Walter Volkmann

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Franz Hermann Walter Volkmann (born January 1, 1857 in Stettin ; † July 13, 1909 in Breslau ) was a German classical philologist and high school teacher .


Walter Volkmann was the son of the classical philologist and grammar school teacher Richard Volkmann (1832-1892), who taught as a grammar school teacher in Stettin (1855-1860) and Pyritz (1860-1865) and was appointed director of the grammar school in Jauer in 1865. Walter Volkmann also attended this school. After graduating from high school (February 15, 1876) he studied classical philology, German and mathematics at the University of Halle . On August 18, 1879 he was awarded a PhD with a dissertation on the Aeolian dialect of Greek. phil. PhD . On July 19, 1880, he passed the teaching examination in Latin, Greek, German and mathematics.

After completing his studies, Volkmann entered the Prussian school service. He completed the probationary year at the high school in Racibórz . On April 1, 1881, he received a permanent position at the Maria Magdalenen High School in Breslau, where he worked until the end of his life. In 1892 he was appointed senior teacher and on June 24, 1899, high school professor. In addition, from October 1, 1894, he was an extraordinary member of the examination commission for one-year volunteers in the Wroclaw administrative region and from May 1, 1903, assistant at the Philological Department of the University of Wroclaw . As an assistant, he gave Latin and Greek translation exercises for beginners and managed the library of the seminar.

In addition to his many educational activities, Volkmann found the time for scientific studies. He dealt with various topics from ancient to modern literature and wrote treatises on the Greek doxographer Diogenes Laertios , the religious philosopher Uriel Acosta , the Augustan poetry ( Virgil , Horace and Ovid ) and Cicero .

Fonts (selection)

  • Quaestionum de dialecto Aeolica capita duo . Halle 1879 (dissertation)
  • Quaestionum de Diogene Laertio caput I. De Diogene et Suida . Breslau 1890 (school program)
  • Quaestionum de Diogene Laertio cap. II. Miscellanea . Breslau 1895 (school program)
  • Contributions to the explanation of Immermanns Münchhausen . Breslau 1897 (school program)
  • A note on Ovid's technique . Breslau 1901 (school program)
  • The Nekyia in the sixth book of Virgil's Aeneids . Breslau 1902 (school program)
  • Studies on writers of classical antiquity. Part I: Studies on Virgil, Horace and Cicero . Breslau 1906 (school program)


  • Festschrift for the 250th anniversary of the St. Maria Magdalena grammar school in Breslau on April 30, 1893 . Breslau 1893, p. 61f.
  • Richard Foerster : Classical antiquity. (Philology, archeology, eloquence) . In: Georg Kaufmann (Hrsg.): Festschrift to celebrate the centenary of the University of Breslau. Second part: History of the subjects, institutes and offices of the University of Breslau 1811–1911 , Breslau 1911. pp. 380–403 (here especially p. 402)

Web links

Wikisource: Walter Volkmann  - Sources and full texts