, 2005. The location was in Berlin.


The television film premiered on November 10, 2005 on the ProSieben television station . This was followed by premieres on August 30, 2006 in France and on August 10, 2007 in Hungary. The film was shown on October 3rd, 2008 at 10:45 am on the Austrian broadcaster ORF . The film was repeated several times on German television.

Reviews writes: “The clash with the in-laws is not new, but Jens Urban has taken it to the extreme. With devotion Adele Neuhauser embodies the scheming mother of the groom, who even invites his ex into the intimate group on the evening before the wedding. Her equal is Katharina Schüttler as bride Rebecca, [...] who staged the potentially turbulent plot with the handbrake braked; Hager-Moss' productions in particular have often set a completely different pace in the past. On the other hand, the various mean things are pretty. "

The lexicon of the international film said: "Turbulent (television) comedy, which the specter of the evil mother-in-law, who interferes unnecessarily in everything, coarses even more and turns it into the opposite."


Katharina Schüttler was awarded the Günter Strack Television Prize by Studio Hamburg in 2006 for outstanding performance in the films Sophiiiie! and watch out for mother-in-law! awarded.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c projects - Caution mother-in-law (2005)
  2. The Internet Movie Database - Caution Mother-in-Law (2005) (TV)
  3. - Caution mother-in-law!
  4. for example: on January 10, 2009 at 4:05 pm and on January 15, 2009 at 10:05 am on ProSieben; see: - Caution mother-in-law!
  5. - Caution mother-in-law! ; Accessed March 11, 2010
  6. Caution mother-in-law! In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  7. ^ Studio Hamburg - 2006 Prize Winner