Walter Bachmann (politician)

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Walter Bachmann (born November 8, 1923 in Haida , Czechoslovakia , † April 19, 2002 in Regensburg ) was a German politician of the NPD and a former Nazi .

Life and work

Bachmann, who grew up in the Sudetenland as the son of a bank director, registered as a volunteer with the Waffen SS in 1940 after graduating from high school , where he was appointed Untersturmführer in 1944. Towards the end of the war he was taken prisoner of war in Yugoslavia , from which he was able to escape. Then, having come to Bavaria in the meantime, he was interned by the American occupying forces. After his release, he trained as an insurance salesman. He was involved in the strongly right-wing Witikobund , to which numerous Sudeten German expellees belonged.

Political party

Bachmann, who was a member of the NSDAP from 1941 to 1945 , initially joined the SRP in the Federal Republic . After it was banned in 1952, he joined the DRP and, after it merged with other right-wing extremist parties, came to the new party NPD in 1964. There he was initially deputy Bavarian state chairman. In 1972 he was elected regional chairman of the Bavarian NPD. After Martin Mußgnug left the party , Bachmann was appointed as acting NPD chairman in 1990/91 to organize the election of a new party leadership. After Günter Deckert was elected, he was made honorary chairman of the NPD.


From 1966 to 1970 Bachmann belonged to the Bavarian state parliament and was there deputy chairman of the NPD parliamentary group. In 1969 the state parliament elected Bachmann as a member of the Federal Assembly , which elected Gustav Heinemann as Federal President.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Walter Bachmann in the parliamentary database at the House of Bavarian History
  2. Bunch of people. In: Der Spiegel . Vol. 26, Issue 4, January 17, 1972, (accessed December 6, 2010).
  3. ^ Thomas Forstner: National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD), regional association of Bavaria. In: Historical Lexicon of Bavaria . Retrieved April 25, 2013 .