Wanderer (ship, 1878)

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walker p1
Ship data
flag United States 48United States United States
Ship type whaler
home port New Bedford
Shipyard Holmes' shipyard, Mattapoisett
Launch 1878
Whereabouts Sunk in 1924
Ship dimensions and crew
35 m ( Lüa )
displacement 303  t
Rigging and rigging
Rigging Barque
Number of masts 3

The Wanderer was a barque (sailing ship), which was used as a whaling ship with home port New Bedford in Massachusetts .

In 1878 the Walker was built at Holmes' shipyard in Mattapoisett , Massachusetts. It weighed 303 tons and was 35 meters long.

The Wanderer is considered to be one of the most beautiful, but above all the last sailing ship that was used for whale hunting. Between 1878 and 1924 she went whale hunting 23 times, mainly in the Azores .

In 1922 the ship was used for the film Down to the Sea in Ships , in which it portrayed the Charles W. Morgan .

The ship could not start its 24th voyage: One day after leaving New Bedford, it was anchored at Cuttyhunk , the outermost island of the Elizabeth Islands (between Buzzards Bay and Vineyard Sound in southern Massachusetts), when the anchor rope tore. The hiker was hurled onto the cliff and sank. The entire crew was able to save themselves ashore in two boats.

The local newspaper The Wanderer , founded in 1992 and published for the communities of Marion , Mattapoisett and Rochester in southeast Massachusetts, was named after the ship . The newspaper shows the black silhouette of a three-masted barque in the upper left corner.

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Photos of the hikers

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