Way-time law

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In classical physics, a distance-time law describes the course of the movement of a mass point . It is valid for a certain movement in each case by giving the location of the mass point as a function of time. It thus represents the course of the movement of a body over time on its trajectory and is therefore also referred to as a time-location function . Given the external forces , it is the special solution of the equation of motion of the mass point determined by the initial conditions for location and velocity .

If the movement is determined from the outset by constraints on a certain line, such as the movement of a locomotive through the rails, the arc length along the track, which is then usually referred to as the path or route , is sufficient as a location specification . The zero point of the path can be freely selected. The movement can then be represented in a function graph called a time-location diagram . In all other cases, the time-location function gives the independent coordinates of the mass point relative to a freely chosen reference system at the given time and is therefore vector-valued .

The symbol for the value of the distance-time function is often , or something similar. This is to express that the place is a clear function of the time , which represents a free variable in the mathematical sense. Exactly one place is assigned to each point in time , where the mass point is currently located. The reverse is not true: A mass point can very well be in the same place at different times. The distance-time function is continuous , as the mass point cannot “jump” from one place to another without losing time. Expressed in mathematical terms: the distance that the mass point can cover tends to zero when the available time interval also tends to zero. Furthermore, the distance-time function can be differentiated once - at least in sections ; if the speed does not change abruptly, even twice. The first time derivative , often referred to as after Isaac Newton , is the instantaneous velocity . This function is also called the speed-time law or time-speed function . The second derivative gives the acceleration .

The representation of the coordinates of the location depends on the selected coordinate system . For a movement in a plane, for example, is in a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system , or alternatively in polar coordinates . The number of components of is equal to the number of dimensions of the space in which the movement takes place.


The following examples describe idealized, simplified processes. All movements start at the time at the starting point indicated by .

  • At a standstill, the position does not depend on the time and the mass point remains at the starting point forever :
If the (constant) acceleration and the initial speed are parallel or antiparallel, it is a uniformly accelerated or decelerated linear movement. Otherwise it is a parabolic movement such as a crooked throw .
  • Harmonic oscillation , such as that carried out by the mass on a spring pendulum along the axis of the spring when it swings out of equilibrium :

Individual evidence

  1. Rainer Müller: Classic mechanics: From long jump to Mars flight . Walter de Gruyter, 22 September 2010, ISBN 978-3-11-025003-9 , p. 58–.
  2. ^ Herbert A. Stuart, Gerhard Klages: Short textbook of physics . Springer-Verlag, March 14, 2013, ISBN 978-3-662-08228-7 , pp. 10–.
  3. Ekbert Hering, Rolf Martin, Martin Stohrer: Physics for engineers . Springer-Verlag, July 1, 2013, ISBN 978-3-662-09314-6 , p. 349–.